New York Times Crossword Clues and Answers for 9 April 2024, Tuesday

Here's all New York Times Crossword answers for 9 April 2024, Tuesday (04-09-24). Find all answers and solutions here. We've also tries to explain why the answer is the correct solution for each clue.
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Clues and answers

Clues followed by answers and an explanation underneath.

A-lister : STAR

The answer "CELEB" is the right solution for the clue "A-lister" because "CELEB" is a commonly used abbreviation for "celebrity," which refers to a famous or well-known person.

Add fuel to : STOKE

"Stoke" means to add fuel to a fire or furnace to keep it burning. It is a common term used in the context of adding fuel to a fire, making it the correct answer to the clue "Add fuel to."

Afflict : AIL

The word "ail" means to cause pain, discomfort, or suffering to someone or something. Therefore, it is a suitable answer for the clue "afflict".

Alternative to prix fixe : A LA CARTE

The term "A LA CARTE" refers to ordering individual dishes from a menu at separate prices, as opposed to a fixed-price menu like prix fixe. This makes it the correct answer to the clue "Alternative to prix fixe."

Bit of Indian music : RAGA

RAGA is a term used in Indian classical music to describe melodic modes. It is a common element in Indian music, making it a fitting answer to the clue "Bit of Indian music."

Bon ___ (witticism) : MOT

The term "Bon ___" is a French phrase meaning "good" or "clever." In this context, "MOT" is the correct answer as it is a synonym for "witticism" or clever remark in French.

Bowlful at a Super Bowl watch party : CHILI

The answer is "CHILI" because it is a popular dish often served at Super Bowl watch parties in a bowl. It is a common and fitting choice for the clue provided.

Brought nine possible outfits for a one-night stay, e.g. : OVERPACKED

"OVERPACKED" fits the clue because it suggests bringing more than necessary, like nine outfits for a one-night stay, which is excessive packing.

Cat, cutesily : KITTY

The word "cutesily" is a clue indicating that the answer should be a cute or endearing term for a cat. "Kitty" is a common and cute term for a cat, making it the right solution.

Chill, so to speak : ZEN

"Chill" is a slang term meaning to relax or be calm. "Zen" is a state of calmness and relaxation, making it a fitting answer to the clue.

Civil rights org. founded in 1909 : NAACP

The answer is "NAACP" because it stands for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, which is a prominent civil rights organization founded in 1909.

Come together : MERGE

The phrase "come together" can mean to meet or gather in one place, which is exactly what a "meetup" is.

Congressional title : Abbr.

The answer "Abbr." is short for abbreviation, which is commonly used in crossword puzzles to indicate that the answer should be an abbreviated form of a word or title. In this case, "Congressional title" is often abbreviated to "Rep." or "Sen." for Representative or Senator.

Consider, as pros and cons : WEIGH

WEIGH is the right answer because when you consider pros and cons, you are mentally weighing the arguments for and against something to make a decision.

Despise : ABHOR

"HATE" is the right answer because despise means to feel a strong dislike or hatred towards something or someone.

Difficult experience : ORDEAL

The word "ordeal" means a difficult or painful experience, making it a fitting answer to the clue "Difficult experience."

Driving test obstacle : CONE

The answer "CONE" is correct because cones are often used as obstacles during driving tests to test a driver's ability to navigate around them.

Elevator passageway : SHAFT

The answer "SHAFT" fits because an elevator moves up and down within a vertical passageway called a shaft.

European heavy weight? : KILO

The answer "KILO" is the right solution because in Europe, weight is often measured in kilograms, where "kilo" is a common abbreviation for kilogram.

Field for a voice major, perhaps : OPERA

This is the right solution because "Opera" is a field of study for voice majors, as they often specialize in opera performance and training.

First doll to be marketed as an “action figure” : GI JOE

GI JOE is the correct answer because it was the first doll marketed as an "action figure," distinguishing it from traditional dolls marketed to girls.

First name of Donald Trump’s first wife : IVANA

The first name of Donald Trump's first wife is Ivana because that is her actual name. Ivana Trump was married to Donald Trump from 1977 to 1992.

Fly ball just beyond the infield : LOOPER

"Looper" is the right solution because it is a term used in baseball to describe a fly ball hit just beyond the infield. It loops or arcs in the air, making it difficult for infielders to catch.

