New York Times Crossword Clues and Answers for 18 January 2025, Saturday

Here's all New York Times Crossword answers for 18 January 2025, Saturday (01-18-25). Find all answers and solutions here. We've also tries to explain why the answer is the correct solution for each clue.
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Clues and answers

Clues followed by answers and an explanation underneath.

13-Down, e.g. : COP

The answer "COP" fits the clue "13-Down, e.g." because a cop is an example of a law enforcement officer, and 13-Down is typically a number on a crossword grid, so it's asking for an example of something.

Arabic for “prayer” : SALAH

The Arabic word "Salah" translates to "prayer" in English. It is a common term used in Islamic practices for the act of ritual prayer.

Avian symbol of good fortune in Celtic culture : WREN

The wren is considered a symbol of good fortune in Celtic culture due to its association with the god of the sun, Lugh. The wren was believed to be a magical bird that brought blessings and protection to those who honored it.

Capital and second-largest city of Minorca : MAHON

The capital and second-largest city of Minorca is Mahon. This answer fits the clue perfectly as Mahon is indeed the capital and second-largest city of Minorca.

Catchers of waves : SATELLITE DISHES

Chest-beating sort : GORILLA

The clue "Chest-beating sort" is a reference to a gorilla, as gorillas are known to beat their chests as a display of dominance or aggression.

Coloring sometimes confused with dun : ROAN

Roan is a color that is often confused with dun. Roan is a mixture of white hairs with another color, usually red or bay, which can give it a similar appearance to dun. This is why "Roan" is the correct answer to the clue.

Constellation with the star Regulus : LEO

The constellation Leo is associated with the star Regulus, which is the brightest star in the constellation.

Cry after a close shave : I’M ALIVE!

The answer "I'M ALIVE!" fits the clue because after a close shave, one might feel relieved and grateful to still be alive.

Dark Lord of the ___ (“Star Wars” title) : SITH

The Dark Lord in "Star Wars" is a member of the Sith, a group that follows the dark side of the Force. Therefore, the correct answer is "SITH."

Dish that’s different from its cousins by the inclusion of potatoes : SPANISH OMELETTE

The dish "Spanish omelette" is different from other omelettes because it includes potatoes as a key ingredient, setting it apart from its cousins in the omelette family.

Famous palindrome starter : A MAN, A PLAN, A CANAL …

The answer is "A MAN, A PLAN, A CANAL …" because it is a famous palindrome that reads the same forwards and backwards.

Female rapper with the 2008 hit “Paper Planes” : MIA

The answer is "MIA" because she is a female rapper known for the 2008 hit song "Paper Planes."

Fish with a shy-sounding name : KOI

The fish "Koi" sounds like the word "coy," which means shy or reserved.

Go a couple of rounds : SPAR

"SPAR" is the right answer because in boxing, to "spar" means to engage in a practice fight or boxing match. So, "go a couple of rounds" is a clue hinting at the activity of sparring.

Golfer’s concern : LIE

The term "lie" in golf refers to the position of the ball when it comes to rest on the ground. A golfer's concern is often the lie of the ball, as it can affect how the shot is played.

Half a candy bar? : KAT

The clue "Half a candy bar?" is a play on words. The answer "KAT" is half of the word "KIT KAT," which is a popular candy bar.

Handful : FEW

"Handful" is a clue that suggests a small quantity or number. "Few" is a word that means a small number of something, making it a fitting answer to the clue.

Handy person? : MIME

Hit 1976 album whose title track won the Grammy for Record of the Year : HOTEL CALIFORNIA

The hit 1976 album "Hotel California" by the Eagles features the title track, which won the Grammy for Record of the Year in 1978.

How to turn down a Hamburger : NEIN

"NEIN" is the German word for "no", so when you turn down a Hamburger with a German word, "NEIN" is the correct solution.

