New York Times Crossword Clues and Answers for 13 January 2025, Monday

Here's all New York Times Crossword answers for 13 January 2025, Monday (01-13-25). Find all answers and solutions here. We've also tries to explain why the answer is the correct solution for each clue.
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Clues and answers

Clues followed by answers and an explanation underneath.

Aid in preventing a shipwreck : LIGHTHOUSE (hiding “THOU”)

The answer "LIGHTHOUSE" is a structure that helps prevent shipwrecks by guiding ships away from dangerous coastlines or obstacles. In the clue, "THOU" is hidden within "LIGHTHOUSE," making it a clever play on words for the crossword answer.

Arabic for God : ALLAH

The word "ALLAH" is the Arabic term for God, commonly used in Islamic culture and religion. It is a well-known word that fits the clue "Arabic for God" perfectly.

Basketball goals : NETS

The answer "NETS" is the right solution because basketball goals have nets hanging from the rim to catch the ball when it goes through the hoop.

Brief moment : SEC

The answer "SEC" is the right solution to the clue "Brief moment" because "sec" is a commonly used abbreviation for "second," which is a very short unit of time.

Card that can have the highest or lowest value : ACE

The card "Ace" can have the highest value (11 in some games) or the lowest value (1 in some games) in a standard deck of playing cards.

Caustic drain cleaner : LYE

LYE is a caustic substance commonly used in drain cleaners to dissolve clogs. It fits the clue "Caustic drain cleaner" perfectly.

Cheese-loving test subjects : LAB MICE

The answer "LAB MICE" fits the clue because lab mice are commonly used in scientific experiments, including those involving testing preferences for cheese.

Chewed and swallowed : ATE

The word "ATE" means to chew and swallow food. It is a simple and common term for consuming food.

Chillaxes with friends : HANGS

"HANGS" is the right answer because in informal language, "hangs" is often used to mean spending time or relaxing with friends. So, "Chillaxes with friends" can be synonymous with "Hangs with friends".

Cigarette byproduct : ASH

The answer "ASH" fits the clue "Cigarette byproduct" because when a cigarette burns, the leftover residue is ash.

Common chart for comparing data : BAR GRAPH

A bar graph is a common visual representation used to compare data by showing values as bars of different lengths. It is a standard chart type for displaying and comparing information, making it a fitting answer to the clue.

Company nicknamed “Big Blue” : IBM

IBM is often referred to as "Big Blue" due to its blue logo and the company's size and influence in the tech industry.

Competent : ABLE

The word "able" means having the skill or capability to do something, which aligns with the clue "competent."

Cost for a commercial : AD FEE

The answer "AD FEE" fits the clue "Cost for a commercial" because in the advertising industry, companies pay a fee to have their commercials aired on TV or other platforms. The term "AD FEE" specifically refers to the cost associated with placing an advertisement.

Digitally make to look younger : DE-AGE

"Digitally make to look younger" is a clue that indicates the process of using technology to make someone appear younger in a film or photograph. The term for this process is "de-aging," which involves reducing the perceived age of a person through digital manipulation.

Disinfectant brand with the tagline “Healthing” : LYSOL

LYSOL is a well-known brand of disinfectant products that uses the tagline "Healthing" to emphasize its ability to promote health by killing germs and bacteria.

Do a whoopsie : ERR

"ERR" is the right solution because "Do a whoopsie" is a playful way of saying "make a mistake," and "ERR" is a common abbreviation for error or mistake in crossword puzzles.

Downpour : DELUGE

"Deluge" is the right solution because it is a synonym for a heavy downpour of rain, often used to describe a sudden and overwhelming amount of rainfall.

Edible ice cream holder : CONE

"CONE" is the right solution because a cone is a popular edible vessel used to hold and eat ice cream. It is made of a crispy, cone-shaped pastry that complements the ice cream inside.

Essential to the character of something : INHERENT

The word "inherent" means existing as a natural or essential characteristic. Therefore, it fits the clue "essential to the character of something" as it describes a quality or trait that is inseparable from that thing.

Feel relief from anxiety : BREATHE EASY (hiding “THEE”)

The answer "BREATHE EASY (hiding “THEE”)” fits the clue because "BREATHE EASY" means to feel relief from anxiety, and it also contains the word "THEE" hidden within it.

Felt sore : ACHED

The word "ached" is the right solution because it means to feel sore or experience a dull, continuous pain.

Fly high : SOAR

The word "soar" means to fly high in the sky, making it the correct answer to the clue "Fly high."

Football holder in “Peanuts” : LUCY

Lucy is the football holder in the comic strip "Peanuts" created by Charles Schulz. Lucy is known for pulling the football away right before Charlie Brown kicks it.

