New York Times Crossword Clues and Answers for 22 January 2025, Wednesday

Here's all New York Times Crossword answers for 22 January 2025, Wednesday (01-22-25). Find all answers and solutions here. We've also tries to explain why the answer is the correct solution for each clue.
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Clues and answers

Clues followed by answers and an explanation underneath.

1988 film for which Tom Hanks received his first Oscar nomination : BIG

The answer is "BIG" because the 1988 film starred Tom Hanks and earned him his first Oscar nomination for Best Actor.

19th-century presidential nickname : ABE

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, was often referred to by the nickname "Abe."

500 sheets of paper : REAM

The term "ream" is a unit of paper quantity that consists of 500 sheets.

Animal that sounds like you? : EWE

The answer "EWE" is the right solution because it sounds like the word "you" when pronounced.

Back of the neck : NAPE

The back of the neck is commonly referred to as the "nape" because it specifically refers to the area at the back of the human neck.

Bankable vacation, for short : PTO

"PTO" stands for "Paid Time Off," which is a type of leave from work that is paid for by your employer. It is often used for vacations, hence the term "bankable vacation."

Barbershop stock : RAZORS

The answer "RAZORS" fits the clue "Barbershop stock" because razors are commonly used tools found in barbershops for cutting hair and shaving.

Box up : ENCASE

The answer "ENCASE" is the right solution because it means to box up or put something inside a case or container.

Butter alternative : OLEO

"Oleo" is a term that was commonly used in the past to refer to margarine, which is a common butter alternative.

Chooses : OPTS

The word "opts" is a verb that means to make a choice from a range of possibilities. Therefore, it is a suitable answer to the clue "chooses".

Company that once sold the Magic 8 Ball : TYCO

The company TYCO once owned the Magic 8 Ball, making it the correct answer to the clue.

Cuckoo : LOCO

The word "cuckoo" is often associated with being crazy or insane. "Loco" is a slang term that means crazy or insane, making it a fitting answer for the clue.

Develops iron 49-Down : RUSTS

The clue "Develops iron" is a hint that the iron is undergoing a specific process. In this case, iron undergoing the process of oxidation is known as rusting. Therefore, the correct answer to "Develops iron" is "RUSTS."

Dodge : EVADE

"Elude" means to avoid or escape from someone or something by being quick, skillful, or clever. This fits the clue "Dodge", which means to avoid someone or something by moving quickly out of the way. Therefore, "Elude" is the correct solution.

Dressed to the ___ : NINES

The phrase "Dressed to the nines" means dressed very elegantly or stylishly. The expression dates back to the early 1700s and is believed to refer to dressing up to the highest standard, with "nines" possibly referring to perfection or excellence.

Drum location : EAR

The answer "EAR" fits the clue "Drum location" because the ear is a body part that is often associated with hearing and is where the eardrum is located.

Eats that pair well with beer : PUB GRUB

The answer "PUB GRUB" fits the clue because pub grub refers to the type of food commonly served in pubs or bars, which are known to pair well with beer. These are often casual and hearty dishes like burgers, fries, wings, and nachos that complement the flavors of beer.

Eye irritation : STYE

"STYE" is the right answer because a stye is a common eye condition that causes inflammation and irritation of the eyelid. It fits the clue "Eye irritation" perfectly.

Fairy tale bear who apparently liked cold porridge and soft chairs : MAMA

The answer "MAMA" fits the clue because in the fairy tale "Goldilocks and the Three Bears," the bear who likes cold porridge and soft chairs is the Mama Bear.

Feature of golf and rugby, but not gymnastics or luge? : HARD G

The answer "HARD G" refers to the letter "G" in the words "golf" and "rugby," which are sports that include the letter "G." However, the sports gymnastics and luge do not have the letter "G" in their names.

Feeling induced by a total eclipse, perhaps : AWE

The feeling induced by a total eclipse is often awe-inspiring, as the sight of the moon completely blocking the sun can evoke a sense of wonder and amazement. "AWE" is the right solution because it captures this overwhelming feeling of admiration and reverence.

Former N.B.A. star Smits, the “Dunking Dutchman” : RIK

Rik Smits is a former N.B.A. star known as the "Dunking Dutchman," and "RIK" is a common abbreviation for the name Rik.

Former Taiwanese president ___ Ing-wen : TSAI

The answer is "TSAI" because Tsai Ing-wen is the former president of Taiwan and "TSAI" is the correct spelling of her last name.

