Here's all New York Times Crossword answers for 26 December 2024, Thursday (12-26-24). Find all answers and solutions here.
We've also tries to explain why the answer is the correct solution for each clue.
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Clues and answers
Clues followed by answers and an explanation underneath.
401(k) alternatives : IRAS
IRAs are tax-advantaged retirement savings accounts that can be used as an alternative to 401(k) plans. Therefore, "IRAs" is the right answer to "401(k) alternatives" crossword clue.
A thing of the passed? : OBIT
The answer "OBIT" is a shortened form of "obituary," which is a written notice of a person's death. In this context, "passed" is a clue for death, making "OBIT" the correct answer.
Astronauts’ outpost, for short : ISS
The answer "ISS" stands for International Space Station, which is commonly referred to as astronauts' outpost in space.
Bass organs : GILLS
"GILLS" are organs that fish use to extract oxygen from water, which is essential for their survival. In this context, "bass organs" refers to the gills of a bass fish, making "GILLS" the correct answer.
Beehive State native : UTE
The answer "UTE" is the right solution because a native of the Beehive State, which is Utah, is commonly referred to as a Ute.
Breaking the fourth wall, say : META
The term "meta" is often used to describe something that is self-referential or self-aware, which can include breaking the fourth wall in entertainment. In this case, "meta" is the right answer because it refers to the act of breaking the fourth wall in a creative work.
Caesar’s first stabber : CASCA
The answer "CASCA" is the right solution because Casca was one of the conspirators who stabbed Julius Caesar in Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar."
CBS drama with five spinoffs : NCIS
"NCIS" is the right answer because it is a popular CBS drama series that has spawned five spinoff shows, making it a well-known and fitting response to the clue.
Chess : check
"Check" is the right answer because in chess, when a player's king is under threat of capture, it is said to be in check. The player must then make a move to get their king out of danger.
Coffeehouse poets : BEATNIKS
"Beatniks" refers to a group of poets and writers associated with the Beat Generation in the 1950s who often frequented coffeehouses. This answer fits the clue "Coffeehouse poets" because Beatniks were known for their poetry and their connection to coffeehouse culture.
Court-ordered delay : STAY
"STAY" is the right answer because in legal terms, a "stay" is a court-ordered delay in proceedings or the suspension of a case.
Difficult area of a jigsaw puzzle, maybe : SKY
The answer "SKY" is a common difficult area in jigsaw puzzles as it often consists of large areas of the same color or pattern, making it challenging to piece together.
Dismiss abruptly : AXE
"Dismiss abruptly" is a clue for a four-letter word that means to get rid of something suddenly or unexpectedly. "Axe" fits this description as it can mean to terminate or eliminate something abruptly, making it the right solution for the clue.
Dutch banking giant : ING
The answer "ING" is the right solution because ING is a Dutch banking giant that operates globally and is well-known for its financial services.
Early 20th-century composer who introduced the typewriter as a percussion instrument : ERIK SATIE
Erik Satie was an early 20th-century composer known for his avant-garde and innovative approach to music. He incorporated unconventional instruments into his compositions, including the typewriter as a percussion instrument in his piece "Vexations." This makes "ERIK SATIE" the correct answer to the clue.
End-of-year hope : PAY-RAISE
The answer "PAY-RAISE" fits the clue "End-of-year hope" because many employees hope for a pay raise at the end of the year as a reward for their hard work and dedication.
Faith Hill hit with the lyric “It’s perpetual bliss” : THIS KISS
The answer "THIS KISS" fits the clue because it is a Faith Hill hit song with the lyric "It's perpetual bliss."
Fast-food chain with 30,000+ locations : KFC
The answer is "KFC" because Kentucky Fried Chicken, also known as KFC, is a fast-food chain with over 30,000 locations worldwide.
Fills in the gaps of, in a way : PUTTIES
Focus on making others happy : AIM TO PLEASE
The answer "AIM TO PLEASE" fits the clue "Focus on making others happy" because the phrase means to make an effort to satisfy or delight others, which aligns with the idea of focusing on making others happy.
Forgo a ring, maybe : KNOCK
The answer "KNOCK" fits the clue because if you forgo a ring, you might instead knock on a door.
Futuristic zappers : RAY GUNS
"RAY GUNS" is the right solution because "zappers" is a clue that suggests a weapon that emits rays or beams, commonly associated with futuristic science fiction settings. "RAY GUNS" fits this description perfectly.
