Here's all New York Times Crossword answers for 30 December 2024, Monday (12-30-24). Find all answers and solutions here.
We've also tries to explain why the answer is the correct solution for each clue.
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Clues and answers
Clues followed by answers and an explanation underneath.
#1 pal : BESTIE
"BFF" stands for "Best Friends Forever," making it a fitting answer for "#1 pal" as it signifies a close and enduring friendship.
Abominable Snowman : YETI
The term "Abominable Snowman" is often used to refer to a mythical ape-like creature known as the Yeti, which is said to inhabit the Himalayan mountains. Therefore, "YETI" is the correct answer.
Advances : INROADS
The word "advances" suggests progress or movement forward, which is also conveyed by the word "inroads" meaning progress or advances made, especially in a difficult situation.
Bathroom fixture : TUB
The answer "TUB" fits the clue "Bathroom fixture" because a tub is a common fixture found in bathrooms where people take baths.
Biomedical building blocks : STEM CELLS
STEM CELLS are considered biomedical building blocks because they have the unique ability to develop into different types of cells in the body. They are essential for growth, repair, and regeneration of tissues.
Brainy : SMART
The word "smart" is commonly used to describe someone who is intelligent or brainy. It is a synonym for clever or quick-witted.
Canadian province that’s home to the Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump World Heritage Site : ALBERTA
ALBERTA is the correct answer because the Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump World Heritage Site is located in Alberta, Canada.
Character described by Austen as “a heroine whom no one but myself will much like” : EMMA
Emma is the correct answer because the clue is referencing the novel "Emma" by Jane Austen, in which the title character, Emma Woodhouse, is described by Austen as a heroine whom no one but herself will much like.
Choir member : TENOR
"TENOR" is the right answer because a tenor is a type of male singing voice often found in a choir, known for singing in the higher range.
Clinks a glass and gives a speech to : TOASTS
The word "toasts" in this context refers to the act of clinking a glass and giving a speech to honor someone or something, typically during a celebration or special occasion.
Contents of a 23- : SAND
The answer "SAND" fits the clue "Contents of a 23-" because when you spell out "23" it sounds like "twenty-three", which sounds like "twenty-three", which is "twenty-three". This is a play on words, as "sand" sounds like "twenty-three".
Creatures that are actually black with white stripes : ZEBRAS
Zebras are creatures that are actually black with white stripes because if you were to shave a zebra, you would see that their skin underneath is black. The white stripes are actually just the color of their fur.
Cry made while pointing : LOOK!
The answer "LOOK!" fits the clue because it is a cry often made when pointing at something to draw attention to it.
Desktop computer that might run Sonoma or Sequoia : IMAC
The answer "IMAC" fits because an iMac is a type of desktop computer that may run on different operating systems like Sonoma or Sequoia.
Dish served from a crockpot : STEW
STEW is the right answer because it is a dish that is commonly cooked in a crockpot or slow cooker due to the long cooking time needed to tenderize the meat and blend the flavors.
El ___, Tex. : PASO
"Paso" is a Spanish word that means "pass" or "step." El Paso is a city in Texas, so the answer to "El ___, Tex." is "PASO."
Evil hench-animal in “The Lion King” : HYENA
The evil hench-animal in "The Lion King" is a hyena because hyenas are known to be scavengers and villains in the movie.
Exhausted, metaphorically : DEAD
The word "dead" can be used metaphorically to mean exhausted or extremely tired. It is a common expression to convey a feeling of complete fatigue.
Father : SIRE
"SIRE" is a term used to refer to a father, especially in a formal or respectful way. It is a synonym for father in certain contexts.
Flower that reflects yellow when held under one’s chin : BUTTERCUP
When held under one's chin, a buttercup's yellow petals reflect on the skin, giving the appearance of a yellow reflection. This unique characteristic of the buttercup flower makes it the correct answer to the clue.
Food item that might come with lox : BAGEL
The food item that typically comes with lox is a bagel. Bagels are often served with lox, cream cheese, and other toppings, making it a popular pairing in many dishes.
Forbidden : NO-GO
"NO-GO" is a slang term that means something is forbidden or not allowed, making it a fitting answer to the clue "Forbidden."
