The most common and most likely answer to this crossword clue is the 3 letter word NIL , but the solution may also be NONE which is one of the most recent solution (2024 in LA Times).
Zilch crossword clue answers
Here's a list of possible crossword answers ranked by the most likely to least likely.
Answer | Likelyness | Letters |
NIL | 41 % | 3 |
NADA | 29 % | 4 |
NONE | 18 % | 4 |
ZERO | 4 % | 4 |
SQUAT | 1 % | 5 |
NOTABIT | 1 % | 7 |
ZIP | 1 % | 3 |
NAUGHT | 1 % | 6 |
NOTONEIOTA | 1 % | 10 |
NOTHING | 0 % | 7 |
JACKSQUAT | 0 % | 9 |
NOTAONE | 0 % | 7 |
DIDDLYSQUAT | 0 % | 11 |
ZIPPO | 0 % | 5 |
ABIGNOTHING | 0 % | 11 |
NOTAWHIT | 0 % | 8 |
BUPKES | 0 % | 6 |
NOTANY | 0 % | 6 |
NOTONE | 0 % | 6 |
NOTALICK | 0 % | 8 |
NOTONEWHIT | 0 % | 10 |
GOOSEEGG | 0 % | 8 |
Why may NIL be the right solution?
"Zilch" is a slang term that means "nothing" or "zero". "NIL" is a synonym for "nothing" or "zero", making it a suitable answer for the clue.
Words with a meaning similar to the clue: Zilch
These words may or may not be a possible solution to this crosswords clue.- nada
- nothing
- zero
- nil
- naught
- aught
- zip
- goose egg
- nix
- cipher
- cypher
- crap
Crossword Answer definitions
NIL noun- Nothing; zero.
More crossword clues leading to the same solutions
Here's a few more crossword clues - all leading to the identical solution
More clues leading to the result NIL
More clues leading to the result NADA
- Zero
- Zilch
- Nothing, in Nogales
- Zip
- Nothing: Spanish
- Possible reply to "Que pasa?"
- Slangy refusal
- Zip, to Zapata
- Squadoosh
- Squat
More clues leading to the result NONE
- Zilch
- "____ of your beeswax!"
- __ of the above
- ___ of the above
- Not a whit
- Zip
- Nary a one
- "__ But the Brave"
- "__ of your beeswax!"
- What the elite are second to
More clues leading to the result ZERO
- Nil
- With no value
- Gravity or hour leader
- Love, in tennis
- Nothing
- 1 in 10?
- It's nothing, really
- Main character in Elmer Rice's "The Adding Machine"
- One less?
- Round number?
More clues leading to the result SQUAT
- Catcher's posture
- Catcher's position
- Nothing
- Scratch
- Stubby
- Zilch
- Diddly-___
- Short and stubby
- Workout routine
- Short and thick
More clues leading to the result NOTABIT
- "Hardly"
- "Squadoosh"
- In no way
- To no extent
- None at all
- Spartan's response to "How much does it hurt?"
- None whatsoever
- Agreeable answer to "Do you mind?"
- Cooperative response to "Do you mind?"
- Diddly
More clues leading to the result ZIP
- Postal code
- Code type
- Word before car or code
- Nothing
- Oomph
- Compress a computer file
- Energy
- Extra oomph
- Shrink computer files
- Shrink, as computer files
More clues leading to the result NAUGHT
More clues leading to the result NOTONEIOTA
More clues leading to the result NOTHING
- Love, to Venus?
- Middle of observation
- Zero
- What this puzzle is about?
- Cipher.
- Nonentity.
- Absence of all magnitude.
- This answers: "Jane Eyre."
- Goose egg.
- What is served at a Barmecide feast.
More clues leading to the result JACKSQUAT
More clues leading to the result NOTAONE
More clues leading to the result DIDDLYSQUAT
- Nada
- Very little, in slang
- *Nearly none, in slang
- The least amount
- Zilch
- The least bit
- What the exercise regimen in 17-, 25-, 37- and 51-Across is worth?
- Absolutely nothing
- Nothing much, to weightlifters?
More clues leading to the result ZIPPO
- Lighter choice
- Lighter brand
- Nada
- Bupkis
- Lighter that sounds like nothing?
- Doodly-squat
- Lighter handle?
- Lighter name
- Alternative to a Bic Classic
- Brand with a flame over the "i" in its logo
More clues leading to the result ABIGNOTHING
More clues leading to the result NOTAWHIT
More clues leading to the result BUPKES
More clues leading to the result NOTANY
More clues leading to the result NOTONE
- Zero
- Zilch
- Nary a
- Zippo
- Nary a soul
- Zip
- What "nary" means.
- "But ___ cent for tribute"
- " . . . ditties of ___": Keats
- Opposite of all