New York Times Crossword Clues and Answers for 29 December 2024, Sunday

Here's all New York Times Crossword answers for 29 December 2024, Sunday (12-29-24). Find all answers and solutions here. We've also tries to explain why the answer is the correct solution for each clue.
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Clues and answers

Clues followed by answers and an explanation underneath.

Attack from all sides : BESET

"BESET" means to surround or attack from all sides, making it the correct answer to the clue "Attack from all sides."

Auction action : BID

The term "Auction action" refers to the initial offer made by a bidder to start the bidding process, which is known as the "OPENING BID."

Author Zola : EMILE

Emile Zola was a famous French author known for his works such as "Germinal" and "Nana". The clue "Author Zola" is a direct reference to him, making "EMILE" the correct answer.

Awaiting surgery, informally : PRE-OP

"PRE-OP" is the right solution because it is a common abbreviation for the term "pre-operative," which means before surgery.

Bar exercises : CHIN-UPS

The answer "CHIN-UPS" fits the clue "Bar exercises" because chin-ups are a type of exercise where a person pulls themselves up to a bar using their arms and shoulders.

Big name in frozen food : ORE-IDA

"ORE-IDA" is a big name in frozen food because it is a well-known brand that specializes in frozen potato products like French fries and tater tots.

Big name in pest control : ORKIN

The answer to "Big name in pest control" is "ORKIN" because Orkin is a well-known company that specializes in pest control services.

Botch things : ERR

"ERR" is the right solution because it is a verb meaning to make a mistake or mess up, which fits the clue "Botch things."

Brought aboard : LADED

"Laded" means to load or put a load on a vehicle or ship, so "brought aboard" can be synonymous with "laded" in the context of loading something onto a ship.

Catch : SNAG

The word "ESPY" means to catch sight of or to see, making it a fitting answer for the clue "Catch."

Certain fantasy football stats : TDS

The abbreviation "TDS" stands for touchdowns, which are a common statistic in fantasy football to measure a player's scoring performance.

Closefitting headwear, in a variant spelling : DO-RAG

The answer "DO-RAG" fits the clue because it is a close-fitting headwear that is often spelled as "do-rag" in a variant spelling.

Colorings : TINTS

"TINTS" is the right solution because colorings can refer to different shades or variations of color, which are often called tints.

Conceal : CLOAK

The word "conceal" means to hide or cover something so that it cannot be seen. Therefore, "HIDE" is the right answer.

Concealed : HID

The word "HID" is the past tense of "hide," which means to conceal or keep out of sight. So, "Concealed" is a synonym for "HID."

Corrupt : TAINT

"Taint" can mean to contaminate or corrupt something, making it the right answer for the clue "Corrupt."

Defensive position : LINEBACKER


Derisive expression : SNEER

The word "SNEER" is a derisive expression that conveys contempt or ridicule through a facial expression or tone of voice. It fits the clue well because it directly describes a derisive expression.

Descriptor for a dictator : TIN-POT

"TIN-POT" is the right solution because it is a term used to describe a small-time or insignificant dictator, often implying that they are not powerful or legitimate.

Dien Bien ___, 1954 battle site in Vietnam : PHU

The answer is "PHU" because Dien Bien Phu is the correct name of the battle site in Vietnam. "Phu" is part of the full name.

Director Sam : RAIMI

"Director Sam" refers to Sam Raimi, a well-known film director. The answer "RAIMI" fits the clue because it is his last name.

Dish of chopped meat, potatoes and onions : HASH

The dish described, made of chopped meat, potatoes, and onions, is commonly known as "hash."

Disney C.E.O. Bob : IGER

The answer is "IGER" because Bob Iger is the former CEO of Disney.

Doc that ensures secrecy : NDA

"NDA" stands for Non-Disclosure Agreement, which is a legal document that ensures secrecy by legally binding parties to keep certain information confidential.

Dog with “small black eyes that twinkled merrily on either side of his funny, wee nose” : TOTO

TOTO is the dog from "The Wizard of Oz" who fits the description of having small black eyes and a funny wee nose.

Dough dispenser : ATM

"ATM" stands for Automated Teller Machine, which is a dispenser of cash or "dough".

Early phase of software development : ALPHA

"ALPHA" is the early phase of software development because it refers to the initial version of a software program that is still being tested and refined before its full release.

