New York Times Crossword Clues and Answers for 27 December 2024, Friday

Here's all New York Times Crossword answers for 27 December 2024, Friday (12-27-24). Find all answers and solutions here. We've also tries to explain why the answer is the correct solution for each clue.
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Clues and answers

Clues followed by answers and an explanation underneath.

Accessory named for a British school : ETON COLLAR

The Eton collar is a type of accessory named after Eton College, a prestigious British school. It is a stiff, upright collar worn by men that originated from the school's uniform.

Antiburglary device : LIGHT TIMER

The answer "LIGHT TIMER" is the right solution because a light timer is a device used to automatically turn lights on and off at different times, making it appear as if someone is home, thus deterring burglars.

Antoine Caliste Domino Jr., familiarly : FATS

The answer is "FATS" because Antoine Caliste Domino Jr. was a famous musician known as Fats Domino. The clue is asking for his familiar nickname, which is "FATS."

Approximately : GIVE OR TAKE

"ORSO" is an Italian word that translates to "about" or "approximately" in English. Therefore, "ORSO" is the right solution for the clue "Approximately".

Article of Western wear : VEST

The answer "VEST" fits the clue "Article of Western wear" because a vest is a common piece of clothing often worn in Western attire, such as cowboy outfits.

As a result : ERGO

"ERGO" is a Latin word that means "therefore" or "as a result," making it a suitable answer for the clue.

Author Patchett : ANN

The answer to "Author Patchett" is "ANN" because Ann Patchett is a well-known author.

Be a pest to : HECTOR

"Hector" means to annoy or pester persistently. So, the answer "HECTOR" fits the clue "Be a pest to" because it directly relates to annoying or pestering someone.

Certain baseball positions : Abbr.

The answer "Abbr." stands for abbreviation, and in this context, it indicates that the clue is looking for baseball positions that are commonly abbreviated. Examples include SS for shortstop, CF for center field, and 1B for first base.

Chilled : HUNG

Claims : AVERS

The word "avers" means to assert or declare something confidently, which is synonymous with claims.

David Bowie as Ziggy Stardust, for one : GLAM ROCKER

The answer "GLAM ROCKER" fits because David Bowie was known for his glam rock persona Ziggy Stardust. He was a prominent figure in the glam rock music genre.

Demonstrates reverence, in a way : KNEELS

The answer "KNEELS" fits the clue because kneeling is a common way to demonstrate reverence, such as in prayer or during a religious ceremony.

Destination for the van that Kevin fails to board in “Home Alone” : O’HARE

The answer is "O'HARE" because O'Hare International Airport is the destination for the van that Kevin fails to board in the movie "Home Alone."

Distinctive mark : STAMP

The word "stamp" can refer to a distinctive mark made by pressing or striking something, such as a stamp on a document or a stamp on a passport.

Drawer with knobs? : ETCH A SKETCH

The answer "ETCH A SKETCH" fits the clue because an Etch A Sketch is a drawing toy with knobs used to create sketches by turning the knobs to move a stylus.

Emperor from 54 to 68 : NERO

NERO was an emperor who ruled from 54 to 68 AD. The clue is asking for the name of an emperor who fits this time frame, making NERO the correct answer.

Engine sound : PURR

The answer "VROOM!" is the right solution because it is an onomatopoeic representation of the sound an engine makes. It mimics the revving sound of a car or motorcycle engine, making it a fitting answer for the clue "Engine sound."

Famous British rock group : STONEHENGE

Feathery layers : HENS

Get clean : BATHE

The answer "BATHE" fits the clue "Get clean" because bathing is a common way for people to clean themselves by washing their bodies with water and soap.

Grandma Moses, for one : FOLK ARTIST

"FOLK ARTIST" is the right solution because Grandma Moses was a renowned American artist known for her folk art style, which typically depicts rural scenes and everyday life. The clue "Grandma Moses, for one" suggests that the answer should describe her occupation or expertise, making "FOLK ARTIST" the most fitting answer.

High kicks? : HEELS

The clue "High kicks?" is a play on words. In this case, "High kicks" refers to shoes worn with high heels, not an actual physical high kick. Therefore, the answer "HEELS" fits the clue.

Hot weather wear : TANK

"TANK" is the right solution because in hot weather, people often wear tank tops to stay cool and comfortable.

Impersonate : ACT LIKE

The answer "ACT LIKE" fits the clue "Impersonate" because to act like someone means to imitate or mimic their behavior or characteristics.

In the least : AT ALL

"AT ALL" is the right solution because it means completely or to any extent, so "In the least" is synonymous with "AT ALL."

Lab container : FLASK

"FLASK" is the right answer because a flask is a common container used in laboratories to hold and mix chemicals or liquids during experiments.

Language family of the Pacific Northwest : SALISH

Salish is the correct answer because it is a language family spoken by indigenous peoples in the Pacific Northwest region of North America, including tribes in Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia.

Leaf collector : RAKE

"RAKE" is the right answer because a rake is a tool specifically designed for collecting leaves by gathering them together in a pile.

Letters of relief : TGIF

The answer "TGIF" stands for "Thank God It's Friday," which are letters of relief commonly used to express happiness that the workweek is over and the weekend is approaching.

Like cricket fields : OVAL

The answer "OVAL" is correct because cricket fields are typically shaped like an oval.

Like movie popcorn : SALTY

The answer "SALTY" fits the clue "Like movie popcorn" because popcorn at the movies is often flavored with salt to give it a savory taste.

