Here's all New York Times Crossword answers for 31 October 2023, Tuesday (10-31-23). Find all answers and solutions here.
We've also tries to explain why the answer is the correct solution for each clue.
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Clues and answers
Clues followed by answers and an explanation underneath.
1973 horror film starring Julie Christie and Donald Sutherland : DON’T LOOK NOW
The answer "DON'T LOOK NOW" is the right solution because it is a 1973 horror film that starred Julie Christie and Donald Sutherland.
2011 dark-comedy slasher film that takes place during a family reunion : YOU’RE NEXT
The answer to "2011 dark-comedy slasher film that takes place during a family reunion" is "YOU'RE NEXT" because it is the title of a movie released in 2011 that fits the description given in the clue.
2017 horror film that won Best Original Screenplay : GET OUT
The answer is "GET OUT" because it is a 2017 horror film that won the Best Original Screenplay award.
2018 slasher set at a remote lake house : HE’S OUT THERE
The answer "HE'S OUT THERE" fits the clue because it refers to a slasher movie set at a remote lake house. The phrase implies that someone or something is lurking or present outside, creating a sense of suspense and danger.
@@@ : ATS
In crossword puzzles, "/" is often used to indicate division or separation. The word "per" is commonly used to signify "for each" or "by the means of," which fits the context of the clue. Therefore, "PER" is the right solution for the clue represented by "/".
Asian nursemaid : AMAH
The term "AMAH" refers to an Asian nursemaid, particularly in countries like China or Malaysia. It is a commonly used word in crossword puzzles to describe this specific occupation.
Big name in media and philanthropy : OPRAH
The answer "OPRAH" is the right solution because Oprah Winfrey is a well-known figure in both the media and philanthropy.
Break, as a rule : VIOLATE
The word "violate" means to break or disregard a rule, making it the right solution for the clue "Break, as a rule."
Burr-versus-Hamilton face-off : DUEL
The answer "DUEL" is the right solution because a "Burr-versus-Hamilton face-off" refers to the famous historical duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton. A duel is a formal combat or contest between two individuals, which fits the context of the clue.
Catchy-yet-quirky music genre : ALT-POP
Common sushi fish : TUNA
The answer to "Common sushi fish" is "TUNA" because tuna is a widely used fish in sushi dishes. It is known for its firm texture and rich flavor, making it a popular choice for sushi rolls and sashimi.
Condition of equilibrium : STASIS
The answer "STASIS" is the right solution because it refers to a state of balance or stability, which matches the clue "Condition of equilibrium."
Cricket noise : CHIRP
The word "CHIRP" is commonly used to describe the high-pitched sound made by crickets.
Cries at a fireworks display : OOHS
The answer "OOHS" is the right solution because when people watch a fireworks display, they often react with sounds of awe and amazement, which are commonly represented as "oohs" in crossword puzzles.
Department store department : MEN’S
The answer "MEN’S" is the right solution because it refers to the department in a department store that sells clothing and accessories specifically for men.
Emperor beginning in A.D. 54 : NERO
The answer is "NERO" because Nero became the Emperor in A.D. 54.
Epitome of coldness : ICE
The word "ice" is commonly associated with coldness. It is often used as a metaphor for extreme cold temperatures, making it the epitome of coldness.
Ethan of “Boyhood” : HAWKE
The answer is "HAWKE" because Ethan Hawke is the actor who played a character named Ethan in the movie "Boyhood".
Floating chunk of 6-Down : BERG
The answer to "Floating chunk of 6-Down" is "BERG" because a "berg" refers to a large mass of floating ice detached from a glacier or iceberg. It fits the clue perfectly and is a common term used to describe such floating chunks.
Food for a baby mammal : MILK
The answer is "MILK" because it is a common and essential source of nutrition for baby mammals. It is easily digestible and provides the necessary nutrients for their growth and development.
Football gains : YARDS
The answer to "Football gains" is "YARDS" because in football, yards are the unit of measurement used to track the progress of the offense. The team tries to gain as many yards as possible to move closer to scoring a touchdown.