Education support grp. : PTA

The answer "PTA" stands for Parent-Teacher Association, which is a common education support group found in schools.

Electrician who might put in overtime after a bad storm : LINEWORKER

The answer "LINEWORKER" fits because lineworkers are electricians who often work overtime to repair power lines after a bad storm, restoring electricity to affected areas.

Emmy-winning drama series set in the Midwest : FARGO

"FARGO" is the right answer because it is an Emmy-winning drama series that is set in the Midwest, specifically in the state of North Dakota. The TV show is inspired by the Coen Brothers' film of the same name.

Exec in charge of investments : CFO

The answer is "CFO" because a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is typically in charge of investments and financial planning for a company.

Exude, as charm : OOZE

"OOZE" is the right solution because it is a synonym for slowly exuding or giving off charm or charisma, just like how a liquid oozes out.

Fascinated by : INTO

"Into" is the right answer because it means to be very interested or fascinated by something. It is commonly used to describe a strong attraction or enthusiasm towards a particular subject or activity.

Fought in a ring : WRESTLED

The answer "WRESTLED" fits the clue "Fought in a ring" because wrestling matches typically take place in a ring, where competitors grapple and fight each other using various techniques to win.

From time immemorial : AGE-OLD

The phrase "from time immemorial" means from a very long time ago. The answer "AGE OLD" is a common phrase that also means something that has existed for a very long time. Therefore, "AGE OLD" is the right solution because it captures the meaning of "from time immemorial."

Full of unnecessary costs, as a budget : BLOATED

The word "bloated" means excessively inflated or swollen, which fits the clue "full of unnecessary costs, as a budget" as a bloated budget would have unnecessary expenses.

Gamer’s annoyance : LAG

The answer "LAG" is the right solution because in gaming, lag refers to a delay in the connection between the player's input and the game's response, causing annoyance and disrupting gameplay.

Gave support : AIDED

The answer "AIDED" fits the clue "Gave support" because "AIDED" means to provide help or support to someone or something.

Graphics that show trends : LINE CHARTS

LINE CHARTS are graphics that use lines to connect data points, making it easy to visualize trends over time. They are commonly used in data analysis and are a popular way to display trends in a clear and concise manner.

Grave : DIRE

Green with the bowdlerized hit “Forget You” : CEELO

The clue mentions the hit song "Forget You" by CeeLo Green, but with the word "Green" bowdlerized, or modified. The answer "CEELO" is a play on the artist's name, with the word "Green" shortened to "G," resulting in the correct answer for the crossword puzzle.

Hard hits off the bat : LINE DRIVES

The answer "LINE DRIVES" fits the clue "Hard hits off the bat" because line drives are hard-hit balls that are hit directly and sharply from the bat in a straight line, typically resulting in a solid hit.

Have a banquet : DINE

The word "DINE" means to have a meal, often in a formal setting like a banquet.

Hefeweizen, e.g. : ALE

The answer "ALE" fits because Hefeweizen is a type of ale.

Henry who composed the theme for “The Pink Panther” : MANCINI

"Mancini" is the right answer because Henry Mancini is the composer who wrote the iconic theme music for the movie "The Pink Panther."

Highly recommended story : MUST-READ

The answer "MUST-READ" fits the clue "Highly recommended story" because it suggests that the story is so good or important that it must be read. It conveys a strong recommendation for the story.

Home state of the senator Lisa Blunt Rochester : Abbr.

The answer is "DE" for Delaware, as it is the abbreviation for the state where Senator Lisa Blunt Rochester represents.

Iced coffee drink : FRAPPE

The answer "FRAPPE" is a common term for an iced coffee drink made with blended ice, coffee, and milk. It is a popular beverage choice at cafes and restaurants.

Increased suddenly : SURGED

The word "surged" means to increase suddenly or rise rapidly, making it the correct answer for the clue "Increased suddenly."

Indication of where to cut … or something written five times in this puzzle? : DASHED LINE

The answer "DASHED LINE" fits the clue because a dashed line is often used as an indication of where to cut. Additionally, the phrase "DASHED LINE" is written five times in the puzzle as indicated, making it a clever and fitting answer.

Invite on a date : ASK OUT

"Ask out" is the right solution because it means to invite someone on a date in a casual or romantic context.