Gamer’s likeness : AVATAR

The term "avatar" is commonly used in gaming to refer to a player's virtual representation in a game world. It is the digital likeness or character that a gamer controls or embodies within the game.

Get a party going : BREAK THE ICE

"Break the ice" means to initiate conversation or social interaction in a situation where there may be tension or awkwardness, which is what getting a party going often requires.

Grinned broadly : BEAMED

The word "beamed" means to smile broadly, which is synonymous with grinning broadly.

Having little hustle : LAZY

The answer "LAZY" fits the clue "Having little hustle" because being lazy means lacking the motivation or effort to do things, which is synonymous with having little hustle.

Horse-drawn party vehicle? : DRINKING BUGGY

Hosp. areas : ERS

The answer to "Hosp. areas" is "ERS" because "ERS" stands for Emergency Rooms, which are areas in hospitals where patients receive immediate medical attention for urgent conditions.

Humorous nickname for the largest player on your baseball team : PEEWEE

The nickname "PEEWEE" is a humorous contrast to the idea of a large player, as "peewee" typically refers to something small or tiny. This creates a playful and ironic twist, making it a fitting choice for the clue.

It follows ka in the Spanish alphabet : ELE

"ELE" follows "ka" in the Spanish alphabet. In the Spanish alphabet, "ka" is represented by the letter "K," and the letter that comes after "K" is "L," which is pronounced as "ele" in Spanish.

Italian anise-flavored liqueur : SAMBUCA

"SAMBUCA" is the right solution because it is a popular Italian liqueur that is flavored with anise.

Item in a first-aid kit : BANDAGE

A bandage is a common item found in first-aid kits that is used to cover and protect wounds. It helps to keep the wound clean and promote healing.

Japanese noodle : UDON

The answer to "Japanese noodle" is "UDON" because Udon is a type of thick wheat noodle commonly used in Japanese cuisine.

Jay Gatsby, to Nick Carraway? : PLAYBOY BUDDY

The answer "PLAYBOY BUDDY" fits because Jay Gatsby is portrayed as a wealthy and charismatic figure who enjoys throwing extravagant parties and living a lavish lifestyle, making him a "playboy." Additionally, he forms a close friendship with Nick Carraway in "The Great Gatsby," making him his "buddy."

Kipling or Keats : POET

The clue "Kipling or Keats" is a hint that refers to both authors being poets. Therefore, the answer "POET" fits the clue as it is a general term for someone who writes poetry.

Locale of the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest : CONEY ISLAND

"CONEY ISLAND" is the right answer because the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest takes place annually on July 4th at the original Nathan's Famous hot dog stand located on Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York.

Many ’90s music purchases : CDS

The answer "CDS" fits the clue "Many ’90s music purchases" because in the 1990s, compact discs (CDs) were a popular format for buying music.

Mare/hare pair? : HORSE AND BUNNY

Morning TV host Kelly : RIPA

"RIPA" is the right solution because Kelly Ripa is a well-known morning TV host, co-hosting the show "Live with Kelly and Ryan."

Move slightly : BUDGE

"Move slightly" is a definition of the word "stir", which means to cause something to move slightly by gently moving it with a spoon or other tool, or to move slightly as a result of being gently moved.

Not doing anything : IDLE

"Free" can mean not being occupied or busy with anything, which matches the clue "not doing anything".

Noted name in suits : ARMANI

Giorgio Armani is a well-known fashion designer famous for his high-end suits and other luxury clothing items. Therefore, "Noted name in suits" refers to Armani as a recognized and respected brand in the world of men's fashion.

Org. of the main characters in “The Americans” : KGB

The KGB is the organization that the main characters in "The Americans" belong to, as they are Soviet spies living undercover in the United States.

Part of your body that might be furrowed or raised : BROW

The word "brow" refers to the forehead, which can be furrowed (wrinkled) or raised (arched eyebrows).

Puffs : TOKES

The term "puffs" is often used as slang for inhaling smoke, especially from a cigarette or marijuana. "Tokes" is a slang term specifically meaning to inhale smoke from a marijuana cigarette, making it a fitting answer for the clue "Puffs."

Racehorse’s gait : GALLOP

The racehorse's gait refers to how the horse moves during a race. A gallop is a fast, four-beat gait where all four legs are off the ground simultaneously. This makes "GALLOP" the right answer for the clue.

