New York Times Crossword Clues and Answers for 30 August 2023, Wednesday

Here's all New York Times Crossword answers for 30 August 2023, Wednesday (08-30-23). Find all answers and solutions here. We've also tries to explain why the answer is the correct solution for each clue.
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Clues and answers

Clues followed by answers and an explanation underneath.

"I got the shirt from ___; glad you like it." : EBAY

The answer "EBAY" fits the clue because eBay is a popular online marketplace where people can buy and sell various items, including clothing like shirts. Therefore, it makes sense that the speaker got the shirt from eBay and is glad that the recipient likes it.

"I'd love to hang out some time, no ___!" : LYING

The phrase "no ___" is often used to indicate that something is not true or genuine. In this context, "LYING" fits perfectly as it means not telling the truth.

"That was a ___ joke!," Dana sputtered. : RAD

The answer is "RAD" because it is a slang term meaning "excellent" or "cool," which fits the context of someone sputtering after hearing a joke.

"Would it be a stretch to say I dig your ___ T-shirt?," Ava asked. : YOGA

The answer is "YOGA" because the phrase "I dig your ___ T-shirt" suggests that Ava is complimenting someone's T-shirt. "YOGA" is a type of activity or exercise that is often associated with specific clothing, including T-shirts.

"___, I guess. At least the week's over." : TGIF

The phrase "___, I guess. At least the week's over." is commonly used to express relief or excitement that the workweek is finished. The abbreviation "TGIF" stands for "Thank God It's Friday," which perfectly fits the sentiment of the clue.

911 responder : EMT

The answer "EMT" is the right solution because EMT stands for Emergency Medical Technician, and they are the first responders who provide medical assistance in emergency situations, including 911 calls.

Actor Chaney : LON

The answer to "Actor Chaney" is "LON" because Lon Chaney was a famous American actor known for his roles in silent horror films.

After that spark, the pair bonded in large ___. : DOSES

The word "doses" fits the clue because it means a quantity of medicine or a substance given at one time. In this context, it suggests that after the spark, the pair formed a strong bond through repeated interactions or experiences, similar to the idea of taking doses of something to achieve a desired effect.

Alabama governor Ivey : KAY

The answer "KAY" is the right solution because "Kay" is the first name of the current Alabama governor, Kay Ivey.

and Ava learned Dana loved "Much ___ About Nothing." : ADO

The answer "ADO" is the right solution because "Much ___ About Nothing" is a famous play written by William Shakespeare. The word "ADO" is commonly used in the title of the play, so it fits perfectly in the given clue.

and Ava preferred Accra in ___, : GHANA

The clue mentions Ava's preference for Accra, which is the capital of Ghana. Therefore, the answer "GHANA" fits the clue as it is the country where Accra is located.

and felt her heart ___ as she blurted, : SKIP

The word "SKIP" fits the clue because when someone feels their heart skip a beat, it means they experience a sudden, brief pause or flutter in their heartbeat.

and school was hardly an ___. : EDEN

The answer "EDEN" fits the clue because it suggests that school was not a paradise or an ideal place to be.

And, of course, ___ lived : THEY

The answer to "And, of course, ___ lived" is "THEY" because it is a pronoun that refers to more than one person, which matches the plural form of "lived".

As Ava ___ nearby, gathering her courage, : IDLED

The word "idled" fits the clue because it means to stay or wait without doing anything. In this context, Ava is nearby and gathering her courage, suggesting that she is not taking any action at the moment.

Ava and Dana shared their first kiss over cream ___. : SODAS

The word "over" in the clue suggests that the answer should be a word that can come after "cream." "Sodas" is a common choice that fits this description.

Ava mustered every ___ in her brain : NEURON

The answer is "NEURON" because a neuron is a specialized cell in the brain that transmits information. It is the fundamental building block of the brain's functioning.

Ava wrinkled her ___ and laughed. : NOSE

The phrase "wrinkled her nose" is a common expression used to describe someone's facial expression when they find something amusing or funny. In this case, Ava is laughing, which suggests that her nose is wrinkling. Therefore, "NOSE" is the right answer.

Ava ___ at Dana. : SMILED

The answer to "Ava ___ at Dana." is "SMILED" because "smiled" is a verb that fits grammatically in the sentence and conveys the action of Ava smiling at Dana.

Ava's ___ joy was : SOLE

The word "sole" means only or exclusive. In this context, it suggests that Ava's joy was the only or exclusive type of joy.

Bali, for one : ISLE

The answer "ISLE" is the right solution because Bali is an island, and an "isle" is another word for island.

bingeing subtitled dramas from ___, and : ASIA

The answer to "bingeing subtitled dramas from ___, and" is "ASIA" because Asia is a continent known for producing a wide variety of subtitled dramas.


The answer "NUISANCE" fits the clue "Bother" because a nuisance is something or someone that causes annoyance or irritation, which is synonymous with the idea of being bothered.

