New York Times Crossword Clues and Answers for 25 December 2024, Wednesday

Here's all New York Times Crossword answers for 25 December 2024, Wednesday (12-25-24). Find all answers and solutions here. We've also tries to explain why the answer is the correct solution for each clue.
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Clues and answers

Clues followed by answers and an explanation underneath.

Actress Rooney of 2015’s “Carol” : MARA

Rooney Mara is an actress who starred in the 2015 film "Carol," making her a fitting answer for the clue "Actress Rooney of 2015’s 'Carol'."

Animated clownfish : NEMO

"NEMO" is the animated clownfish character from the popular movie "Finding Nemo" by Pixar.

Arizona’s ___ National Park : SAGUARO

The answer is "SAGUARO" because Saguaro National Park is located in Arizona and is known for its iconic Saguaro cacti.

Atmosphere in the room : VIBE

VIBE is the right answer because it refers to the general mood or atmosphere in a room or environment. It is a common slang term used to describe the overall feeling or energy of a place.

Base boss, informally : SARGE

"SARGE" is the right solution because it is a common informal term used to refer to a sergeant, who is a boss or leader in a military base.

Best in a hot dog competition : OUT-EAT

"Best in a hot dog competition" is a clue for a word that means to consume more than others in a competitive eating contest, which is "OUT-EAT."

Bud : CHUM

"Bud" is a slang term for a close friend, and "pal" is a synonym for friend. Therefore, "pal" is the right solution for the clue "Bud."

Chump : SUCKA

"SAP" is a synonym for "chump" meaning a foolish or gullible person.

Civics, for example : SEDANS


Cleric’s title : Abbr.

The answer "Abbr." is short for "abbreviation," which is a title often used for clerics in crossword puzzles.

Destination for the Taj Express : AGRA

The Taj Express is a train that travels to Agra, which is where the famous Taj Mahal is located.

Ding-dongs : MORONS

Euro competitor, for short : USD

The clue "Euro competitor, for short" is asking for a currency that competes with the Euro. The USD (United States Dollar) is a major global currency that competes with the Euro in international trade and finance, making it the correct answer.

Even if, casually : ALTHO”

"ALTHO" is a shortened form of "although," which means "even if" or "despite the fact that." It is a casual way of expressing contrast or concession in a sentence.

Florida city or bay : TAMPA

Tampa is a city in Florida located on Tampa Bay, making it a suitable answer for the clue "Florida city or bay."

Format for an English final, maybe : ESSAY TEST

The answer "ESSAY TEST" fits the clue because an English final often requires students to write essays as part of the exam.

Franken and Sharpton : ALS


Funny Arnaz : DESI

Desi Arnaz was a Cuban-American actor and musician best known for his role as Ricky Ricardo on the TV show "I Love Lucy." Therefore, "Funny Arnaz" refers to Desi Arnaz, making "DESI" the correct answer.

Go-___ : TOS

This is a common cheer used to encourage a group or team to perform well. Therefore, the answer to "Go, ___!" is "TEAM".

Handle things? : AT-SIGNS

The clue "Handle things?" is a play on words. In this case, "handle" refers to the @ symbol, which is also known as an "at sign." Therefore, the answer "AT-SIGNS" fits the clue perfectly.

Holiday carol … or a literal hint to what can be drawn by connecting nine letters when this puzzle is finished : O, CHRISTMAS TREE

The answer "O, CHRISTMAS TREE" fits the clue because it is a holiday carol that references a tree, and when you connect the nine circled letters in the completed puzzle, it will form the shape of a Christmas tree.

Hungarian violinist Leopold : AUER

Leopold Auer was a famous Hungarian violinist and teacher, making "AUER" the right answer for the clue.

Insect with a single ear found on its chest : MANTIS

Mantises have a single ear located on their chest, which is why the answer to the clue is "MANTIS."

Instruction from a taxi driver : GET IN

The answer "GET IN" fits the clue "Instruction from a taxi driver" because it is a common phrase used by taxi drivers to tell passengers to enter the taxi.

Just manage, as a win : EKE OUT

"EKE OUT" means to manage to make something last or be successful with great effort. In this case, the clue is asking for a phrase that means "just manage," which fits the definition of "EKE OUT."

King of France : ROI

"ROI" is the French word for "king," so it is the correct answer for "King of France" in a crossword puzzle.

Kuwaiti leader : EMIR

The word "emir" refers to a leader or ruler of a Muslim state, particularly in the Arab world. Kuwait is an Arab country, and its head of state is known as the Emir. Therefore, "Kuwaiti leader" can be answered with "EMIR".

Large waterfalls : CATARACTS

The answer "CATARACTS" is the right solution because cataracts are large waterfalls, typically found in steep rivers or streams.

Like fresh paint : WET

"WET" is the right answer because fresh paint is typically wet until it dries.

Like many college dorms : COED

The answer "COED" fits the clue "Like many college dorms" because coed dorms are dormitories that house both male and female students.

Mend, as a stocking : DARN

"DARN" is the right solution because it means to mend a hole or a worn area in a fabric, such as a stocking, by weaving thread across the damaged part.

More, on a music score : PIU

"Piu" is an Italian musical term meaning "more." In a music score, "piu" instructs the musician to play with more intensity or emphasis.

Name derived from the Greek for “peace” : IRENE

IRENE is the right answer because it is a name derived from the Greek word "eirene," which means "peace."

OLED alternative : LCD

LCD is the right answer because it is an alternative to OLED technology when it comes to display screens. OLED stands for Organic Light-Emitting Diode, while LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display. Both technologies are commonly used in electronic devices for displaying images and information.

One seeking refuge from a dangerous situation : EVACUEE

The term "EVACUEE" refers to a person who has been evacuated from a dangerous situation or area. They seek refuge in a safer place during emergencies or disasters.