Gait faster than a walk but slower than a canter : TROT
"TROT" is a gait faster than a walk but slower than a canter commonly seen in horses. It fits the description provided in the clue.
Globes : ORBS
The word "orbs" is a synonym for "globes," meaning round objects or spheres. In crosswords, it's common to use less common synonyms to keep the puzzle challenging and interesting.
Going out romantically : ON A DATE
The answer "ON A DATE" fits the clue "Going out romantically" because it describes the act of spending time with someone in a romantic context, typically in a social setting such as a restaurant or a movie theater.
Grammarian’s concern : USAGE
"Grammarian's concern" refers to the correct and appropriate use of language, which is known as "usage." This term specifically relates to how words and phrases are used in a language, making it the right solution for the clue.
Grasp tightly : GRIP
The word "GRIP" means to hold onto something tightly, making it the correct answer to the clue "Grasp tightly."
H2O, in Mexico : AGUA
The answer "AGUA" is the right solution because "H2O" is the chemical formula for water, and "AGUA" means water in Spanish, which is spoken in Mexico.
Huge to-dos : SCENES
The answer "SCENES" fits the clue "Huge to-dos" because "scenes" can refer to big or significant events or activities, just like a to-do list can involve important tasks or events.
In stacks, like a wedding cake : TIERED
The word "tiered" means arranged in layers or levels, like a wedding cake. In stacks, items are often placed in tiers to create a tiered structure, making "TIERED" the correct answer.
Indian pastries with savory fillings : SAMOSAS
The answer "SAMOSAS" fits the clue because samosas are a popular Indian snack that consists of a crispy pastry filled with savory ingredients such as spiced potatoes, peas, and sometimes meat.
It might have a twist or hole : PLOT
The word "plot" can refer to a storyline or narrative in a book, movie, or play, which often includes twists or holes in the story.
Jazz combo instrument : ALTO SAX
The "ALTO SAX" is a common instrument in jazz combos known for its versatility and melodic capabilities, making it a fitting answer to the clue "Jazz combo instrument."
Landlocked African country : NIGER
Chad is a landlocked country in Africa, meaning it is completely surrounded by other countries and does not have a coastline.
Make logical sense … or what the ends of 18-, 23-, 38- and 51- do : HOLD WATER
The phrase "hold water" means to make logical sense or be valid, which fits the clue "Make logical sense … or what the ends of 18-, 23-, 38-, and 51- do" as the ends of those numbered clues are all things that can "hold water" in a literal sense.
Music genre prefix : ALT-
"ALT-" is a common prefix used in music genres to indicate alternative versions or styles of music, such as alt-rock or alt-pop.
N.F.L. all-star game : PRO BOWL
The N.F.L. all-star game is known as the PRO BOWL, where the best players from the American Football Conference (AFC) and the National Football Conference (NFC) compete against each other.
No-goodnik : SO-AND-SO
The word "jerk" is a slang term used to describe someone who is unpleasant or contemptible. Therefore, it fits the definition of a "no-goodnik," which means a worthless or good-for-nothing person.
Norse god of war and death : ODIN
ODIN is the Norse god associated with war and death, making it the correct answer to the clue "Norse god of war and death."
Number of planets before Pluto was demoted : NINE
The answer is "NINE" because before Pluto was demoted, there were a total of nine planets in our solar system.
Obnoxious person, informally : TOOL
"Tool" is a slang term for an obnoxious person. It is often used informally to describe someone who is irritating or unpleasant to be around.
Pepsi or Coke : COLA
The answer "COLA" fits the clue "Pepsi or Coke" because both Pepsi and Coke are types of cola drinks.
Place for policy wonks : THINK TANK
The answer "THINK TANK" is the right solution because a think tank is a place where experts research and develop policies and solutions to complex problems. It is a common term used to refer to organizations that focus on policy analysis and research.
Plant affliction that’s below ground : ROOT ROT
The answer "ROOT ROT" fits the clue "Plant affliction that’s below ground" because root rot is a condition that affects a plant's roots, causing them to decay or rot.
Prepared to propose : KNELT
The answer "KNELT" fits the clue "Prepared to propose" because traditionally, a person may kneel down when proposing marriage.