It’s heard in a hearing : TESTIMONY

The word "testimony" refers to statements or evidence given by a witness in a court proceeding, which is typically heard during a hearing.

Jamie who pitched on eight major-league teams over his 25-year career : MOYER

Jamie Moyer is a former professional baseball pitcher who played for eight different major-league teams over his 25-year career, making him the correct answer for the clue.

Jason’s ship : ARGO

The ship that Jason sailed on during his quest for the Golden Fleece in Greek mythology is called the Argo.

Kind of list : TO-DO

The answer "TO-DO" fits the clue "Kind of list" because a to-do list is a common type of list used to organize tasks or activities that need to be completed.

Language from which “curry” comes : TAMIL

Tamil is the language spoken in Tamil Nadu, a region in southern India where curry originated. The word "curry" is believed to have been derived from the Tamil word "kari," which means sauce or relish.

Large Starbucks size : VENTI

"Venti" is the Italian word for "twenty," which refers to the 20-ounce size of a drink at Starbucks.

Like bibimbap : KOREAN

"Like bibimbap" is a clue asking for an adjective that describes the cuisine of bibimbap, which is a traditional Korean dish. Therefore, the correct answer is "KOREAN."

Like cobras and some jackets : HOODED

The answer "HOODED" is the right solution because both cobras and some jackets have hoods - cobras have hoods on their necks, while jackets can have hoods attached to the collar for covering the head.

Lion’s prey : ANTELOPE

The lion's prey is often an antelope because lions commonly hunt and feed on antelopes in the wild.

Loops around a rodeo : LASSOS

The answer "LASSOS" fits the clue "Loops around a rodeo" because lassos are ropes with a loop used in rodeos to catch livestock by throwing the loop around them.

Loud whistlers : KETTLES

The answer "KETTLES" fits the clue "Loud whistlers" because kettles make a loud whistling sound when the water inside them boils.

Love affair : AMOUR

"Amour" is the French word for love, so it is a fitting answer for the clue "Love affair."

Lurched : REELED

The word "lurched" indicates a sudden, unsteady movement, which can be described as reeling. "Reeled" is a synonym for making sudden, unsteady movements, making it the right solution for the clue.

Magic word? : TA-DA!

The answer to "Magic word" is "ABRA" because it is a common term used in magic acts, often followed by "cadabra."

Man’s name meaning “strong” in Hebrew : ETHAN

The name "Ethan" means "strong" in Hebrew, making it the correct answer to the clue "Man’s name meaning “strong” in Hebrew."

McEvoy of cosmetics : TRISH

Trish McEvoy is a well-known figure in the cosmetics industry, so "McEvoy of cosmetics" is a direct reference to her. Therefore, the answer "TRISH" fits the clue.

Meager : FEW

The word "meager" means lacking in quantity or quality. The word "scant" also means lacking or insufficient. Therefore, "scant" is the right answer because it is a synonym of "meager".

Medical inserts : STENTS

STENTS are medical devices that are inserted into blood vessels or other parts of the body to help keep them open. They are commonly used in procedures such as angioplasty to treat blockages.

Nb3, Bxh7, Ra4, etc. : MOVES

The answer "MOVES" fits the clue because all the letters in the word "MOVES" are abbreviations for chess moves: Nb3 (Knight to b3), Bxh7 (Bishop takes h7), Ra4 (Rook to a4), etc.

Obsequious types : YES-MEN

The term "yes-men" refers to people who are overly eager to agree with or obey someone in a position of authority, often to gain favor. They are seen as obsequious because they are always saying "yes" to please others.

One of six in garden croquet : HOOP

The answer "HOOP" fits the clue because in garden croquet, players must hit their ball through a series of hoops or arches to complete the course.

Parasites’ needs : HOSTS

The answer "HOSTS" is correct because parasites rely on other organisms, known as hosts, for their survival and reproduction.

Part of MGM : MAYER

Louis B. Mayer was one of the founders of MGM Studios, so "MAYER" is a fitting answer for the clue "Part of MGM."

Partner of dreams : HOPES

The word "dreams" in the clue is a synonym for "hopes," making "HOPES" the correct answer.

Piece of classical music : SONATA

"Sonata" is a piece of classical music typically composed for a solo instrument or a small group of instruments. It fits the clue "Piece of classical music" perfectly.

Place to hover : MID-AIR

The answer "MID-AIR" fits the clue "Place to hover" because when something hovers, it is suspended in the middle of the air, making "MID-AIR" the correct answer.