Informal hookups : IVS

Informal preposition : ‘TIL

The answer "‘TIL" is the right solution because it is a shortened form of the word "until," commonly used in informal language.

Initials for a 20th-century president (and his wife) : LBJ

"LBJ" stands for Lyndon B. Johnson, who was the 36th president of the United States, and his wife Lady Bird Johnson. Their initials are commonly used to refer to them together.

It can be infectious after Thanksgiving : CHRISTMAS SPIRIT

The answer "CHRISTMAS SPIRIT" is fitting because after Thanksgiving, people often start feeling the festive and joyful mood associated with Christmas, which can be described as the Christmas spirit.

It preceded Calibri as Microsoft’s default font : ARIAL

The answer is "ARIAL" because it was Microsoft's default font before Calibri was introduced.

It’s the word : MUM

The answer "MUM" fits the clue "It's the word" because "MUM" is a word used to ask for silence or secrecy, often used as a response to keep something confidential.

Jimmy Carter was the first president regularly seen in these : JEANS

Jimmy Carter was known for frequently wearing jeans, making him the first president to be regularly seen in this type of clothing.

Kate who won an Academy Award for “The Reader” : WINSLET

Kate Winslet won an Academy Award for her role in the movie "The Reader," making "WINSLET" the correct answer to the clue.

Kilo finder : NARC

"Kilo finder" is a slang term for a narcotics officer, often abbreviated as "NARC."

Largest tributary of the Mississippi : OHIO

The Ohio River is the largest tributary of the Mississippi River, making "OHIO" the correct answer.

Lead-in to day, way or more : ANY-

The prefix "ANY-" can be added to "day," "way," or "more" to form new words: "anyday," "anyway," and "anymore."

Lingo : CANT

The word "jargon" is the right answer for "lingo" because it refers to specialized vocabulary or language used by a particular group or profession.

Long weapon : LANCE

"LANCE" is the right solution because a lance is a long weapon typically used by mounted warriors in battle, making it a fitting answer for the clue "Long weapon."

Love interest of Peter in the “Spider-Man” universe : GWEN

Gwen Stacy is a character in the "Spider-Man" universe and is known as one of Peter Parker's love interests. The clue is hinting at Peter's romantic relationship with Gwen, making "GWEN" the correct answer.

Makes a move : ACTS

"Acts" is the right solution because in this context, "makes a move" can refer to taking action or doing something, which is synonymous with the word "acts."

Memorable title role of a 1941 film : KANE

"KANE" is the right solution because it refers to the title character in the 1941 film "Citizen Kane," which is considered a classic and iconic movie directed by Orson Welles.

Netflix category : ANIME

"ANIME" is the right answer because it is a popular category on Netflix that features animated shows and movies originating from Japan.

Novelist Gerritsen : TESS

Known for her novels such as "Gravity" and "The Surgeon," the novelist Gerritsen referred to in the clue is Tess Gerritsen. The answer to the clue is "TESS."

Nursery purchase : POT

The answer "PLANT" is the right solution because nurseries typically sell a variety of plants, making it a common purchase from a nursery.

On the right radio frequency : TUNED IN

The phrase "TUNED IN" means to be on the right radio frequency, making it the correct answer to the clue.

One of 12 for Katharine Hepburn : OSCAR NOMINATION

The clue "One of 12 for Katharine Hepburn" indicates that we are looking for a specific honor or award that Katharine Hepburn received multiple times. Katharine Hepburn received 12 Oscar nominations in her career, making "OSCAR NOMINATION" the correct answer.

Org. with a climate research program : NASA

NASA stands for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, which conducts climate research programs as part of its mission to explore space and Earth's atmosphere.

Pay attention to : NOTE

The word "mind" is the right solution because it means to pay attention to something or to be aware of it.

Person partial to humour? : BRIT

The answer "BRIT" is short for "British," and British people are known for their sense of humor.

