Here's all New York Times Crossword answers for 23 December 2024, Monday (12-23-24). Find all answers and solutions here.
We've also tries to explain why the answer is the correct solution for each clue.
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Clues and answers
Clues followed by answers and an explanation underneath.
Apt anagram of ANGER minus N : RAGE
The clue is asking for an anagram of "ANGER" after removing the letter "N." When you remove the letter "N" from "ANGER," you are left with "AGER," which is an anagram of "RAGE."
Award such as Best Comeback Athlete or Best Team : ESPY Down 1 Gives the green light
"ESPY" is the right answer because the clue mentions awards like "Best Comeback Athlete" or "Best Team", which are categories in the ESPY Awards.
Backs out at the last second : BAILS
"BAILS" is the right answer because it means to back out or withdraw from a commitment or situation at the last moment. It fits the clue perfectly.
Become a new country, in a way : SECEDE
The answer "SECEDE" fits the clue because when a region secedes, it becomes a new country in a way by breaking away from its original country to form a separate nation.
Billiards bounces : CAROMS
The term "caroms" refers to the bounces or rebounds that occur when a billiard ball strikes another ball or the cushion of the table. This makes "CAROMS" the correct answer for the clue "Billiards bounces."
Buses, trains, subways, etc. : MASS TRANSIT (giving “Midnight Mass”)
The answer "MASS TRANSIT" fits the clue because it refers to public transportation systems like buses, trains, and subways that are used by a large number of people. The wordplay hint "giving 'Midnight Mass'" suggests a connection between the term "mass" and public transportation.
CBS late show hosted by Taylor Tomlinson … or where to find the first words of the answers to the starred clues : AFTER MIDNIGHT
The answer "AFTER MIDNIGHT" is the right solution because it is the CBS late show hosted by Taylor Tomlinson, and the first words of the answers to the starred clues spell out "AFTER MIDNIGHT".
Christmas baubles, often : ORBS
"Orbs" is a synonym for spheres, which are common shapes for Christmas baubles. The word "orbs" is a fitting and concise description for these decorations.
Counterpart of sin, in trigonometry : COS
In trigonometry, the cosine (COS) is the counterpart of the sine. They are both trigonometric functions used to relate the angles of a triangle to the lengths of its sides. So, "Counterpart of sin, in trigonometry" is referring to the cosine function, which is why the answer is "COS."
Deed holders : OWNERS
The term "deed holders" refers to individuals who have legal ownership of a property, which makes them the "owners."
Dirty, like a chimney : SOOTY
The word "sooty" means covered in soot, which is a black, powdery substance that accumulates in chimneys. Therefore, "dirty, like a chimney" is correctly answered by "SOOTY."
Drum kit component : CYMBAL
The answer to "Drum kit component" is "SNARE" because the snare drum is a fundamental part of a drum kit. It is a versatile drum that produces a sharp and distinctive sound, and is commonly used in various genres of music.
Duo + one : TRIO
The clue "Duo + one" is asking for a group of three, which is a trio. "Duo" means two, so adding one more to that gives you three, which is a trio.
Ending words of an ultimatum : … OR ELSE
The phrase "… OR ELSE" is commonly used to convey a threat or ultimatum, indicating that a consequence will follow if the demand is not met. In the context of ultimatums, it is a fitting ending that implies a sense of urgency and seriousness.
Former N.B.A. star ___ Ming : YAO
The answer "YAO" fits the clue because Yao Ming is a former N.B.A. star whose first name is Yao.
Give some effort : TRY
The word "TRY" means to make an effort or attempt to do something, making it a suitable answer for the clue "Give some effort."
Hair stiffener : GEL
"GEL" is a common hair product used to stiffen and style hair into place, making it the correct answer for the clue "Hair stiffener."
Heavenly protector of sailors : ST ELMO
St. Elmo is the patron saint of sailors and is considered the heavenly protector of sailors. This is why "St. Elmo" is the correct answer to the clue "Heavenly protector of sailors."
Hodgepodge bowlful of munchies : SNACK MIX (giving “midnight snack”)
The answer "SNACK MIX" fits the clue "Hodgepodge bowlful of munchies" because a snack mix is a mixture of various snacks like pretzels, nuts, and crackers typically found in a bowl for snacking. The phrase "midnight snack" is a hint within the clue that points to the answer.