Places to dock : WHARFS

"QUAYS" are places where ships can dock, making it the correct answer to the clue "Places to dock."

Plan for the day : AGENDA

The answer "AGENDA" fits the clue "Plan for the day" because an agenda is a list of tasks or activities to be done or discussed in a particular order or schedule. It is a common term used to describe a plan for the day.

Politico Buttigieg : PETE

The clue is asking for the name of a politician, and "Buttigieg" is a unique last name. "Pete" is a common nickname for the politician Pete Buttigieg, making it the correct answer.

Portrayer of Grindelwald in “Fantastic Beasts : The Crimes of Grindelwald”

Potatoes, on an Indian menu : ALOO

The word "aloo" is a common term used in Indian cuisine to refer to potatoes. It is a Hindi word that is widely recognized in Indian menus, making it the correct answer to the clue "Potatoes, on an Indian menu."

Preceding times : EVES

The word "eves" refers to the evenings before certain days, which are the times that precede those days.

Prepared : SET

"Prepared" can mean ready or arranged, which is synonymous with "set."

Product of rendering : LARD

The answer "LARD" fits the clue "Product of rendering" because lard is a product obtained from rendering animal fat.

Proscribed action : NO-NO

The term "no-no" is often used to refer to an action that is prohibited or forbidden, making it a fitting answer for the clue "Proscribed action." It is a colloquial way of expressing something that should not be done.

Pulled a classic prank on, for short : TP’ED

The answer "TP’ED" is the right solution because it is a common abbreviation for "toilet papered," which is a classic prank where someone's property is covered in toilet paper.

Quite fond of, with “to” : ATTACHED …

The answer "ATTACHED" fits the clue "Quite fond of, with 'to'" because being attached to something implies a strong liking or fondness towards it.

Rapscallion : ROGUE

"Rapscallion" is a term used to describe a mischievous or dishonest person, often with a sense of charm. "Rogue" is a synonym for this type of person, making it the right solution for the clue.

Rating that signifies lewdness or violence : TV-MA

TV-MA is a television content rating that signifies the show is intended for mature audiences and may contain explicit language, strong sexual content, or graphic violence.

Relative of a badger : OTTER

An otter is a relative of a badger because they both belong to the same family of mammals called Mustelidae, which also includes weasels and ferrets.

Repulsive : NASTY

The word "nasty" is often used to describe something repulsive or unpleasant. In this context, "nasty" fits the clue "Repulsive" because it is a synonym for something that is offensive or disgusting.

Rise dramatically : SOAR Down 1 “Don’t even think about it”

The answer "SOAR" fits the clue "Rise dramatically" because soaring means to rise or fly high in the air quickly and dramatically.

Santa ___ : ANA

The answer "ANA" fits the clue "Santa ___" because it completes the phrase "Santa Ana," which refers to the Santa Ana winds, strong and dry winds that occur in Southern California.

Sauntered (in) : BREEZED

The word "sauntered" suggests moving in a relaxed and casual manner, which can be described as breezed.

Seeks compensation, maybe : SUES

"SUES" is the right solution because when someone seeks compensation in a legal context, they often file a lawsuit or "sue" the party they believe is responsible for the damages.

Sharpened : WHETTED

The word "honed" means to sharpen or refine something, which makes it the perfect answer for the clue "Sharpened."

Sign off on : APPROVE

"Sign off on" is a phrase that means to officially approve or endorse something. Therefore, the answer "APPROVE" fits perfectly as it directly relates to giving approval.

Sign on again : RE-UP

The clue "Sign on again" is a hint that we are looking for a word that means to hire someone again. The word "REHIRE" fits this description perfectly, making it the right solution.

Snack brand with “Classic” and “Wavy” varieties : LAY’S

The answer is "LAY'S" because it is a well-known snack brand that offers both "Classic" and "Wavy" varieties of potato chips.

Soda with strawberry and pineapple flavors : FANTA

"FANTA" is a soda brand known for its various fruit flavors, including strawberry and pineapple. So, it fits the clue "Soda with strawberry and pineapple flavors."

Starter with chips? : ANTE

The word "starter" can refer to the initial bet in a poker game, which is called the "ante." So, "Starter with chips?" is a play on words that hints at the answer "ANTE."

