Here's all New York Times Crossword answers for 16 December 2024, Monday (12-16-24). Find all answers and solutions here.
We've also tries to explain why the answer is the correct solution for each clue.
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Clues and answers
Clues followed by answers and an explanation underneath.
Ann ___, Mich. : ARBOR
The answer is "ARBOR" because Ann Arbor is a city in Michigan.
Bad temper : SPLEEN
The word "spleen" can be used to describe a bad temper or ill humor. This is likely because the spleen was once thought to be the source of the body's emotions.
Behind the ___ : SCENES
The phrase "Behind the scenes" refers to what happens out of view of the public, typically in the making of a movie or play. So, the correct answer to the clue "Behind the ___" is "SCENES."
Belgrade natives : SERBS
"SERBS" is the right solution because Serbs are the natives of Belgrade, the capital city of Serbia.
Bits of wisdom : PEARLS
The term "pearls of wisdom" is a common expression used to refer to valuable pieces of advice or insight. In this context, "pearls" represent valuable and wise bits of information.
Blab : TELL
The word "blab" means to reveal a secret or confidential information. Similarly, the word "tell" means to communicate or reveal information. Therefore, "tell" is the right solution for the crossword clue "Blab".
Blingy piece of neckwear : CHAIN
The answer "CHAIN" fits the clue "Blingy piece of neckwear" because a chain is a type of jewelry that is often worn around the neck and can be flashy or decorative, fitting the description of something "blingy."
Bulgy belly button : OUTIE
"OUTIE" is the right answer because it is a term commonly used to describe a belly button that protrudes outward, unlike an "innie" which is concave.
Calcutta currency : RUPEE
The currency used in Calcutta is the Indian Rupee, so the answer "RUPEE" fits the clue "Calcutta currency".
Carelessly sits (down) : PLOPS
The word "plops" fits the clue because when someone sits down carelessly, they often plop down rather than sitting down gently or slowly.
Cat with a colorful coat : CALICO
The answer "CALICO" is correct because calico cats have a colorful coat with patches of white, orange, and black fur.
Coming in handy : OF USE
The phrase "of use" means something is helpful or beneficial, which fits the clue "coming in handy."
Competition whose winner gets a tiara and sash : MISS AMERICA
This answer fits because "Miss America" is a popular beauty pageant where the winner receives a tiara and sash as part of their prize.
Compound with the same number of atoms in a different arrangement : ISOMER
An isomer is a compound that has the same chemical formula as another compound, but its atoms are arranged in a different way, giving it different properties.
Crumbly Greek cheeses : FETAS
FETAS is the right answer because it is a type of crumbly Greek cheese commonly used in salads and other dishes.
Declare : ASSERT
The word "AVER" means to declare or assert something confidently, making it the right solution for the clue "Declare."
Department handling media inquiries : PRESS OFFICE
The answer "PRESS OFFICE" fits because a press office is a department within an organization responsible for handling media inquiries and relations.
Director Ephron : NORA
Nora Ephron was a famous director, screenwriter, and producer in Hollywood. Therefore, the answer to "Director Ephron" is "NORA" as it refers to Nora Ephron.
Discount offer : SALE
The answer "SALE" fits the clue "Discount offer" because a sale typically involves discounted prices on items or services.
Double ___ Oreos : STUF
The answer "STUF" fits because Oreo cookies come in a variety of types, including Double Stuf Oreos, where the filling is doubled compared to regular Oreos.
Drugstore that prints famously long receipts : CVS
The answer is "CVS" because CVS is a drugstore chain known for printing famously long receipts, often filled with coupons and promotions.
Eagle’s nest : AERIE
The word "aerie" refers to an eagle's nest, typically built high up on a cliff or a tall tree. It is a common term used to describe where eagles make their homes.
End of a college URL : EDU
The ".edu" domain is reserved for educational institutions in the United States, making it the end of a college URL.
Enemy of the Jedi : SITH
The Sith are known as the enemies of the Jedi in the Star Wars universe. They are dark side users of the Force who oppose the Jedi Order.
Espy : SPOT
"Spot" is a synonym for "espy," meaning to catch sight of or notice something. In this case, "spot" fits the definition of "espy" and is the correct answer for the crossword clue.
Faller during fall : LEAF
The word "LEAF" falls during the season of fall. It is a common occurrence for leaves to fall from trees during autumn, making "LEAF" the correct answer for the clue.
Gesture of approval : NOD
"NOD" is the right solution because a nod is a common gesture used to show approval or agreement. It is a simple up-and-down movement of the head that indicates a positive response.
Good with a paintbrush, perhaps : ARTISTIC
The answer "ARTISTIC" fits because someone who is good with a paintbrush is likely to be skilled in art and creative activities.
Guacamole ingredient : AVOCADO
Avocado is a key ingredient in guacamole as it provides the creamy texture and rich flavor that is characteristic of the dish.
Habeas corpus, e.g. : WRIT
The term "WRIT" refers to a formal written order issued by a court. "Habeas corpus" is a type of writ used to bring a person before a court to determine if their detention is lawful. So, "WRIT" is the right answer as it is a type of legal order like "Habeas corpus."
Hi-___ image : RES
The answer "RES" fits the clue "Hi-___ image" because it completes the word "resolution," which is a term often used in image quality.
Hornswoggle : CON
The word "CON" can mean to deceive or swindle, which is similar in meaning to "hornswoggle."
Ingredient in bug spray : DEET
DEET is a common active ingredient in bug sprays that repels insects. It is known for its effectiveness in keeping bugs away, making it a fitting answer to the clue "Ingredient in bug spray."