Outfits : GET-UPS

"Get-ups" is a colloquial term for outfits or clothing. It is a slang term often used informally to refer to a person's attire or clothing choices.

Ox’s stablemate in a traditional Nativity scene : ASS

The answer "ASS" fits the clue because an ox's stablemate in a traditional Nativity scene is typically depicted as a donkey, which is also known as an ass.

Pairs of jolly bells? : ELS Down 1 Navajo neighbors

Prepare, as a watermelon : CUT OPEN

The answer "CUT OPEN" fits the clue "Prepare, as a watermelon" because when preparing a watermelon for eating, you typically cut it open to access the fruit inside.

Red nose during wintertime, maybe? : SYMPTOM

The answer "SYMPTOM" is the right solution because a red nose during wintertime can be a symptom of cold or flu.

Region near the North Pole : SIBERIA

Siberia is a region in Russia that is located near the North Pole, making it the correct answer to the clue "Region near the North Pole."


The word "rend" means to tear something apart forcefully, making "tear" the appropriate answer.

Sailor’s “Stop!” : AVAST!

"Avast" is a nautical term used by sailors to mean "stop" or "cease." It is commonly used to give a quick command to halt or bring something to a standstill on a ship.

School yr. part : SEM

"School yr. part" is a common abbreviation for "semester," which is a division of the academic year in schools and universities. The abbreviation "SEM" represents the first three letters of the word "semester," making it the correct answer for this clue.

Singer Rita : ORA

The clue is asking for a singer's name, and "Rita" is the singer's first name. "ORA" is the last name of the British singer and actress Rita Ora, making it the correct answer.

Skate park jump : OLLIE

The answer "OLLIE" is the right solution because an OLLIE is a skateboarding trick where the rider and board leap into the air without the use of hands.

Some two-seaters : TANDEMS

The answer "TANDEMS" fits the clue "Some two-seaters" because tandems are bicycles built for two riders to sit one behind the other.

Start of an encrypted web address : HTTPS

The start of an encrypted web address is typically indicated by "HTTPS" which stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. This means the website is using a secure connection to protect user data.

State school near the Allegheny River, familiarly : PITT

"PITT" is the right solution because the University of Pittsburgh is commonly referred to as "PITT," and it is located near the Allegheny River.

Tweety Bird, e.g. : CANARY

"CANARY" is the right answer because Tweety Bird is a yellow canary in the Looney Tunes cartoons.

Unidentified person, in slang : RANDO

"Rando" is a slang term that is short for "random" and is commonly used to refer to an unidentified or unknown person.

Upper atmosphere : ETHER

The upper atmosphere is often referred to as the ether in older scientific terminology.

Votes for : AYES

The word "AYES" is commonly used in parliamentary settings to signify "yes" votes.

Walks with confidence : STRUTS

The word "struts" means to walk with confidence and a proud manner, making it the right solution for the clue "Walks with confidence."

Watch over : TEND

The answer "TEND TO" is the right solution because it means to watch over or take care of something or someone. It fits the clue "Watch over" perfectly.

What might be draped from the item hidden in this puzzle : GARLAND

The word "garland" can be draped from a "mantel," which is hidden in the puzzle.

What might be hung from the item hidden in this puzzle : TINSEL

The item hidden in this puzzle is likely a Christmas tree. Tinsel is a common decoration hung from Christmas trees, making it the right solution for the clue.

What might be set under the item hidden in this puzzle : PRESENT

The clue "What might be set under the item hidden in this puzzle" is a cryptic clue indicating that the word "PRESENT" could be hidden under another word in the puzzle. This type of clue suggests that the word "PRESENT" is hidden beneath another word, making it the correct answer.

What might be strung from the item hidden in this puzzle : LIGHTS

The answer "LIGHTS" fits because lights can be strung from a Christmas tree, and the item hidden in the puzzle is likely a Christmas tree.

What some fear A.I. might become : AWARE

The answer "AWARE" is the right solution because it plays on the fear of artificial intelligence becoming too intelligent and self-aware, potentially surpassing human control.

Whence the gingerbread man : OVEN

The gingerbread man is baked in an oven, making "OVEN" the right answer to the clue "Whence the gingerbread man."

Where most of the world’s rice and tea is grown : ASIA

Asia is the right answer because it is the continent where the majority of the world's rice and tea production takes place. Countries like China, India, and Japan are known for their large-scale cultivation of these crops.

Wood-shaping tool : RASP

An adze is a tool used for shaping wood by cutting and smoothing the surface. It is commonly used in woodworking for tasks such as carving and shaping wood, making it the correct answer for the clue "Wood-shaping tool."

Word repeated in the lyric “Do you ___ what I ___?” : SEE

This clue is asking for a word that is repeated in the lyric "Do you see what I see?" The word "see" is repeated in this lyric, making it the correct answer.

___ Blanc : MONT

The answer to "Pollutants banned in the ’70s, in brief" is "PCBS" because PCBs are pollutants that were banned in the 1970s, and "in brief" indicates an abbreviation, which is "PCBs."

“Every cloud ___ silver lining” : HAS A

The phrase "Every cloud has a silver lining" means that every difficult or sad situation has a positive aspect. In this context, "HAS A" is the correct answer to complete the phrase.

“Have you started without me?” : AM I LATE?

The answer "AM I LATE?" fits the clue "Have you started without me?" because it is a common question someone might ask if they think they might have missed the beginning of an event or activity.

“___ anges dans nos campagnes” (French carol) : LES

The French phrase "Les anges dans nos campagnes" translates to "The angels in our countryside." In this context, "les" is the French word for "the," making it the correct answer to the clue.

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