New York Times Crossword Clues and Answers for 11 December 2024, Wednesday

Here's all New York Times Crossword answers for 11 December 2024, Wednesday (12-11-24). Find all answers and solutions here. We've also tries to explain why the answer is the correct solution for each clue.
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Clues and answers

Clues followed by answers and an explanation underneath.

1- competitor : GAMER

The term "GAMER" is often used to refer to someone who competes in video games, making them a competitor in the gaming world.

Actor who narrates “The Big Lebowski” : SAM ELLIOTT (hiding “S-MELL”)

The answer "SAM ELLIOTT" is derived from the phrase "S-MELL" hidden within the clue, indicating that the letters "S-MELL" are contained within the name "SAM ELLIOTT."

Actress who said “I generally avoid temptation unless I can’t resist it” : MAE WEST

Mae West is the actress known for the quote “I generally avoid temptation unless I can’t resist it,” making her the correct answer to the clue.

Appliance with a door and a crumb tray : TOASTER OVEN (hiding “T-ASTE”)

The answer "TOASTER OVEN" fits the clue because it is an appliance that has a door and a crumb tray, and the letters "T-ASTE" are hidden within the answer.

Assault with sound : DEAFEN

"Assault with sound" is a clue that suggests a word related to causing harm or discomfort with noise. The answer "DEAFEN" fits this clue as it means to make someone unable to hear temporarily due to a loud noise, which can be seen as a form of assault with sound.

Attendee who’s not on the guest list : CRASHER

The answer "CRASHER" fits the clue because a "crasher" is someone who attends an event without being invited or on the guest list.

Back 40 makeup : ACRES

The "Back 40" refers to the back portion of a farm or rural property. "Makeup" in this context means what it consists of. Therefore, the answer "ACRES" fits as it represents the measurement of land, which is typically used to describe the size of a farm or rural property.

Beaucoup : A LOAD OF

The answer "A LOAD OF" fits the clue "Beaucoup" because "beaucoup" is a French word meaning "a lot" or "a load of" in English.

Billionaire philanthropist Broad : ELI

Eli Broad is a well-known billionaire philanthropist, making "ELI" the correct answer for this clue.

Call ___ night : IT A

The phrase "Call it a night" means to stop what you are doing and go to bed. In this context, "it a" is used to complete the phrase correctly.

Car stolen by Jerry’s mechanic on an episode of “Seinfeld” : SAAB

In the TV show "Seinfeld," Jerry's car was a Saab and it was stolen by his mechanic. Therefore, the answer to the clue "Car stolen by Jerry’s mechanic on an episode of 'Seinfeld'" is "SAAB."

Carry-on checkers, for short : TSA

The answer "TSA" is the right solution because TSA stands for Transportation Security Administration, the agency responsible for carry-on baggage checks at airports.

Description of this puzzle’s circled letters, and a clue to what they spell : IN ONE SENSE

The circled letters in the puzzle spell out "IN ONE SENSE," which is a description of what the circled letters represent in relation to the overall puzzle.

Detergent in a red bottle : ERA

ERA is a detergent brand known for its red bottle packaging. This makes it the correct answer to the clue "Detergent in a red bottle."

Diversion : PASTIME

The word "PASTIME" refers to an activity that serves as a diversion or entertainment, making it a suitable answer for the clue "Diversion."

Doing a musical read-through : REHEARSING (hiding “HEAR-ING”)

The answer "REHEARSING" is obtained by hiding the word "HEAR-ING" within the clue, indicating that the activity of doing a musical read-through is indeed rehearsing.

Elaine who served in two presidential cabinets : CHAO

Elaine Chao served as Secretary of Labor under President George W. Bush and Secretary of Transportation under President Donald Trump. Therefore, "Elaine who served in two presidential cabinets" is referring to Elaine Chao.

Epic work that begins “Sing, goddess, of the anger of Achilles” : ILIAD

The clue mentions "Sing, goddess, of the anger of Achilles," which is the opening line of the epic poem "Iliad" by Homer. So, the answer is "ILIAD."