Stays alive : SURVIVES

The answer "SURVIVES" fits the clue "Stays alive" because surviving means staying alive or continuing to exist despite challenges or dangers.

Step (on) : TREAD

The word "TREAD" can mean to step on or walk on something, making it a fitting answer to the clue "Step (on)".

Stronghold : FORTRESS

"Fortress" is the right solution because a fortress is a heavily fortified and defended building or area that serves as a stronghold or a place of protection during a battle or conflict.

Strongman of myth : ATLAS

Atlas is a figure from Greek mythology known for his incredible strength. He was tasked with holding up the heavens on his shoulders, making him a symbol of great physical power and endurance.

Superman’s birth name : KAL-EL

The answer is "KAL-EL" because that is Superman's birth name on the planet Krypton.

The Macarena and Cha Cha Slide, for two : LINE DANCES

The Macarena and Cha Cha Slide are popular line dances where people dance in a line or row, following a repeated sequence of steps. Therefore, the answer "LINE DANCES" fits the clue "The Macarena and Cha Cha Slide, for two" as they are both examples of dances performed in a line.

They might make you jump : UP-ARROWS

The answer "UP-ARROWS" fits the clue because in a computer interface, up arrows can be used to navigate or scroll up, potentially making the user jump to a different section of the page.

Unnecessarily lengthen, as an essay : PAD

"PAD" means to add unnecessary information to make something longer, like padding an essay with extra words to meet a required length.

Vacation destination in the Caribbean : ARUBA

ARUBA is a popular vacation destination located in the Caribbean Sea, known for its beautiful beaches, warm weather, and crystal-clear waters.

Vanishing point? : THIN AIR

The term "vanishing point" refers to a point in perspective drawing where parallel lines appear to converge. In this context, "THIN AIR" suggests something disappearing or vanishing into the distance, making it a clever play on words for the clue.

Very start : GET-GO

"Get-go" is a colloquial term meaning the very beginning or starting point of something, making it a fitting answer for the clue "Very start."

Wail, blubber, etc. : BAWL

The word "BAWL" means to cry loudly and uncontrollably, which fits the action of wailing or blubbering.

Watch one’s language? : LIP-READ

The clue "Watch one’s language?" is a play on words suggesting the act of watching someone's lips to understand what they are saying, which is known as lip-reading. So, the answer "LIP-READ" fits perfectly.

Weigh (down) : BOG


What Boyle’s law pertains to : GASES

Boyle's law states that the pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume at a constant temperature. Therefore, Boyle's law pertains specifically to gases.

Wild tours : SAFARIS

The answer "SAFARIS" fits the clue "Wild tours" because safaris are known for offering tours in the wilderness where people can observe and experience wild animals in their natural habitat.

Winter mo. : DEC

The answer "DEC" stands for December, which is a winter month.

Without help : ALONE

The answer "SOLO" is the right solution because it means "without help" or "on one's own." It is a common term used to describe doing something independently.

___ Bill, folk hero who is said to have ridden a tornado like a bucking bronco : PECOS

The answer "PECOS" fits because Pecos Bill is a famous American folk hero known for tall tales, including riding a tornado like a bucking bronco.

“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of ___” : Thomas Jefferson

“I Know a ___” (rhyming children’s book) : RHINO

The answer is "RHINO" because it rhymes with "I Know a" in the clue "“I Know a ___” (rhyming children’s book)".

“No time to lose!” : C’MON!

The answer "C’MON!" is a common phrase used to urge someone to hurry or act quickly, which fits the clue "No time to lose!" as it conveys a sense of urgency.

“That feels good” : AHH

The answer "AHH" is often used to represent a sigh of relief or satisfaction, which is a common expression when something feels good.

“The Simpsons” character who says “I’ve done everything the Bible says! Even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff!” : NED

NED is the right answer because the clue describes a character from "The Simpsons" who is known for his devout religious beliefs and often quotes the Bible, which matches the description of Ned Flanders.

“The Soul ___ Itself” (Emily Dickinson poem) : UNTO

The answer "UNTO" fits the clue because it is the missing word in the title of the Emily Dickinson poem, "The Soul unto Itself."

“___ Turismo” (2023 film) : GRAN

The answer "GRAN" fits the clue because "Gran Turismo" is a popular video game series that is also being adapted into a film set to be released in 2023.

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