Food ___ (post-meal state) : COMA

The term "food coma" refers to the drowsy and lethargic feeling that can occur after eating a large meal. Therefore, the correct answer to "Food ___ (post-meal state)" is "COMA."

Full of baloney : BOGUS

The word "bogus" means fake or not genuine, which fits the clue "full of baloney" as both phrases refer to something being false or not truthful.

Have trouble with one’s balance? : OWE

The answer "OWE" fits the clue "Have trouble with one’s balance?" because "OWE" sounds like "Oh" which is an expression of surprise or imbalance. It's a play on words that makes it a clever and fitting answer.

Highfalutin : ARTY

Hog haven : STY

STY is a shelter or pen for pigs, making it a hog haven.

Holy city in Islam : MECCA

MECCA is considered the holiest city in Islam because it is the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad and the location of the Kaaba, which is the most sacred site in Islam. Muslims around the world face towards Mecca when they pray, making it a central and revered city in the Islamic faith.

Horror film prop : AXE

The answer "AXE" fits the clue "Horror film prop" because axes are commonly used as weapons in horror films to create fear and suspense.

Imitated : APED

The answer to "Imitated" is "APED" because "aped" means to mimic or copy someone's actions or behavior.

Insult, informally : DISS Down 1 Shredded side dish

The answer is "DISS" because it is a slang term for insult, informally.

It runs hot : LAVA

The answer "LAVA" fits the clue "It runs hot" because lava is molten rock that flows from a volcano, and it is extremely hot.

Ivy in upstate New York : CORNELL

The Ivy League university located in upstate New York is Cornell University. "Ivy in upstate New York" is a clue that points to the answer "CORNELL."

Kind of dining style with small plates : TAPAS

The answer "TAPAS" fits because tapas is a type of dining style where small plates of food are served, allowing diners to try a variety of dishes.

Lady Gaga hit included on Rolling Stone’s “500 Greatest Songs of All Time” list : BAD ROMANCE

The answer "BAD ROMANCE" fits the clue because it is a Lady Gaga hit song that was included in Rolling Stone's list of the "500 Greatest Songs of All Time."

Little devil : IMP

The term "imp" is often used to refer to a mischievous or playful little devil or demon in folklore and mythology. It is a common crossword answer for the clue "Little devil" due to its association with mischief and troublemaking.

Medicine tablets : PILLS

The answer "PILLS" fits the clue "Medicine tablets" because pills are a common form in which medicine is taken orally, making it a suitable answer for the clue.

Melville captain : AHAB

The answer "AHAB" is the captain in Herman Melville's novel Moby-Dick.

Menu maker : CHEF

"Menu maker" is a term often used to refer to a chef, as chefs are responsible for creating and designing menus for restaurants or events.

Nickname shared by two Spice Girls : MEL

"MEL" is the right answer because it is a common nickname shared by two Spice Girls, Mel B (Melanie Brown) and Mel C (Melanie Chisholm).

Noted Spanish muralist : GOYA

Goya is a noted Spanish muralist because Francisco Goya was a famous Spanish painter known for his murals and other works of art.

Observance that might include Fish Fridays : LENT

"Lent" is the right answer because during Lent, which is a Christian observance, followers often abstain from eating meat on Fridays, opting for fish instead.

Obvious : OVERT

"OVERT" means easily seen or understood, which is synonymous with "obvious."

Occam’s ___ : RAZOR

Occam's Razor is a problem-solving principle that suggests simpler solutions are more likely to be correct than complex ones. The answer "RAZOR" is the right solution because it refers to this principle.

Office subs : TEMPS

"Office subs" are temporary workers who fill in for regular employees, making the answer "TEMPS" the right solution.

Oodles : A LOT

"Heaps" is a synonym for "oodles," meaning a large amount or quantity.

Pep rally cheers : RAHS

"RAHS" is a common cheer or chant often heard at pep rallies to show support and enthusiasm for a team or cause.

Place : PUT

"Place" can be used as a verb meaning to put something in a particular position, which is synonymous with the word "put."

Sass : LIP

The word "sass" can mean impudent or disrespectful talk. "Lip" can be used to mean impudent talk or backtalk, making it a fitting answer for the clue.