Bygone Russian rulers : TSARS

The answer to "Bygone Russian rulers" is "TSARS" because tsars were the rulers of Russia before the country became a republic.

Conclude miserably : ENDINTEARS

The phrase "end in tears" is a common expression meaning to conclude unhappily or with a negative outcome. Therefore, "ENDINTEARS" is the right answer to the clue "Conclude miserably."

Contraction before "be great" : THATD

The contraction "THAT'D" is short for "that would," and it is followed by the phrase "be great." Therefore, "THAT'D" is the correct answer to the clue "Contraction before 'be great'."

Curtain trims, e.g. : EDGINGS

The answer "EDGINGS" is the right solution because curtain trims are often decorative edges or borders that are added to curtains for a finished look. Therefore, "EDGINGS" accurately describes these trims.

Dana bent down to ___ the heavy instrument. : STOW

The word "stow" means to put away or store something in a designated place. In the given clue, Dana is bending down to put away or store the heavy instrument. Therefore, "stow" is the correct answer.

Dana grinned. "Then meditating together in corpse pose ___ an option!" : ISNT

The phrase "isn't an option" means that something is not possible or not allowed. In this context, the clue suggests that meditating together in corpse pose is not possible. Therefore, the correct answer is "ISNT" as it fits the meaning of the clue.

Dana learned that Ava loved chocolate ___ cookies, : CHIP

The word "chip" is the right solution because it fits the clue "Dana learned that Ava loved chocolate ___ cookies." In this context, "chip" refers to chocolate chip cookies, which are a popular type of cookie.

Dana's reaction was the start of an ___ for Ava. : ERA

The answer "ERA" fits the clue because it suggests that Dana's reaction marked the beginning of a specific period or time for Ava.

Daring deed : GEST

The answer "GEST" fits the clue "Daring deed" because a "gest" refers to a bold or daring action or exploit.

despite sitting next to the noisy ___, : CLARINETS

The answer "CLARINETS" is the right solution because clarinets are known for being noisy musical instruments. So, despite sitting next to them, the noise would still be present.

Figure skater Midori : ITO

The answer to "Figure skater Midori" is "ITO" because Midori Ito is a famous Japanese figure skater known for her impressive jumps and athletic performances.

Followed : OBEYED

The answer "OBEYED" fits the clue "Followed" because it means to comply with or adhere to instructions or rules.

Hamlet's interrogative after "How now!" : ARAT


happily ___ after. : EVER Down

The phrase "happily ever after" is a common ending in fairy tales, indicating a happy ending. The word "ever" fits perfectly in the blank space, completing the familiar phrase.

her prized ___. : OBOE

The answer to "her prized ___." is "OBOE" because an oboe is a musical instrument that is often considered valuable and cherished by its owner.

Inuit skin boat : UMIAK

The answer to "Inuit skin boat" is "UMIAK" because an umiak is a traditional boat made by the Inuit people, typically covered with animal skins.

It hadn't come ___ as she muttered, : YET

The phrase "It hadn't come ___ as she muttered" implies that something had not happened at the time the person muttered. The word "YET" is used to indicate that something is expected to happen in the future. Therefore, "YET" is the right answer because it suggests that whatever was expected or anticipated by the person muttering had not occurred at that moment.

It's a sure thing : BIRDINHAND

The phrase "a bird in the hand" means having something that is certain or already obtained, which makes it a sure thing. "BIRDINHAND" is a play on this phrase, making it the right solution for the clue "It's a sure thing."

Just a number, it's said : AGE

The answer to "Just a number, it's said" is "AGE" because the phrase "just a number" is often used to refer to someone's age.

Just then, Dana, a bandmate Ava was crushing on, walked up lugging a ___. : TUBA

The word "lugging" suggests carrying something heavy, and a tuba is a large and heavy musical instrument. Therefore, "TUBA" is the right answer to this clue.

Knuckle-headed gesture? : NOOGIE

The answer "NOOGIE" fits the clue "Knuckle-headed gesture?" because a "noogie" is a playful gesture where someone rubs their knuckles on another person's head.

Language from which we get bupkis and shtick : YIDDISH

The answer is "YIDDISH" because it is a language from which we get words like "bupkis" and "shtick".

Like buses and bicycles : RIDABLE

The answer "RIDABLE" is the right solution because both buses and bicycles are modes of transportation that can be ridden or used for travel. Therefore, they are both "ridable."

listening to Nat King ___, : COLE

The answer to "listening to Nat King ___" is "COLE" because Nat King Cole was a famous American singer and musician known for his smooth vocals and jazz-inspired music.

M.L.B. execs : GMS

The answer "GMS" stands for "General Managers," which are the M.L.B. (Major League Baseball) executives responsible for managing the teams.

Neuters : SPAYS

The answer "SPAYS" is the right solution because it refers to the surgical procedure of removing the reproductive organs of animals, which is commonly done to neuter female animals.