Gave up, as territory : CEDED

"Ceded" means to give up or surrender, often used in the context of giving up territory. So, the answer "CEDED" fits the clue "Gave up, as territory" perfectly.

German “Phooey!” : ACH!

"ACH!" is a German interjection often used to express disappointment or annoyance, similar to saying "Phooey!" in English. So, "ACH!" is the right solution for the clue "German 'Phooey!'"

Give in to gravity : SAG

"SAG" in this context refers to the action of giving in to gravity, as objects tend to sag or droop downwards under the force of gravity. It fits the clue perfectly.

Hangout events for two guy friends : BRO DATES

The term "BRO DATES" refers to social outings or events specifically for two male friends, emphasizing their close friendship and camaraderie. The use of "bro" signifies a casual and familiar relationship between the two individuals.

High school or college seniors, usually : FOURTH-YEARS (hiding “THY”)

The answer "FOURTH-YEARS" fits the clue because high school or college seniors are typically referred to as fourth-years, and the word "THY" is hidden within "FOURTH-YEARS."

Holding hands outside, e.g., for short : PDA

The answer "PDA" stands for "public display of affection," which includes holding hands outside. The abbreviation "PDA" is commonly used to refer to such behavior, making it the right solution for the clue.

Holi celebrant : HINDU

The Holi festival is primarily celebrated by people of the Hindu religion, making "HINDU" the correct answer.

Journalism : PRESS Down 1 Word before plane or projection

The word that comes before "plane" or "projection" is "PRESS," as in "press plane" or "press projection." This makes "PRESS" the correct answer to the clue.

Kind of steak named after a letter of the alphabet : T-BONE

The T-Bone steak is named after the T-shaped bone it contains, which separates two different cuts of meat - the tenderloin and the strip steak. This fits the clue "Kind of steak named after a letter of the alphabet" as T-Bone starts with the letter "T".

Lead-in to Worth, Wayne or Lauderdale : FORT …

The answer is "FORT" because it is a prefix that can be added to the names Worth, Wayne, or Lauderdale to form well-known forts in the United States: Fort Worth, Fort Wayne, and Fort Lauderdale.

Leave roaring with laughter : SLAY

The answer "SLAY" fits the clue "Leave roaring with laughter" because "slay" can mean to greatly amuse or entertain someone. So, when something leaves you "roaring with laughter," it means it has slayed you with laughter.

Made a quick retreat : FLED

"FLED" means to run away from a dangerous or unpleasant situation quickly. In the context of the clue "Made a quick retreat," the word "FLED" fits perfectly as it describes the action of quickly retreating or escaping from a situation.

Mini-albums, for short : EPS

"EPS" is the right solution because it is a common abbreviation for "extended plays," which are mini-albums with fewer tracks than a full album.

Minuscule picture used in spycraft : MICRODOT

A microdot is a tiny photograph or image used in spycraft to convey secret information. The word "minuscule" in the clue hints at something very small, which fits the description of a microdot.

More than willing : EAGER

"EAGER TO" is the right solution because it means having a strong desire or willingness to do something, which is a synonym for being more than willing.

On the ocean : AT SEA

The word "ASEA" means "on the ocean" or "at sea".

Oozes, as charm : EXUDES

"Exudes" means to ooze out or emit charm, making it the right answer to the clue "Oozes, as charm."

Pigpen : STY

"Sty" is a structure where pigs are kept. In this case, "Pigpen" is a synonym for "sty", making it the correct answer.

Place for gladiatorial combat : ARENA

"ARENA" is the right answer because historically, gladiatorial combat took place in arenas, which were large amphitheaters where these fights were held for entertainment.

Purges (of) : RIDS

"RIDS" is the right solution because it is a synonym for "purges." When something is purged, it is getting rid of or eliminating something, which is exactly what "RIDS" means.

Quality of a statement that feels plausible : TRUTHINESS (hiding “THINE”)

The answer "TRUTHINESS" fits because it means the quality of feeling true or plausible, and it includes the word "THINE" hidden within it. This makes it a clever and fitting answer to the clue.

Queue : LINE

The answer "LINE" is the right solution because a queue is a line of people waiting for something.

Ready to eat, as fruit : RIPE

"RIPE" is the right solution because when fruit is ripe, it is ready to eat due to being fully developed in flavor and sweetness.

Restaurant that offers a Mexican Tres Leches stack : IHOP

Sent a private text, for short : DM’ED

The answer "DM'ED" is the right solution because "DM" is short for direct message, commonly used in texting and social media to refer to sending a private message to someone. Adding "-ED" to the end indicates that the action of sending a direct message has already taken place.