Gun lobby org. : NRA
Hand sanitizer ingredient : ALOE
The answer "ALOE" is the right solution because aloe is a common ingredient in hand sanitizers. It has moisturizing and soothing properties, making it an ideal addition to help keep hands soft and prevent dryness.
Horror film franchise named after a holiday : HALLOWEEN
Horror franchise with the antagonist Ghostface : SCREAM
The horror franchise with the antagonist Ghostface is "SCREAM" because it is a popular series of movies featuring a masked killer known as Ghostface.
Horse’s gait : TROT
The answer is "TROT" because it is a common four-beat gait of a horse, characterized by a diagonal pair of legs moving forward together.
Immature egg cell : OOCYTE
In an emphatic manner : ROUNDLY
The word "roundly" is the right solution because it means "in an emphatic manner." It is a concise and precise word that accurately captures the meaning of the clue.
In the loop : AWARE
The answer "AWARE" fits the clue "In the loop" because being aware means being knowledgeable or informed about something, which implies being in the know or in the loop.
Invites on a date : ASKS OUT
The answer "ASKS OUT" is the right solution because it accurately describes the action of inviting someone on a date. "Asking someone out" is a commonly used phrase to indicate the act of inviting someone to go on a romantic outing.
Less cooked : RAWER
The answer "RAWER" fits the clue "Less cooked" because it means not as cooked or less cooked than something else.
Low point : NADIR
The term "low point" refers to the lowest or bottommost point of something. In astronomy, the nadir is the point directly below an observer, which is often considered the lowest point in the sky. Therefore, "NADIR" is the right answer for "Low point" in the crossword.
Make an impression? : ETCH
The answer "ETCH" is the right solution because it refers to the act of making an impression by engraving or carving a design onto a surface, such as metal or glass.
Mr. of “Pride and Prejudice” : D’ARCY
The answer "D'ARCY" is the right solution because Mr. Darcy is a prominent character in Jane Austen's novel "Pride and Prejudice."
Musical interval used to convey sadness : MINOR THIRD
The answer "MINOR THIRD" is the right solution because in music theory, a minor third is an interval that creates a melancholic or sad feeling. It is a specific distance between two notes, and when played together, it often evokes a sense of sadness.
Nimble, as a nonagenarian : SPRY
The word "nimble" means quick and agile, which is a characteristic associated with youth and physical ability. A nonagenarian is someone in their nineties, so the clue is asking for a word that describes someone in that age range as being nimble. The word "spry" fits perfectly as it means active and lively, especially for an older person. Therefore, "spry" is the correct solution to the clue.
Noah’s craft : ARK
The answer to "Noah's craft" is "ARK" because according to the biblical story, Noah built an ark to save himself, his family, and pairs of animals from a great flood.
Oaf : LOUT
The answer "LOUT" is the right solution because it is a term used to describe a clumsy, uncouth, or foolish person, which matches the definition of an "oaf."
Overly meticulous : ANAL
The word "ANAL" is a colloquial term that means someone who is excessively focused on details and perfection. It is often used to describe individuals who are overly meticulous or obsessed with precision. Therefore, "ANAL" is the right answer to the clue "Overly meticulous."
Pepper’s partner : SALT
The answer is "SALT" because salt is commonly used as a partner to pepper in seasoning food.
Powerful engine : V-TEN
The answer "V-TEN" is the right solution because it refers to a type of engine configuration commonly found in high-performance vehicles. The "V" signifies the arrangement of the cylinders in a V shape, and "TEN" represents the total number of cylinders in the engine. This configuration is known for its power and performance capabilities.
Realm : AREA
The answer "AREA" fits the clue "Realm" because a realm can refer to a specific geographical area or region.
Roof overhang : EAVE
The answer to "Roof overhang" is "EAVE" because an eave is the part of a roof that extends beyond the walls of a building, providing shade and protection from the elements.
Scraped knee, perhaps : OWIE
The answer "OWIE" is the right solution because it is a common term used to describe the pain experienced when scraping a knee. It is a simple and relatable word that fits the clue perfectly.