Equipment for an angioplasty : STENTS Down 1 Jane Austen heroine

The answer "STENTS" fits the clue "Equipment for an angioplasty" because stents are commonly used in angioplasty procedures to help keep arteries open. For the clue "Jane Austen heroine", the answer is "EMMA".

Field for a Fortnite pro : ESPORTS

The answer "ESPORTS" is the right solution because it is a field or category where professional Fortnite players compete in organized video game tournaments.

Fresno-to-San Diego dir. : SSE

The abbreviation "SSE" stands for south-southeast, which is the direction from Fresno to San Diego on a compass.

Had because of : OWED TO

The phrase "owed to" means having a debt or obligation because of something. In this case, it fits the clue "Had because of" perfectly as it implies possessing something due to a specific reason or cause.

Half of a cassette : SIDE-A

The answer "SIDE-A" fits the clue "Half of a cassette" because cassettes typically have two sides, labeled Side A and Side B. So, "SIDE-A" represents one half of the cassette.

Homo sapiens : MAN

"MAN" is a commonly used term to refer to Homo sapiens, the scientific name for the human species. It is a succinct and widely recognized answer in crossword puzzles.

Hosp. ward : ICU

The answer "ICU" stands for Intensive Care Unit, which is a hospital ward where patients in critical condition receive specialized care and monitoring.

It may be tempted : FATE

Japan’s ___ Period (1603-1868) : EDO

The Edo Period in Japan lasted from 1603 to 1868, named after the city of Edo (now Tokyo). During this time, Japan was under the rule of the Tokugawa shogunate.

Judy who wrote “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret” : BLUME

Judy Blume is the author of the book "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret." Therefore, the answer to the clue is "BLUME."

Keto diet no-no : BREAD

"BREAD" is a no-no on the Keto diet because it is high in carbohydrates, which are limited on the Keto diet in order to promote a state of ketosis. This means that the body burns fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates.

Like some nerves and strings : TAUT

The word "taut" means tightly stretched, which can describe both nerves and strings.

Mildly wet : DAMP

"DAMP" is the right solution because it means slightly wet or moist, fitting the clue "Mildly wet."

Moochers : FREELOADERS (hiding “F-EEL”)

The answer "FREELOADERS" fits the clue "Moochers" because it means people who habitually impose on others for free services or favors. In this case, the word "FREELOADERS" is hiding the letters "F-EEL" within it.

Not as much : LESS

The word "less" is a comparative adjective used to indicate a smaller amount or degree of something in comparison to another thing. Therefore, it is an appropriate answer to the clue "Not as much".

Now’s partner : THEN

The answer "THEN" is the right solution because "Now's partner" refers to a word that is often used in conjunction with "now," which is "then." It indicates a different point in time relative to the present.

October Revolution leader : LENIN

The October Revolution leader refers to Vladimir Lenin, who was a key figure in the Bolshevik Party and led the revolution in Russia in October 1917. The answer "LENIN" fits the clue perfectly.

Old TV hookup : VCR

The answer "VCR" fits the clue "Old TV hookup" because VCRs were commonly used to play videotapes on older television sets before the advent of DVD players and streaming services.

One might be good, bad or rotten : EGG

An egg can be good when fresh, bad when spoiled, and rotten when left for too long, making it a fitting answer to the clue.

Part of I.P.A. : ALE

The answer "PALE" is a part of the abbreviation "I.P.A." which stands for India Pale Ale, a type of beer.

Place to muck about? : STY

"Place to muck about?" is a cryptic clue where "muck about" is a playful way of referring to pigs or swine, which are known to reside in a sty. Therefore, the answer "STY" fits the clue.

Poetry contest : SLAM

The answer "SLAM" is the right solution because a poetry contest where poets perform their work competitively is often referred to as a poetry slam.

Preceding : PRIOR TO

The word "prior" means preceding or coming before something else. "To" is a common preposition used to show direction or relationship. Together, "prior to" means happening or existing before something else.