Pipe material : BRIAR

"BRIAR" is the right answer because it is a type of wood commonly used to make tobacco pipes due to its heat-resistant and durable qualities.

Plugging away : AT IT

The phrase "at it" is a common expression that means working diligently or persistently on a task or activity. In the context of the clue "Plugging away," "AT IT" fits perfectly as it conveys the idea of continuing to work hard at something.

Range : ARRAY

The word "range" can mean a variety or selection of things, which can be represented by an array, a systematic arrangement of objects or items.

Reasonable : SANE

"SANE" means having a sound mind and being rational, which is synonymous with being reasonable.

Required safety feature on cars, in brief : ABS

ABS stands for Anti-lock Braking System, which is a required safety feature on cars. It helps prevent the wheels from locking up during sudden braking, allowing the driver to maintain steering control.

Scapola o femore : OSSO

"Scapola o femore" are both bones in the human body, and "osso" is the Italian word for bone. Therefore, "osso" is the correct answer that fits both clues.

Scoundrel : CAD

"KNAVE" is a fitting answer for "Scoundrel" because a knave is a deceitful or untrustworthy person, often associated with dishonest or immoral behavior. This term is commonly used in literature and storytelling to describe a villain or rogue character.

Showed respect or submission, in a way : KNELT

"KNELT" is the right solution because kneeling is a common gesture to show respect or submission in various cultures and situations.

Slightest amount : WHIT

"WHIT" means a very small amount or degree, making it a synonym for "slightest amount."

Some do-overs : LETS

In this case, "LETS" can mean giving permission to do something again, like a do-over. So, "Some do-overs" can be represented by "LETS".

Some travelers’ concerns, in brief : ETAS

The answer "ETAS" is short for "estimated times of arrival," which are concerns for travelers regarding when they will reach their destination.

Stack of Monopoly bills : ONES

The answer "ONES" fits the clue because in the game of Monopoly, the bills are typically in denominations of ones, fives, tens, twenties, fifties, and hundreds. "ONES" specifically refers to the stack of one-dollar bills in the game.

They share keys with 2’s : ATS

The answer "ATS" is the right solution because the word "ATS" shares keys (letters) with the number 2 on a standard phone keypad. The letters A, T, and S are all on the number 2 key.

Throne : CAN

Uncover : BARE

"BARE" is the right solution because "uncover" can mean to reveal or expose something, which is synonymous with being bare or naked.

Vein output : ORE

"Vein output" is a play on words that refers to what comes out of a vein in mining, which is ore.

Wisecrack : MOT

Yogi Berra or Joe DiMaggio, e.g. : ITALIAN AMERICAN

The clue is looking for a term that describes both Yogi Berra and Joe DiMaggio. They were both American baseball players of Italian descent, making them ITALIAN AMERICAN.

___ learning : ROTE

"___ learning" often refers to memorization through repetition, which is known as rote learning. Therefore, the answer "ROTE" fits the clue.

___ LeRoy Locke, “Father of the Harlem Renaissance” : ALAIN

Alain LeRoy Locke is known as the "Father of the Harlem Renaissance," making "ALAIN" the correct answer to the clue.

___ pro nobis : ORA

"Ora" is the right solution because "pro nobis" is a Latin phrase meaning "for us," and "ora" is a Latin word meaning "pray." So, "ora" fits perfectly in the blank to complete the phrase "pray for us."

___ Tiernan, author of the “Immortal Beloved” trilogy : CATE

Cate Tiernan is the author of the “Immortal Beloved” trilogy, making "CATE" the correct answer to the clue.

___-Cat : SNO

“I can handle this!” : LEMME!

"Lemme" is a colloquial contraction of "let me," often used to express confidence or willingness to take on a task. In this case, the clue "I can handle this!" is a confident statement that can be appropriately answered with "LEMME!"

“Is there more?” : CARE TO ELABORATE?

The answer "AND?" is the right solution because it is a common response when someone wants to know if there is additional information or more to a story.

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