The most common and most likely answer to this crossword clue is the 4 letter word NADA , but the solution may also be SQUAT which is one of the most recent solution (2024 in New York Times).
Zippo crossword clue answers
Here's a list of possible crossword answers ranked by the most likely to least likely.
Answer | Likelyness | Letters |
NADA | 49 % | 4 |
NIL | 29 % | 3 |
NONE | 12 % | 4 |
ZILCH | 4 % | 5 |
NOTONE | 2 % | 6 |
SQUAT | 1 % | 5 |
NOTAONE | 1 % | 7 |
ZERO | 1 % | 4 |
NOTONEIOTA | 1 % | 10 |
Why may NIL be the right solution?
"Zippo" is a slang term for "nothing" or "zero". "Nil" is a synonym for "nothing" or "zero", making it a fitting answer for the clue.
Words with a meaning similar to the clue: Zippo
These words may or may not be a possible solution to this crosswords clue.- nada
- nil
- none
- zilch
- flambeau
- cigarette
- halliburton
- inkpen
- lighters
- marlboro
- ashtray
- hatchett
Crossword Answer definitions
NADA pronoun- Nothing.
More crossword clues leading to the same solutions
Here's a few more crossword clues - all leading to the identical solution
More clues leading to the result NADA
- Zero
- Zilch
- Nothing, in Nogales
- Zip
- Nothing: Spanish
- Possible reply to "Que pasa?"
- Slangy refusal
- Zip, to Zapata
- Squadoosh
- Squat
More clues leading to the result NIL
More clues leading to the result NONE
- Zilch
- "____ of your beeswax!"
- __ of the above
- ___ of the above
- Not a whit
- Zip
- Nary a one
- "__ But the Brave"
- "__ of your beeswax!"
- What the elite are second to
More clues leading to the result ZILCH
More clues leading to the result NOTONE
- Zero
- Zilch
- Nary a
- Zippo
- Nary a soul
- Zip
- What "nary" means.
- "But ___ cent for tribute"
- " . . . ditties of ___": Keats
- Opposite of all
More clues leading to the result SQUAT
- Catcher's posture
- Catcher's position
- Nothing
- Scratch
- Stubby
- Zilch
- Diddly-___
- Short and stubby
- Workout routine
- Short and thick
More clues leading to the result NOTAONE
More clues leading to the result ZERO
- Nil
- With no value
- Gravity or hour leader
- Love, in tennis
- Nothing
- 1 in 10?
- It's nothing, really
- Main character in Elmer Rice's "The Adding Machine"
- One less?
- Round number?