Initials on an “Organic” sticker : USDA
The initials "USDA" stand for United States Department of Agriculture, which is responsible for regulating organic food standards. When you see the "USDA Organic" sticker on a product, it means it has been certified as meeting these standards.
Is distressing to : EATS AT
"EATS AT" is the right answer because the phrase "eats at" is commonly used to describe something that causes distress or anxiety, like a problem or worry that continuously bothers or preoccupies someone.
King’s domain : REALM
"REALM" is the right solution because a king's domain is often referred to as their realm, which signifies the area or territory under their rule or control.
Like lines / that rhyme / and keep / good time : POETIC
The answer "POETIC" fits because it describes lines that rhyme, which is a characteristic of poetry.
Like the direction of this answer : ACROSS
The clue is referring to the direction in which the answer is written in the crossword grid. "ACROSS" indicates that the answer runs horizontally in the grid from left to right.
Lip-plumping injection : FILLER
The answer "FILLER" is correct because it refers to a substance injected into the lips to make them appear fuller or plumper.
Loses one’s hair : BALDS
The answer "BALDS" fits the clue "Loses one's hair" because it is the present tense verb form of the word "bald," which means to lose one's hair.
Muppet with his own “world” on “Sesame Street” : ELMO
Elmo has his own segment called "Elmo's World" on "Sesame Street", making him the Muppet with his own "world" on the show.
Observant quality : KEENNESS
The answer "KEENNESS" fits because it means having a sharp or perceptive quality, which aligns with being observant.
Packaging for a stack of cookies : SLEEVE
The answer "SLEEVE" fits the clue because a sleeve is a type of packaging that can hold a stack of cookies together, similar to how a sleeve holds multiple items in a neat bundle.
Pelvic bone : ILIUM
The ilium is one of the three bones that make up the pelvis, along with the ischium and pubis. It is the largest and most superior of the three bones, forming the upper part of the hip bone.
Phil ___, QB who won two Super Bowls with the Giants : SIMMS
Phil Simms is a former quarterback who played for the New York Giants and led the team to victory in Super Bowl XXI and Super Bowl XXV. Therefore, "Phil ___, QB who won two Super Bowls with the Giants" is correctly answered with "SIMMS."
Place to get a cucumber mask : SPA
The answer "SPA" fits the clue because spas are known for offering beauty treatments like cucumber masks to their customers.
Prefix with -ceratops : TRI-
The prefix "tri-" means three, and many dinosaurs in the ceratops family have names that start with "tri-" because they have three horns on their face.
Real smooth : SUAVE
"Suave" means charming and confident, often used to describe someone who is smooth in their interactions. This fits the clue "Real smooth" perfectly.
Refined grace : ELEGANCE
"ELEGANCE" fits the clue "Refined grace" because elegance is often associated with gracefulness, refinement, and sophistication in appearance or behavior.
Some laptops : PCS
The clue "Some laptops" is referring to a brand of laptops, and ACERS is a well-known brand of laptops, making it the right solution.
Sound of an unfortunate bird poop landing : SPLAT!
"SPLAT!" is the sound commonly associated with something landing with a wet, messy impact, like bird poop. It fits the clue perfectly by describing the sound of an unfortunate bird poop landing.
Stand in the way of : IMPEDE
IMPEDE means to stand in the way of or obstruct progress, making it the correct answer for the clue "Stand in the way of."
Sun, in San Juan : SOL Down 1 Remove, as a bottle cap
The answer to "Sun, in San Juan" is "SOL" because "Sol" is the Spanish word for sun, and San Juan is a city where Spanish is spoken. The answer to "Remove, as a bottle cap" is "Unscrew" because unscrewing is a common way to remove a bottle cap.
Team that won the most medals at the 2024 Olympics : USA
Teddy Grahams shape : BEAR
The answer is "BEAR" because Teddy Grahams are shaped like bears, making "BEAR" the correct answer for the clue.
The “F” of F.B.I. : FEDERAL
The "F" in F.B.I. stands for Federal, as the Federal Bureau of Investigation is a federal agency within the United States government.
This stinks! : ODOR
The word "ODOR" means a smell or stench, so it is a fitting answer to the clue "This stinks!" as it directly relates to a bad smell.
Tidbit in a nutritious pudding : CHIA SEED
"Chia seed" is the right solution because chia seeds are often added to nutritious puddings like chia seed pudding for added texture and health benefits.
Timeout at work … as represented visually by this puzzle’s circled letters : COFFEE BREAK
The circled letters in the puzzle spell out "COFFEE BREAK," which is a common way to represent taking a break from work, such as a timeout, often by having a cup of coffee.
U-pick locale : FARM
The answer "FARM" fits the clue "U-pick locale" because farms are places where people can pick their own fruits, vegetables, and other produce directly from the fields.
What cilantro tastes like to some people : SOAP
Some people have a genetic trait that makes cilantro taste like soap to them. This is due to a specific gene that causes them to perceive certain compounds in cilantro differently.
Word on the street? : STOP
The word "STOP" is commonly seen on street signs, making it a fitting answer to the clue "Word on the street?"
Worth : VALUE
The word "worth" is synonymous with "value," as they both refer to the importance or usefulness of something. Therefore, "VALUE" is the right answer to the clue "Worth."
“Don’t mind ___ do” : IF I
The phrase "Don’t mind ___ do" is completed with "IF I" to express willingness or agreement. It implies that the person is willing to do something.
“That’s the word on the street” : SO I HEAR
The phrase "So I hear" is commonly used to convey that one has heard a particular piece of information, making it a fitting answer to the clue "That’s the word on the street."