Like palomino horses : TAN

The answer "TAN" fits the clue "Like palomino horses" because palomino horses are known for their tan or golden coat color.

Little warning : SHORT NOTICE

The phrase "short notice" is commonly used to refer to a brief or little warning given before an event or action. It fits the clue "Little warning" as it accurately describes a situation where one is notified with little time in advance.

Many a first responder, for short : EMT

EMT stands for Emergency Medical Technician, which is a common first responder in emergency situations.

Musical prefix with -core : EMO-

The answer "EMO-" is the right solution because it is a musical prefix often associated with a genre of music called "emo-core" or "emotional hardcore." This prefix is commonly used to describe music that is emotionally expressive and introspective.

Nay sayer : VETOER

The term "Nay sayer" refers to someone who opposes or disagrees with something. A person who has the power to reject or prohibit a decision is commonly known as a "vetoer," making it the correct answer.

Ones who might invade your space, for short? : ETS

The answer "ETS" is short for "extraterrestrials," which are beings from outer space who might invade your space.

People rush to get into it : FRAT

The answer "FRAT" is short for fraternity, where people rush to join during rush week.

Peter or Paul, e.g. : TSAR


Place for a king and queen : ROYAL COURT

The answer "ROYAL COURT" fits the clue "Place for a king and queen" because a royal court is the residence and administrative center of a monarch, where the king and queen typically reside and conduct affairs of the kingdom.

Place to rest after a flight : ROOST

"ROOST" is the right solution because birds typically roost, or rest, in a specific place after flying. In this context, "ROOST" serves as a metaphor for a place where one can rest after a flight.

Possessing a full range of physical and mental faculties : ABLED

The answer "ABLED" fits the clue because it means having the ability or capacity to do something, which implies possessing a full range of physical and mental faculties.

Prevent from running : DAM

"DAM" can be used to prevent water from running, as in creating a barrier to stop the flow of a river or stream.

Put a hex on à la Shakespeare : CURST

The word "CURST" means to have put a curse or hex on someone, which fits the clue "Put a hex on à la Shakespeare" as Shakespeare often used the word "curst" to describe characters who were cursed or hexed in his plays.

Reception problem : STATIC

The answer "STATIC" fits the clue "Reception problem" because static is a common issue that disrupts clear reception on radios, TVs, and other electronic devices.

Resident of the Mojo Dojo Casa House : KEN

Spa offering, in brief : TLC

The answer "TLC" stands for "tender loving care," which is a common offering at spas.

Supple : LITHE

"LITHE" is the right solution because it means flexible and graceful, which is synonymous with being supple.

Sweet’s counterpart : SAVORY

The clue is asking for a word that is the opposite of "sweet." "Savory" is the opposite of sweet when it comes to flavors, making it the correct answer.

Swimmer’s complaint : EARACHE

The answer "EARACHE" fits the clue "Swimmer's complaint" because water entering the ear while swimming can cause pain and discomfort, known as an earache.

Take quite a turn : VEER

VEER means to take quite a turn or to change direction suddenly, making it the right solution for the clue "Take quite a turn."

Texter’s hedge : OTOH

The answer to "Texter's hedge" is "FWIW" because it stands for "For What It's Worth." In texting, "FWIW" is often used to introduce an opinion or information that may not be of great importance or relevance.

Trendy compliment with shady undertones : I LOVE THAT FOR YOU

This phrase is often used sarcastically to imply that the speaker doesn't actually like or support the thing being complimented. The phrase "I love that for you" is a trendy way of throwing shade or subtly criticizing someone's choices or actions.

Turtles and turtle doves come from them : EGGS

Turtles and turtle doves lay eggs to reproduce, making "EGGS" the correct answer.

Uber- alternative : MEGA-

Utah airport inits. : SLC

SLC is the abbreviation for Salt Lake City, which is the capital of Utah. Therefore, the answer "SLC" fits the clue "Utah airport inits."

V.P. candidate name in ’16 and ’24 : TIM

Tim Kaine was the V.P. candidate in 2016, and Tim Ryan is a potential V.P. candidate in 2024. "TIM" fits the clue as a common name shared by V.P. candidates in those years.

Veronica who wrote the “Divergent” series : ROTH

Veronica Roth is the author of the "Divergent" series, making "ROTH" the correct answer for the clue.

Word after legal or first : … AID

The word that comes after "legal" or "first" to form common phrases is "aid," as in "legal aid" and "first aid."

Zeus, in Greek mythology : THUNDER GOD Down 1 Like “France” in French

The answer "THUNDER GOD" fits the clue "Zeus, in Greek mythology" because Zeus is known as the god of thunder in Greek mythology, wielding thunderbolts as his weapon.

“I totally relate” : SAME

The answer "SAME" is the right solution because it is a common colloquial response indicating agreement or understanding with someone else's statement or experience.

“Ideas change everything” org. : TED

TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, which are the three main topics covered in TED Talks. The organization is known for its conferences where speakers share innovative ideas and inspire change, aligning with the clue "Ideas change everything."

“See ya!” : ADIOS. AMIGO

The phrase "I GOTTA RUN!" is a casual way of saying goodbye, making it a fitting response to "See ya!" in a crossword puzzle.

“Stay tuned” : MORE TO COME

The phrase "Stay tuned ..." is commonly used to indicate that there is more information or content to follow. The answer "MORE TO COME ..." effectively conveys this idea, making it the right solution for the crossword clue.

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