Refute : DENY

The word "deny" means to refuse to accept or believe something, which is a way of refuting an argument or claim.

See 50-Down : OXIDE

The answer to "See 50-Down" is "OXIDE" because the answer to 50-Down is "RUST," and when you add "OX" (short for "ox" or bull) to "RUST," you get "OXIDE," which is a chemical compound containing oxygen.

Sneaky schemes : RUSES

"RUSES" are sneaky schemes because they are cunning and deceptive tricks or tactics used to deceive someone.

Souvenir for a Final Four team : NET

The answer "NET" is correct because basketball nets are often cut down and kept as souvenirs by teams that make it to the Final Four of the NCAA basketball tournament.

Spain and Portugal : IBERIA

The answer "IBERIA" refers to the Iberian Peninsula, which is where both Spain and Portugal are located.

Steakhouse order : RIB EYE

The answer "RIB EYE" fits the clue "Steakhouse order" because a rib eye steak is a popular menu item at many steakhouses, known for its tenderness and flavor.

Stimpy’s cartoon friend : REN

The cartoon character Stimpy's friend is Ren, from the show "The Ren & Stimpy Show."

Strengths : ASSETS

The word "ASSETS" is often used to refer to strengths or valuable qualities that a person or organization possesses. In a business context, assets are resources that can be used to generate income or provide a competitive advantage. So, "Strengths" can be synonymous with "ASSETS."

Takes in : SEES

The word "adopts" fits the clue "Takes in" because it means to legally take someone else's child as one's own.

Tarnish : MAR

"Mar" means to damage or spoil the quality of something, which can result in tarnishing its appearance. Therefore, "Mar" is the right solution for the crossword clue "Tarnish."

Tennis format … or a description of some of the letters in 20-, 31- and 38- : MIXED DOUBLES

The answer "MIXED DOUBLES" fits because it refers to a tennis format where each team consists of one male and one female player, which matches the description of having some letters in the words "MIXED" and "DOUBLES" being male and some being female.

The “A” of U.A.E. : ARAB

The "A" in U.A.E. stands for "Arab," as the United Arab Emirates is a country located in the Middle East primarily populated by Arab people.

The “grand slam” of showbiz : EGOT

The answer "EGOT" refers to winning an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar, and a Tony award, which are considered the highest honors in showbiz.

They are sometimes held too long : GRUDGES

The answer "GRUDGES" fits the clue because grudges are negative feelings or resentments that people can hold onto for too long, causing emotional harm.

Thin woodwind : OBOE

The answer to "Thin woodwind" is "OBOE" because the oboe is a musical instrument that belongs to the woodwind family and has a slender, thin shape.

Wallop : DRUB

"PASTE" can be a synonym for "wallop" in the sense of hitting or striking with great force. Both words convey the idea of a powerful impact or blow.

What might rain down on opposing players : BOOS

The answer "BOOS" fits the clue because when opposing players are disliked or performing poorly, the crowd may boo them, which means to show disapproval or dissatisfaction by making a loud noise.

Words before “Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope” : HELP ME …

The answer "HELP ME …" fits the clue because it is the beginning of the iconic holographic message Princess Leia sends to Obi-Wan Kenobi in the movie "Star Wars: A New Hope."

Yaks : GABS

Zingers : BARBS

"Barbs" are sharp and critical remarks, which are often referred to as zingers in colloquial language.

___ Moines : DES Down 1 Stick with

DES Moines is the capital city of Iowa. "Des" is the first part of the city's name.

___-Seltzer : ALKA

Alka-Seltzer is a brand name of an effervescent antacid and pain reliever medication used for relief of heartburn, indigestion, and headache. "ALKA" is the first part of the brand name.

“Just tell me which it is!” : YES OR NO?!

The answer "YES OR NO?!" fits the clue "Just tell me which it is!" because when someone is asking for a direct answer, they often want a simple "yes" or "no" response, hence the exasperated tone of the answer.

“Well, see ya!” : OKAY, BYE!

The answer "OKAY, BYE!" fits the clue "Well, see ya!" because it is a casual way of saying goodbye.

“___ intended!” : NO PUN

The phrase "No pun intended" is a common expression used to indicate that a statement was not intended as a joke. In this crossword clue, "___ intended!" is a hint for the solver to fill in the missing word, which is "NO PUN" to complete the phrase.

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