Answer to "Thespian's workplace" crossword clue

The most common and most likely answer to this crossword clue is the 5 letter word STAGE which also is the latest solution we found used in Newsday in 2010.

Thespian's workplace crossword clue answers

Here's a list of possible crossword answers ranked by the most likely to least likely.

Answer Likelyness Letters
STAGE100 %5

Words with a meaning similar to the clue: Thespian's workplace

These words may or may not be a possible solution to this crosswords clue.
  • act
  • sag
  • boards
  • stage
  • acting
  • role
  • actor
  • alan
  • artiste
  • aside
  • broadway
  • dramatic

Crossword Answer definitions

STAGE noun
  1. A phase.
  2. A platform; a surface, generally elevated, upon which show performances or other public events are given.
  3. A floor or storey of a house.
  4. A floor elevated for the convenience of mechanical work, etc.; scaffolding; staging.
  5. A platform, often floating, serving as a kind of wharf.
  6. A stagecoach, an enclosed horsedrawn carriage used to carry passengers.
  7. A place of rest on a regularly travelled road; a station; a place appointed for a relay of horses.
  8. A degree of advancement in a journey; one of several portions into which a road or course is marked off; the distance between two places of rest on a road.
  9. The number of an electronic circuit’s block, such as a filter, an amplifier, etc.
  10. The place on a microscope where the slide is located for viewing.
  11. A level; one of the sequential areas making up the game.
  12. A place where anything is publicly exhibited, or a remarkable affair occurs; the scene.
  13. The succession of rock strata laid down in a single age on the geologic time scale.
STAGE verb
  1. To produce on a stage, to perform a play.
  2. To demonstrate in a deceptive manner.
  3. To orchestrate; to carry out.
  4. To place in position to prepare for use.
  5. To determine what stage (a disease, etc.) has progressed to

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