The most common and most likely answer to this crossword clue is the 7 letter word NOMADIC , but the solution may also be TRAMP which is one of the most recent solution (2010 in Chronicle of Higher Education).
Traveling man crossword clue answers
Here's a list of possible crossword answers ranked by the most likely to least likely.
Answer | Likelyness | Letters |
NOMADIC | 67 % | 7 |
TRAMP | 17 % | 5 |
WANDERER | 17 % | 8 |
Words with a meaning similar to the clue: Traveling man
These words may or may not be a possible solution to this crosswords clue.- nomad
- vagabond
- wanderer
- vagrant
- traveller
- gypsy
- hobo
- wandering
- wayfarer
- wanderings
- tramp
- traveler
Crossword Answer definitions
NOMADIC adjective- Of or relating to nomads, whether
More crossword clues leading to the same solutions
Here's a few more crossword clues - all leading to the identical solution
More clues leading to the result NOMADIC
- Traveling man
- Wandering
- Like Plains Indians
- Always on the move
- Given to wandering
- Inclined to wander
- Transient
- Like Bedouins
- Characteristic of certain Arabian tribes.
- Without a settled home.
More clues leading to the result TRAMP
- Hobo
- The Little ___ (Chaplin character)
- Chaplin persona
- Disney dog
- Traveling man
- Tread heavily
- "Little" Chaplin role
- Roads scholar?
- Freddie the Freeloader, e.g.
- Lady's companion