Presented to, as for approval : RAN PAST

"RAN PAST" is the right answer because it suggests presenting something quickly to someone for approval, as if running past them.

Repositions, as tires : ROTATES

The answer "ROTATES" fits the clue because when you reposition tires on a car, you typically rotate them to different positions to ensure even wear.

Salt Lake Valley people : UTE

The Ute tribe is a Native American group that historically inhabited the Salt Lake Valley region, making them the correct answer for "Salt Lake Valley people."

Smiling Face With Sunglasses, e.g. : EMOJI

The answer is "EMOJI" because an emoji is a small digital image or icon used to express an idea or emotion in electronic communication, and "Smiling Face With Sunglasses" is a specific emoji depicting a smiling face wearing sunglasses.

Source of zest : PEEL

The answer "PEEL" is the right solution because the peel of a citrus fruit, like a lemon or an orange, contains oils that provide zestiness or flavor.

Spa treatment, informally : PEDI

The answer "PEDI" is short for "pedicure", which is a spa treatment for the feet and toenails.

Subaru Crosstrek or Honda HR-V : MINI SUV

Takes back to the lab, maybe : RETESTS

The answer "RETESTS" fits because it means to take something back to the lab to perform additional tests on it.

The N.H.L.’s Kraken, on scoreboards : SEA

The N.H.L.'s Kraken is a team based in Seattle, so "SEA" is a shortened form of "Seattle" and is used on scoreboards to represent the team.

Took advantage of a situation, so to speak : MADE HAY

"Made hay" is a common expression meaning to take advantage of a situation or make the most of an opportunity, often used in a figurative sense. In this context, it fits the clue well.

Tousle, as hair : MUSS

"Muss" means to make something messy or untidy, which fits the clue "Tousle, as hair" as tousling hair also involves making it messy or untidy.

Variety of cooking apple : ROME

The variety of cooking apple known as "ROME" is a common crossword answer because it is a type of apple often used in cooking and baking due to its firm texture and mildly tart flavor.

Villainous animal in “The Lion King” : HYENA

Hyenas are depicted as villainous characters in "The Lion King," particularly the trio of hyenas named Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed who work with Scar to overthrow Mufasa and Simba. Their cunning and malicious nature make them the perfect choice for the clue "Villainous animal in 'The Lion King.'"

Waits patiently : HANGS TIGHT (hiding “S-IGHT”)

The answer "HANGS TIGHT" means waits patiently, and it also includes the letters "S-IGHT" hidden within it.

Wins the heart of : ENAMORS

"Enamors" means to charm or captivate someone, which fits the clue "Wins the heart of" as it describes the action of making someone fall in love or be deeply attracted to someone else.

Yes votes : AYES

The term "AYES" is commonly used in voting to represent yes votes. It is a formal way of indicating agreement or approval.

___ Lee : SARA

The answer to "___ Lee" is "SARA" because Sara Lee is a well-known brand of baked goods.

___ sauce (Japanese condiment) : EEL

The answer "EEL" fits the clue because "eel sauce" is a popular Japanese condiment often used in sushi dishes.

___-call list : DO-NOT

"DO-NOT" is the right solution because it completes the phrase "DO-NOT-call list," which refers to a registry that individuals can join to avoid receiving unsolicited telemarketing calls.

“Guess so,” folksily : I S’POSE

The answer "I S’POSE" is a folksy way of saying "I suppose," which means "Guess so." It fits the clue perfectly.

“Like that’s ever going to happen” : AS IF

"AS IF" is a common expression used to convey skepticism or disbelief, making it a fitting response to the clue "Like that's ever going to happen." It implies that the likelihood of the mentioned event occurring is highly improbable.

“Wheels” : VEHICLE

The word "wheels" is often used as a slang term for cars or automobiles, which are commonly referred to as "autos". Therefore, "autos" is the correct answer to the crossword clue "Wheels".

“___ death do us part” : ‘TIL

The phrase "‘TIL death do us part" is a common vow in wedding ceremonies, indicating a commitment to stay together until death separates the couple. Therefore, the answer "‘TIL" fits the clue.

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