Hollywood special effects, for short : CGI
"CGI" stands for computer-generated imagery, which is a common technique used in Hollywood to create special effects in movies. Therefore, "Hollywood special effects, for short" is referring to CGI as the answer.
Hoppy holiday? : EASTER
"Hoppy" is a play on words, as rabbits are known for hopping, and Easter is a holiday associated with bunnies and egg hunts.
Horses’ homes : STABLES
The answer "STABLES" fits the clue "Horses' homes" because stables are buildings where horses are kept and housed.
Joie de vivre : ELAN
The answer "ELAN" is the right solution because it is a French term that means "enthusiastic and lively spirit," which perfectly captures the essence of "Joie de vivre."
Latvia or Estonia, pre-1991 : Abbr.
The answer is "SSR" which stands for Soviet Socialist Republic. Latvia and Estonia were part of the Soviet Union before gaining independence in 1991. So, the abbreviation "SSR" fits the clue.
Leafy vegetable in some Caesar salads : KALE
Kale is a leafy vegetable commonly used in Caesar salads as a healthier alternative to traditional romaine lettuce. Its hearty texture and slightly bitter flavor make it a popular choice in salads.
Like yesterday : RECENT
The answer "RECENT" fits the clue "Like yesterday" because something that is recent happened or existed not long ago, similar to yesterday.
Madonna coffee table book released a day after her 1992 album “Erotica” : SEX
The coffee table book released by Madonna in 1992 was titled "SEX," and it came out the day after her album "Erotica." This makes "SEX" the correct answer to the clue.
Marilyn of Hollywood : MONROE
"Marilyn of Hollywood" is a common crossword clue that refers to the iconic actress Marilyn Monroe. Therefore, the correct answer to this clue is "MONROE."
Military affirmative : YES, SIR!
The answer "YES, SIR!" is a military affirmative commonly used to show respect and acknowledgment to a superior officer. It fits the clue perfectly as it is a phrase specifically associated with the military.
Money owed : ARREARS
The clue "Money owed" indicates that we are looking for a word that describes a sum of money that is owed to someone else. "Debt" is the correct answer because it refers to an amount of money that is owed to another person or entity.
Musician/activist Yoko : ONO
The answer "ONO" is correct because Yoko Ono is a well-known musician and activist. The clue is asking for her first name, which is Yoko.
Ontario-based network that aired “Schitt’s Creek” : CBC
CBC is the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, which is an Ontario-based network known for airing popular shows like "Schitt's Creek."
Optimistic, like an outlook : ROSY
"Rosy" is the right solution because it is often used to describe an optimistic or hopeful outlook, as in "having a rosy outlook on life."
Opus ___ : DEI
"Opus Dei" is a Latin phrase that means "Work of God". In crossword puzzles, "Opus ___" is a common clue for the answer "Dei".
P, R, N, D or L : GEAR
The letters P, R, N, D, and L represent the gears in an automatic transmission: Park, Reverse, Neutral, Drive, and Low. So, "GEAR" is the right answer as it refers to the different gear options in a car's automatic transmission.
Portrait artist’s medium : OIL PAINT (giving “midnight oil”)
The answer "OIL PAINT" is the right solution because oil paint is a medium commonly used by portrait artists. The phrase "midnight oil" is a play on words, suggesting that portrait artists work late into the night using oil paint to create their portraits.
Q : “Why shouldn’t you tell secrets on a farm?” A
The answer to the clue "Why don’t scientists trust ___?" is "Q" because the letter "Q" sounds like "queue," which is a line of people waiting their turn. Scientists may not trust a queue because it can lead to bias or manipulation in experiments.
Rarity in a drought : RAIN
This answer fits the clue because rain is scarce during a drought, making it a rarity.
Rich cakes : TORTES
"TORTES" are rich cakes because they are typically made with ingredients like nuts, chocolate, and fruit that make them dense and indulgent.
Rodeo footwear : COWBOY BOOTS (giving “Midnight Cowboy”)
The answer "COWBOY BOOTS" fits the clue "Rodeo footwear" because cowboy boots are commonly worn by rodeo participants. The additional hint "giving 'Midnight Cowboy'" refers to the movie title, which further confirms the answer.