Get to 21 first in cornhole, e.g. : WIN
The answer "WIN" fits the clue because in cornhole, the objective is to be the first player or team to reach 21 points, making them the winner.
Given the go-ahead : CLEARED
The answer "CLEARED" fits because it means to be given permission or approval to proceed, which is synonymous with "given the go-ahead."
Grossed-out cries : EWS
"EWS" is the right solution because it is a common expression used to convey disgust or revulsion, similar to "ew" or "yuck."
Gumshoe : TEC
"TEC" is a slang term for a detective, which is another word for a gumshoe.
Hamper, e.g. : BIN
The word "hamper" can be a verb meaning to hinder or impede. A bin can hinder movement or progress by blocking or obstructing a path, making it a suitable answer to the clue.
Hawaiian dish with cubed fish : POKE BOWL
"Poke bowl" is the right solution because it is a popular Hawaiian dish made with cubed raw fish, typically marinated in soy sauce and sesame oil, and served over rice or greens.
Humble : ABASE
The word "abase" means to humble or belittle someone. Therefore, "abase" is a suitable answer for the clue "humble."
Humorist Bombeck : ERMA
The answer to "Humorist Bombeck" is "ERMA" because Erma Bombeck was a well-known American humorist and newspaper columnist.
In need of salt, say : ICY Down 1 Home screen selection
Köln one : EIN
"EIN" is the German word for "one," and "Köln" is the German name for the city of Cologne. Therefore, "Köln one" would be translated to "Cologne one," which in German is "EIN."
Lane in DC? : LOIS
The answer "LOIS" is the right solution because "Lane" refers to Lois Lane, a character from DC Comics, specifically known for her role in Superman comics.
Lawyers, collectively : THE BAR
"The Bar" is a term that refers to all lawyers collectively. It is the correct answer to the clue because it is a common phrase used to describe the legal profession as a whole.
Lewis Carroll’s real last name, hence Lewis’s last name in “Jurassic Park” : DODGSON
The answer is "DODGSON" because Lewis Carroll's real last name was Dodgson. In "Jurassic Park," the character Lewis's last name is a nod to Lewis Carroll, so his last name is also Dodgson.
Life force : CHI
"CHI" is the right solution because it is a concept in Chinese philosophy and medicine referring to the vital life force or energy that flows through the body.
Like a baby in need of burping : GASSY
The word "gassy" describes a baby who needs burping due to having excess gas in their stomach, making it the right solution for the clue.
Like the last name of swimming legend Diana Nyad : APT
Minute : TINY
The answer to "Minute" is "ITSY" because "itsy" is a word that means very small or tiny, which is a synonym for "minute".
Negative campaign tactic : ATTACK AD
The answer "ATTACK AD" fits the clue "Negative campaign tactic" because an attack ad is a type of advertisement that criticizes a political opponent.
One living abroad : EXPAT
The answer "EXPAT" is short for expatriate, which means someone living outside their native country.
Original N.Y.C. subway line : IRT
The answer "IRT" stands for Interborough Rapid Transit, which was the first subway line in New York City, making it the original N.Y.C. subway line.
Oscar nominee for “Carrie” : SPACEK
The answer "SPACEK" fits the clue because Sissy Spacek was an Oscar nominee for her role in the movie "Carrie."
Peak picker-uppers, as depicted three times in this puzzle’s grid : SKI LIFTS
The answer "SKI LIFTS" fits the clue because ski lifts are structures that transport skiers up a mountain to the peak, hence they are "peak picker-uppers" as depicted three times in the puzzle's grid.
Perceptive : ASTUTE
"ASTUTE" means having or showing the ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage, which aligns with being perceptive.
Pizza oven residue : ASH
The residue left behind in a pizza oven after a fire is typically ash, making "ASH" the correct answer to the clue.
Prefix with any family member : STEP
The prefix "STEP-" is commonly used with family member terms to indicate a relationship formed through remarriage, such as stepmother or stepbrother.
Remained home for supper : ATE IN
The answer "ATE IN" fits the clue "Remained home for supper" because it means having a meal at home instead of going out to eat.
Roguish : SLY
"Sly" is the right solution because it is a synonym for "roguish," meaning someone who is cunning, deceitful, or tricky in a charming or engaging way.