Shredded salad ingredient in 2-Down cuisine : PAPAYA
The answer "PAPAYA" is the right solution because it is a shredded salad ingredient commonly used in 2-Down cuisine.
Social media platform whose logo resembles a musical note : TIKTOK
The answer is "TIKTOK" because TikTok's logo is a black and white musical note symbol.
Soothing applications : BALMS
The answer "BALMS" is the right solution because balms are commonly used as soothing applications, providing relief and comfort to various skin or body conditions.
Southeast Asian cuisine : THAI
Speak to a crowd : ORATE
The word "ORATE" means to speak to a crowd or deliver a formal speech. It fits the clue because it describes the act of addressing a large group of people.
Spoofed : SENT UP
"SENT UP" is the right solution because it is a common phrase used to describe the act of spoofing or imitating something or someone in a humorous or satirical way.
State of rest : REPOSE
The answer to "State of rest" is "REPOSE" because "repose" refers to a state of resting or being at ease.
Tar Heels’ sch. : UNC
The answer "UNC" is the right solution because it is the commonly used abbreviation for the University of North Carolina, whose athletic teams are known as the Tar Heels.
They can be grand or upright : PIANOS
The answer "PIANOS" fits the clue because both grand and upright are types of pianos.
Things often named with ordinal numbers : Abbr.
The answer "Abbr." stands for abbreviation, which is often used to represent ordinal numbers in crossword puzzles.
Tickle Me Elmo maker : TYCO
The answer "TYCO" is the right solution because TYCO was the company that produced the popular toy "Tickle Me Elmo."
Upper Manhattan neighborhood also known as El Barrio : EAST HARLEM
The answer "EAST HARLEM" is the right solution because it is a neighborhood located in the upper part of Manhattan, and it is commonly referred to as El Barrio, which means "the neighborhood" in Spanish.
Voice above baritone : TENOR
The voice above baritone is known as "tenor" in music. It is a higher vocal range that typically sings melodies and often takes on leading roles in operas and musicals.
Warning signs : OMENS
The answer "OMENS" fits the clue "Warning signs" because omens are typically seen as signs or signals that predict future events.
Washing machine setting : PRESOAK
The answer "PRESOAK" is the right solution because it refers to a setting on a washing machine that allows clothes to soak in water and detergent before the actual washing cycle begins.
Without a plus-one, say : STAG
The answer "STAG" is the right solution because when you attend an event or gathering "without a plus-one," it means you are going alone or unaccompanied, which is commonly referred to as going "STAG."
Word with signal or silence : RADIO …
The word "RADIO" is the right solution because it can be combined with the words "signal" or "silence" to form common phrases: "radio signal" and "radio silence."
Yearn (for) : LONG Down 1 Eight, in Essen
The word "pine" can mean to strongly desire or yearn for something.
Yoked animals : OXEN
The answer is "OXEN" because oxen are commonly used as draft animals and are often yoked together to work as a team.
___ impasse : AT AN
The phrase "at an impasse" means being at a point where no progress or solution can be made. Therefore, "AT AN" is the right solution as it completes the phrase and accurately describes the situation.
___ Rachel Wood of “Westworld” : EVAN
The answer is "EVAN" because Evan Rachel Wood is an actress known for her role in the TV show "Westworld".
“Pet” that’s a plant : CHIA
The answer to "Pet" that's a plant is "CHIA" because Chia pets are small clay figures that sprout chia seeds, which grow into a leafy plant resembling fur or hair.
“Sweet!,” quaintly : NEATO!
The answer "NEATO!" fits the clue "“Sweet!,” quaintly" because it is a casual and outdated way of expressing excitement or approval.
“The Time Machine” people : ELOI
"The Time Machine" is a science fiction novel written by H.G. Wells. In the book, there are two main groups of people, the Eloi and the Morlocks. The Eloi are the descendants of the upper class who live on the surface, while the Morlocks are the descendants of the working class who live underground. Therefore, the answer to the clue "The Time Machine people" is "ELOI".
“___ Don’t Lie” (#1 Shakira hit) : HIPS
The answer is "HIPS" because the phrase "Hips Don't Lie" is the title of a popular song by Shakira, making it a #1 hit.