Send forth : EMIT

"Send forth" is a clue indicating that you need a word that means to release or give off. "Emit" fits this description perfectly as it means to send forth or give off something like light, sound, or gas.

Some Art Deco works : ERTES

Erte was a prominent Art Deco artist known for his elegant and stylized designs, making "ERTES" a fitting answer for the clue "Some Art Deco works."

Source of Thanksgiving carbs : YAM

Yams are a common carbohydrate-rich food often served as part of Thanksgiving meals, making them a fitting answer to the clue "Source of Thanksgiving carbs."

Spot to sip a mai tai : TIKI ROOM

The Tiki Room is a themed attraction found at Disney parks where guests can enjoy tropical drinks like a mai tai.

Stave off : AVERT

AVERT means to stave off or prevent something from happening, making it the correct answer to the clue "Stave off."

Take a tumble : FALL

"FALL" is the right answer because "take a tumble" is a common way of saying someone has fallen or stumbled to the ground.

Tortilla option : CORN

The answer "CORN" is the right solution because corn tortillas are a common option in Mexican cuisine, often used for tacos, enchiladas, and other dishes.

Tubular pasta : PENNE

The answer "PENNE" fits the clue "Tubular pasta" because penne is a type of pasta that is shaped like a tube with ridges, making it a common choice for pasta dishes.

Use, as energy : EXERT

The word "exert" means to use or apply (energy, ability, etc.) to achieve a purpose. In this case, the clue "Use, as energy" is a synonym for "exert," making it the correct answer.

Vehicles with credit card readers : CABS

The answer "CABS" fits the clue because taxis, or cabs, often have credit card readers for passengers to pay for their rides electronically.

Vogue competitor : ELLE

ELLE is a fashion magazine that competes with Vogue, making it the right answer to the clue "Vogue competitor".

When one might show up, for short : ETA

The answer "ETA" is short for "estimated time of arrival," which is when someone might show up.

When said three times, “You get the idea” : YADDA

"YADDA" is the right answer because when you say it three times as "Yadda yadda yadda," it is a common expression used to indicate that someone understands or is familiar with the topic being discussed.

Whitney who invented the cotton gin : ELI

Eli Whitney is the inventor of the cotton gin, a machine that revolutionized the cotton industry. In this clue, "Whitney who invented the cotton gin" is referring to Eli Whitney, making "ELI" the correct answer.

“Call on me! Call on me!” : OH! OH!

The answer "OH! OH!" fits the clue because it represents someone eagerly wanting to be called on, as if they are raising their hand and saying "Oh! Oh! Pick me!"

“Hey, acclaimed Australian actress – prepare the broccoli!” : CATE, BLANCH IT! (sounds like Cate Blanchett)

The answer "CATE, BLANCH IT!" is wordplay that sounds like "Cate Blanchett" when spoken aloud. The clue hints at preparing broccoli, which is to "blanch" it. So, the answer is a play on the actress's name and the cooking term.

“Hey, Julia Roberts’s ex – you’re doing great!” : LYLE, LOVE IT! (sounds like “Lyle Lovett”)

The answer "LYLE, LOVE IT!" is a play on words that sounds like "Lyle Lovett," who is Julia Roberts's ex-husband. This makes it the right solution for the clue "Hey, Julia Roberts's ex - you're doing great!"

“Hey, Mr. Gazillionaire from Omaha – go shine the car!” : WARREN, BUFF IT! (sounds like “Warren Buffet”)

The answer "WARREN, BUFF IT! (sounds like “Warren Buffet”)" is a play on words where "Buff it" sounds like "Buffet," referring to Warren Buffet, the billionaire from Omaha.

“Hey, patriarch of 1960s television – shut up!” : JED, CLAMP IT! (sounds like “Jed Clampett”)

The answer "JED, CLAMP IT!" is a play on words that sounds like "Jed Clampett," the patriarch character from the 1960s television show "The Beverly Hillbillies." The clue is asking the patriarch to be quiet in a humorous way.

“Piggies” : TOES

“S.N.L.” alumna who wrote “Bossypants” : TINA FEY

Tina Fey is a former cast member of Saturday Night Live (S.N.L.) and the author of the book "Bossypants," making her the correct answer to the clue.

“See you all later” : I’M OUT

The answer "I'M OUT" is a casual way of saying goodbye, which fits the clue "See you all later".

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