Samira Wiley’s role on “The Handmaid’s Tale” : MOIRA
Moira is the character played by Samira Wiley on "The Handmaid's Tale."
Short-lived fashion : RAGE
"RAGE" is the right solution because in the context of fashion, trends and styles can come and go quickly, causing a short-lived craze or rage for a particular fashion trend.
Signature item : PEN
The answer "PEN" fits the clue "Signature item" because a pen is commonly used to sign documents and therefore can be considered a signature item.
Slangy term for an obsession with branded fashion items : LOGOMANIA
"LOGO" refers to a brand's symbol or design, and "MANIA" means obsession or craze. Therefore, "LOGOMANIA" is a slang term that perfectly describes an obsession with branded fashion items due to the focus on logos.
Slim-fitting bottom : PENCIL SKIRT
The answer "PENCIL SKIRT" fits the clue "Slim-fitting bottom" because a pencil skirt is a type of skirt that is typically slim-fitting and tapers towards the hem, creating a sleek and tailored look.
Snarkily disparaging : SNIDE
The word "snide" means derogatory or mocking in an indirect way, which fits the clue "Snarkily disparaging."
Something that’s often free in airports but expensive on airplanes : WI-FI
The answer "WI-FI" fits because Wi-Fi is typically free in airports but expensive on airplanes due to the cost of providing internet service at high altitudes.
Spoiled : BAD
The word "spoiled" can mean damaged or ruined. "Ruined" is a synonym of "spoiled", so it is the right solution.
Steady engine sound : THRUM
"THRUM" is the right solution because it is a word that describes a steady, continuous sound, often associated with engines running smoothly. It fits the clue "Steady engine sound" perfectly.
Stole onstage : BOA
The answer "BOA" fits the clue "Stole onstage" because a boa is a type of stole often worn as a fashion accessory, especially on stage or for formal events.
Sweaters and such : KNITS
The answer "KNITS" is correct because sweaters and other similar clothing items are typically made from knitted fabric.
Targets of crunches, informally : ABS
The answer "ABS" fits the clue because "crunches" are an exercise that specifically target the abdominal muscles, which are commonly referred to as "abs."
Telluride maker (that’s 6,000+ miles away from Telluride) : KIA
KIA is a car manufacturer based in South Korea, which is over 6,000 miles away from Telluride, Colorado. Therefore, KIA fits the clue as a maker that is far from Telluride.
Tempur-Pedic competitor : SERTA
SERTA is a well-known mattress brand that competes with Tempur-Pedic in the market, making it the correct answer to the clue "Tempur-Pedic competitor."
They might accompany SAT scores : GPAS
The answer "GPAS" is the right solution because GPAs (Grade Point Averages) are often included along with SAT scores on college applications.
Toys once marketed as having “Over three billion combinations, but only one solution” : RUBIK’S CUBES
The clue refers to Rubik's Cubes because they are puzzles that can be twisted and turned in many ways to create over three billion combinations, but only one correct solution.
Unapproved, pharmaceutically : OFF-LABEL
"Off-label" refers to the use of a medication for a purpose other than what it was approved for by regulatory agencies. In this case, the clue "Unapproved, pharmaceutically" is a hint for "off-label," as it describes the practice of using a drug in a way that is not officially approved.
Vampire hunter’s weapon : STAKE
The answer "STAKE" is the right solution because a common method to kill a vampire in folklore is by driving a wooden stake through its heart.
Vibes : AURAS
The word "vibes" is often used to describe the atmosphere or energy of a place or person. Similarly, "auras" refers to the supposed energy field surrounding a person or object. Therefore, "auras" is an appropriate answer for the clue "vibes."
Wetland fuel source : PEAT BOG
The answer "PEAT BOG" is correct because peat bogs are wetlands that contain peat, a type of fuel formed from decaying plant matter.
“Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity” org. : FBI
The clue "“Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity” org." is a hint that refers to an organization that embodies those qualities, which is the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation). The FBI's motto is "Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity," making it the correct answer.
“Money talks” : CASH IS KING
“Smart” guy : ALEC
The answer "ALEC" fits the clue "“Smart” guy" because Alec is a common name that is often associated with intelligence or being smart.
“Well, that’s just perfect” : GREAT
The phrase "Well, that's just perfect" is often used sarcastically, implying that something is far from ideal. "Great" can be used in a similar sarcastic tone, making it a fitting answer.