Sharp-eyed bird : EAGLE

EAGLE is the right answer because eagles are known for their keen eyesight, making them sharp-eyed birds.

Shelf on a cliff : LEDGE

"LEDGE" is the right answer because a ledge is a narrow shelf-like projection that sticks out from a vertical surface like a cliff, providing a place to stand or store things.

Some jazz instruments, informally : SAXES

The answer "SAXES" fits the clue because the saxophone is a common instrument in jazz music and is often referred to informally as "saxes" when multiple saxophones are being played together.

Spinners in laundromats : DRYERS

The answer "DRYERS" fits the clue because spinners in laundromats refer to machines that spin and dry clothes after they have been washed.

Stock market debut, for short : IPO

"IPO" stands for Initial Public Offering, which is when a private company offers its stock to the public for the first time on the stock market. So, "Stock market debut, for short" refers to an IPO.

Strings along : LEADS ON

"Strings along" is a phrase that means to lead someone on or deceive them. "Leads on" is a synonym for this phrase, making it the correct answer to the clue.

Swears (to) : ATTESTS

The word "swears" can be synonymous with "attests", meaning to confirm or verify something as true.

Sweetheart, slangily : BAE

The answer "BAE" is the right solution because it is a popular slang term that means "sweetheart" or "before anyone else." It is commonly used to refer to a romantic partner or loved one.

Tightens one’s ice skates, e.g. : LACES UP

The answer "LACES UP" fits the clue because tightening one's ice skates typically involves lacing them up.

Tit for ___ : TAT

"Tat for tit" is a phrase meaning an equivalent retaliation or action in response. In this context, "Tit for ___" is a play on this phrase, with the answer "TAT" completing the expression.

Tongue of Chaucer … or what’s literally shown in the shaded squares? : MIDDLE ENGLISH

The shaded squares in the crossword puzzle spell out "MIDDLE" vertically in the middle of the grid, and "ENGLISH" horizontally across the middle. This represents the answer "MIDDLE ENGLISH," which is the language Chaucer wrote in.

Uncommon thing : RARITY

The word "RARITY" means something that is uncommon or rare, making it a fitting answer to the clue "Uncommon thing."

Uno x 2 : DOS

The clue "Uno x 2" is asking for a number that is double the value of "Uno," which is the number 1 in Spanish. The answer to this math equation is "DOS," which is the number 2 in Spanish.

Visibly supports, as a university or sports team : REPS

The word "REPS" is a shortened form of "representatives," indicating that someone is showing visible support for a university or sports team by representing or endorsing them.

Wipes out : ERASES

"Eats it" is a slang term that means "to suffer a defeat or failure." Therefore, "Wipes out" is a synonym for "Eats it."

With it, in last-century slang : HEP

The term "hep" was slang in the last century for being fashionable, stylish, or up-to-date. So, "with it" in last-century slang can be represented by the word "HEP."

Ye ___ Shoppe : OLDE

"Ye" is an archaic way of saying "the," and "olde" is an old-fashioned spelling of "old." So, "Ye ___ Shoppe" would be a traditional or historic shop, often signified by using the word "olde."

Young feller : LAD

The term "lad" is a colloquial way to refer to a young boy or young man, making it a fitting answer for the clue "Young feller."

___ and seek : HIDE

The phrase "___ and seek" refers to the children's game "hide and seek," where one person hides and others seek to find them. Therefore, the correct answer is "HIDE."

“At Last” singer James : ETTA

The clue mentions "At Last" which is a famous song by American singer Etta James, so the answer is "ETTA".

“Beware the ___ of March” : IDES

The phrase "Beware the ___ of March" is a famous line from William Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar." In the play, a soothsayer warns Julius Caesar to beware the "Ides of March," which refers to the 15th day of March in the Roman calendar. Therefore, the correct answer is "IDES."

“Dagnabbit!” : DRAT!

The answer "RATS!" is a common expression of frustration or annoyance, similar to "Dagnabbit!" Both are used to express mild anger or disappointment.

“Money, Money, Money” group : ABBA

ABBA is the Swedish pop group famous for the song "Money, Money, Money."

“Quiet on the ___!” : SET

The phrase "Quiet on the set!" is commonly used on a film or TV set to ask for silence during filming. Therefore, the correct answer is "SET."

“Rick and ___” (adult animated sitcom) : MORTY

"MORTY" is the right solution because the character Morty is one of the main characters in the adult animated sitcom "Rick and Morty."

“Rumor has it …” : I HEAR …

The answer "I HEARD ..." fits the clue "Rumor has it ..." because it is a common phrase used to introduce something that one has heard as a rumor or gossip. It implies that the information being shared may not be confirmed or entirely reliable.

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