Rowing crew captains, informally : COXES
The term "coxes" refers to rowing crew captains informally because a coxswain, often shortened to "cox," is responsible for steering the boat and coordinating the rowers' movements during a race.
Short snooze : NAP
"NAP" is the right solution because it is a short period of sleep, typically taken during the day. The clue "Short snooze" hints at a brief rest, which is commonly referred to as a nap.
Single-celled organism : AMOEBA
"Amoeba" is a single-celled organism commonly found in water and soil. It fits the clue perfectly as it is a well-known example of a single-celled organism.
Sly animal : FOX
A fox is considered a sly animal because it is known for its cunning and clever behavior in the wild.
Snarky, as a remark : CATTY
The word "catty" is often used to describe remarks that are snarky or subtly cruel, making it the correct answer for the clue "Snarky, as a remark."
Spam spreader : BOT
The answer "BOT" is the right solution because a bot is a program that can automatically spread spam messages on the internet.
Sparkling Italian wine, or the region it comes from : ASTI
The answer "ASTI" is the right solution because it refers to Asti, a region in Italy known for producing sparkling wine, specifically Asti Spumante.
The “A” in A.D. : ANNO
"AD" stands for "Anno Domini," which is Latin for "in the year of our Lord." Therefore, the "A" in "AD" stands for "Anno."
The “I” of FYI, for short : INFO
The abbreviation "FYI" stands for "For Your Information." In this context, the "I" in FYI represents "Information," which is often shortened to "INFO."
Tire patterns : TREADS
The answer "TREADS" fits the clue "Tire patterns" because the word "treads" refers to the grooved patterns on the surface of a tire that provide traction.
Trim from the roster : CUT
The word "cut" can mean to remove or eliminate, which fits the clue "Trim from the roster" as it implies removing someone from a list or group.
Two equal parts, to kids : HALFSIES
The answer "HALFSIES" is a playful term often used by kids to refer to two equal parts. It is a colloquial and informal way of saying "halves," making it a fitting answer to the clue "Two equal parts, to kids."
University of Maine town : ORONO
The answer to "University of Maine town" is "ORONO" because Orono is the actual town in Maine where the University of Maine is located.
Unwavering : STEADY
"Unwavering" means not changing or faltering. The word "steady" also means firmly fixed, supported, or balanced, making it a suitable synonym for unwavering.
W.W. II naval menaces : U-BOATS
"U-BOATS" were German submarines that posed a significant threat to naval forces during World War II. They were known for their stealth and ability to attack enemy ships, making them a menace at sea.
Where juggling balls are often seen : MIDAIR
The answer "MIDAIR" is correct because when juggling balls, they are typically seen in the air as they are being tossed and caught by the juggler.
Whipped dessert : MOUSSE
"Mousse" is a whipped dessert made with cream and eggs, giving it a light and airy texture. It fits the clue perfectly because it is a popular dessert that is often whipped to create its distinctive fluffy consistency.
Words after “3, 2, 1 …” : … BLAST OFF!
The phrase "3, 2, 1 … BLAST OFF!" is commonly used in countdowns for rocket launches, making it a fitting answer to the clue.
Worldwide : GLOBAL
The word "global" means worldwide, covering or relating to the whole world.
___ Mae (college loan provider) : SALLIE
Sallie Mae is a well-known college loan provider, making "SALLIE" the correct answer to the clue.
___ Sutra : KAMA
The Kama Sutra is an ancient Indian text about human sexuality and love. "Kama" is a Sanskrit word that means desire, pleasure, or sensual gratification. Therefore, "KAMA" is the correct answer to the crossword clue "___ Sutra".
“I need it yesterday!” : ASAP!
The answer "ASAP" stands for "as soon as possible," which is a common expression used to convey urgency, especially when someone needs something done quickly or immediately.
“So done with that” : OVER IT
The phrase "So done with that" expresses a feeling of being fed up or tired of something. The answer "OVER IT" is a common colloquial expression that perfectly captures this sentiment.
“___ Maria” (hymn) : AVE
The Latin word "Ave" is commonly used as a salutation or greeting, and it is also the first word in the hymn "Ave Maria," which is a traditional Catholic prayer to the Virgin Mary.