Primitive timer : HOURGLASS
An hourglass is a primitive timer that measures time by the flow of sand from one glass bulb to another. Its design has been used for centuries to track time intervals.
Purple yam common in Filipino cooking : UBE
"UBE" is the right solution because it is a purple yam commonly used in Filipino cuisine, especially in desserts like ube halaya and ube ice cream.
Put forth, as effort : EXERT Down 1 Basketball star Curry
"Put forth, as effort" is a clue that suggests the action of making a physical or mental effort. The word "EXERT" fits perfectly as it means to apply or bring into play (a force, influence, etc.).
Recede, as the tide : EBB
"Ebb" is the right solution because it means to recede or move away, just like how the tide recedes or moves away from the shore.
Remove from office : OUST
"OUST" means to remove from a position of power or authority, making it the correct answer for the clue "Remove from office."
Shirley Temple and Virgin Bloody Mary, for two : MOCKTAILS
The clue mentions two non-alcoholic drinks, which are Shirley Temple and Virgin Bloody Mary. The term that encompasses both of these drinks is "mocktails," which are non-alcoholic cocktails.
Some beers : ALES
The answer "ALES" fits the clue "Some beers" because ales are a type of beer, making it a suitable answer for the clue.
Surface for doing exercises : MAT
The answer "MAT" fits the clue because a mat is a common surface used for doing exercises like yoga or stretching.
Texter’s reaction to a joke : LOL
"LOL" is the right solution because it stands for "laugh out loud," which is a common response to a joke in text messaging.
Tiny complaint : NIT
"NIT" is the right solution because a nit is a small complaint or criticism, making it a fitting answer for the clue "Tiny complaint."
Troubles : ILLS
The answer to "Troubles" is "AILS" because "ails" is a verb that means to cause trouble or suffering.
Type of pear : ANJOU
"ANJOU" is a type of pear known for its sweet and juicy flavor. It is a common variety of pear found in grocery stores and is a popular choice for eating fresh or using in recipes.
Units of force : NEWTONS
The unit of force in the International System of Units (SI) is the newton, named after Sir Isaac Newton. Therefore, "Units of force" is correctly answered with "NEWTONS."
Wacky : ZANY
"ZANY" is the right solution because the word "wacky" is a synonym for "zany," meaning amusingly unconventional or eccentric.
Waiter’s imperative after bringing food : ENJOY!
The answer "ENJOY!" fits the clue because it is a common phrase that waiters use to encourage diners to savor their meal. It is a polite way of suggesting that the food should be enjoyed.
What a sleeve covers : ARM
The sleeve of a shirt or jacket covers the arm, making "ARM" the correct answer to the clue.
What grads become : ALUMS
"ALUMS" is the right solution because it is a common term for graduates, short for alumni.
Wish for a romantic pairing between, in modern parlance : SHIP
"SHIP" is the right solution because in modern internet slang, "ship" is short for "relationship" and is commonly used to express support or desire for a romantic pairing between two individuals.
___ Park, location of Edison’s first major laboratory : MENLO
The answer is "MENLO" because Menlo Park is the location of Thomas Edison's first major laboratory.
“All you need is love and a ___” (old saying) : CAT
“Don’t worry about me!” : I’M OKAY!
"Ill" can mean "unwell" or "not good", and "manage" means "handle" or "deal with". So "ill-manage" can be interpreted as "not handling well" or "not dealing with things in a good way", which could be a response to someone saying "Don't worry about me".
“Enchanted” girl in a Gail Carson Levine book : ELLA
"Ella" is the right solution because the clue mentions the book author Gail Carson Levine, who wrote the book "Ella Enchanted" featuring the main character named Ella.
“How to ___ a ___” (common tutorial topic) : TIE
The answer "TIE" fits the clue because tying a tie is a common tutorial topic, and the word "TIE" completes the phrase "How to ___ a ___" when referring to tying a tie.
“I understand you” : COPY
“Sounds good!” : YES!
"Sounds good" is a phrase used to express agreement or approval. "OKAY" is a commonly used synonym for agreement or approval, making it a fitting answer for the given clue.
“The early bird gets the worm,” for one : ADAGE
The clue is hinting at a short saying or proverb, which is another word for "adage."