Never existed : WASNT

The answer "WASNT" is the right solution because it is a contraction of "was not," indicating the absence of existence.

not so ___ ago, : LONG

The phrase "not so ___ ago" indicates that we are looking for a word that means "a while" or "a long time" ago. The word that fits this description is "LONG."

Obergefell v. ___, Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage : HODGES

The answer is "HODGES" because Obergefell v. Hodges is the full name of the Supreme Court decision that legalized gay marriage in the United States.

Once ___ a time, : UPON

The phrase "Once ___ a time" is a common way to start a fairy tale or story. The word "UPON" fits perfectly in this phrase and is often used to indicate a specific point in time.

One day, after school, Ava called a ___. : LYFT

The answer "LYFT" fits the clue because it is a popular ride-sharing service that Ava could have called after school.

One night, after watching "___ Python," : MONTY

The answer "MONTY" is the right solution because "Monty Python" is a famous comedy group known for their TV show and movies. The clue suggests that the person watched something related to "Monty Python" and the answer fits perfectly.

Pope after Benedict IV : LEOV

The answer "LEOV" is the right solution because Pope Leo V was the pope who succeeded Benedict IV.

Reds great Roush : EDD

The answer "EDD" is the right solution because Edd Roush was a great player for the Cincinnati Reds.

Round, squishy toy : NERFBALL

The answer "NERFBALL" is the right solution because it fits the clue "Round, squishy toy." A Nerfball is a popular toy that is round in shape and made of a soft, squishy material.

She had ___ her skill in band, : HONED

The word "honed" means to sharpen or refine a skill. In this context, it suggests that the person improved their skill in the band.

She was ___ with her music, : BORED

The phrase "She was ___ with her music" suggests that the person is lacking interest or enthusiasm. The word "BORED" fits perfectly as it means feeling uninterested or weary.

Shipwreck site : REEF

The answer "REEF" is the right solution for the clue "Shipwreck site" because a reef is a submerged ridge of rocks or coral that can cause a ship to sink.

Skin cream brand : OLAY

The answer to "Skin cream brand" is "OLAY" because Olay is a well-known and popular brand that specializes in skincare products.

Starting place : POINTA

The answer "POINTA" is the right solution because "starting place" refers to the initial point or location where something begins. In this case, "POINTA" represents the starting point, making it the correct answer.

Straw vote, e.g. : POLL

The answer to "Straw vote, e.g." is "POLL" because a straw vote is an informal survey or poll conducted to gauge public opinion or preferences. Therefore, "POLL" fits the clue as it is a type of vote used to gather information or opinions.

Stuff in a loft : HAY

The answer to "Stuff in a loft" is "HAY" because hay is commonly stored in a loft, making it a fitting solution for the clue.

Synthetic fabric : ORLON

ORLON is the right solution because it is a type of synthetic fabric commonly used in the production of clothing and other textile products.

the pair still felt the ___ of their connection. : RIGHTNESS

The word "rightness" is the right solution because it means the quality or state of being right or correct, which aligns with the idea of the pair feeling the strength or correctness of their connection.

Though Dana wanted to visit Timbuktu in ___ : MALI

The clue mentions "Timbuktu," which is a city located in the country of Mali. Therefore, the answer "MALI" fits perfectly.

Title for "Game of Thrones" knights : SER

The answer "SER" is the right solution because it is a title used for knights in the fictional world of "Game of Thrones".

were ___ that Dana was smitten, too. : SIGNALS

The clue "were ___ that Dana was smitten, too." suggests that there were indications or signs that Dana was also in love. The answer "SIGNALS" fits perfectly as it means signs or indications.

Wheezing laughter like an ___ in an old tire and deep blushing : AIRLEAK

The answer "AIRLEAK" fits the clue because wheezing laughter can sound like air escaping from a small hole or leak, and deep blushing can cause one's face to appear red, like a tire that has been inflated with air. Therefore, "AIRLEAK" is an appropriate and fitting solution.

When repeated, a toy train : CHOO

The answer "CHOO" is the right solution because when repeated, it imitates the sound of a toy train.

which were an ___ distraction. : ADDED

The clue "which were an ___ distraction" suggests that we are looking for a word that describes a type of distraction. The answer "ADDED" fits this clue because it means something extra or additional. Therefore, it implies that the distractions mentioned in the clue were additional or extra to something else.

Wide shoe spec : EEE

The answer "EEE" is the right solution because it is a shoe spec that indicates extra wide width. The letter "E" represents a wide width, and "EEE" indicates an even wider width than just "E".

With distinction : NOTEDLY

The answer "NOTEDLY" fits the clue "With distinction" because it means in a way that is worthy of attention or recognition.

___ was a girl named Ava. : THERE

The answer "THERE" fits the clue because it completes the sentence "___ was a girl named Ava." The word "THERE" indicates the existence or presence of Ava.

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