Answer to "Show piece" crossword clue

The most common and most likely answer to this crossword clue is the 3 letter word ACT which also is the latest solution we found used in New York Times in 2019.

Show piece crossword clue answers

Here's a list of possible crossword answers ranked by the most likely to least likely.

Answer Likelyness Letters
ACT53 %3
DEMO11 %4
ART11 %3

Words with a meaning similar to the clue: Show piece

These words may or may not be a possible solution to this crosswords clue.
  • centerpiece
  • showpiece
  • centrepiece
  • showpieces
  • extravaganza
  • showcase
  • masterpiece
  • showplace
  • cornerstone
  • centerpieces
  • magnificent
  • curtain raiser

Crossword Answer definitions

ACT noun
  1. Something done, a deed.
  2. Actuality.
  3. Something done once and for all, as distinguished from a work.
  4. A product of a legislative body, a statute.
  5. The process of doing something.
  6. A formal or official record of something done.
  7. A division of a theatrical performance.
  8. A performer or performers in a show.
  9. Any organized activity.
  10. A display of behaviour.
  11. A thesis maintained in public, in some English universities, by a candidate for a degree, or to show the proficiency of a student.
  12. A display of behaviour meant to deceive.
ACT verb
  1. To do something.
  2. To do (something); to perform.
  3. To perform a theatrical role.
  4. Of a play: to be acted out (well or badly).
  5. To behave in a certain manner for an indefinite length of time.
  6. To convey an appearance of being.
  7. To do something that causes a change binding on the doer.
  8. (construed with on or upon) To have an effect (on).
  9. To play (a role).
  10. To feign.
  11. (construed with on or upon, of a group) To map via a homomorphism to a group of automorphisms (of).
  12. To move to action; to actuate; to animate.

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