The most common and most likely answer to this crossword clue is the 5 letter word ABOUT , but the solution may also be SORTA which is one of the most recent solution (2023 in LA Times).
Not exactly crossword clue answers
Here's a list of possible crossword answers ranked by the most likely to least likely.
Answer | Likelyness | Letters |
ABOUT | 28 % | 5 |
ORSO | 20 % | 4 |
SORTA | 16 % | 5 |
SORTOF | 8 % | 6 |
OFFTHEMONEY | 4 % | 11 |
YESANDNO | 4 % | 8 |
QUASI | 4 % | 5 |
OFASORT | 4 % | 7 |
MOREORLESS | 4 % | 10 |
INASENSE | 4 % | 8 |
LOOSELY | 4 % | 7 |
Why may YESANDNO be the right solution?
The phrase "yes and no" is often used to indicate a response that is not completely one way or the other. The answer "YESANDNO" is a play on this phrase, indicating that the answer is not exactly what was expected or straightforward.
Words with a meaning similar to the clue: Not exactly
These words may or may not be a possible solution to this crosswords clue.- not that
- not really
- inexactly
- not only
- not applicable
- anything but
- pretty much
- not much
- basically
- nonliteral
- essentially
- nothing but
Crossword Answer definitions
ABOUT adjective- Moving around; astir.
- In existence; being in evidence; apparent.
- Near; in the vicinity or neighbourhood.
- On all sides; around.
- Here and there; around; in one place and another; up and down.
- From one place or position to another in succession; indicating repeated movement or activity.
- Indicating unproductive or unstructured activity.
- Nearly; approximately; with close correspondence in quality, manner, degree, quantity, or time; almost.
- Near; in the vicinity.
- To a reversed order; half round; facing in the opposite direction; from a contrary point of view.
- In succession; one after another; in the course of events.
- In circuit; circularly; by a circuitous way; around the outside; in circumference.
- In a circle around; all round; on every side of; on the outside of.
- Over or upon different parts of; through or over in various directions; here and there in; to and fro in; throughout.
- Indicates that something will happen very soon; indicates a plan or intention to do something.
- Concerning; with regard to; on account of; on the subject of; to affect.
- Concerned with; engaged in; intent on.
- Within or in the immediate neighborhood of; in contiguity or proximity to; near, as to place.
- On one's person; nearby the person.
- In or near, as in mental faculties or in the possession of; under the control of; at one's command; in one's makeup.
More crossword clues leading to the same solutions
Here's a few more crossword clues - all leading to the identical solution
More clues leading to the result ABOUT
- Close to
- Give or take
- Not exactly
- Concerned with
- More or less
- Here and there
- Roughly
- Not at home
- Word between man and town
- Re
More clues leading to the result ORSO
- Approximately
- Phrase of approximation
- "...__ I'm told"
- Approximation words
- River in central England
- Roughly
- ____ it seems
- Approximate words
- Thereabouts
- Words of approximation
More clues leading to the result SORTA
- More or less, informally
- Mayyyyybe
- Somewhat, slangily
- Rather, colloquially
- In a way
- Rather, slangily
- Rather, informally
- In a way, loosely
- More or less
- In a way, in a way
More clues leading to the result SORTOF
- In a way
- Somewhat
- More or less
- Not entirely
- To a degree
- Kinda
- To some extent
- To some degree
- Not exactly
- "You might say that"
More clues leading to the result OFFTHEMONEY
More clues leading to the result YESANDNO
- Hedger's reply
- "It all depends ..."
- Response akin to "It's complicated"
- Irresolute response
- "Sorta"
- Equivocal response
- Noncommittal answer
- Ambivalent response
- Equivocal reply
- Two-part answer
More clues leading to the result QUASI
- Much the same
- Kinda-sorta
- Kinda like
- Resembling
- Seeming
- Somewhat
- Sort of, but not quite
- Sorta kinda
- Kind of, but not exactly
- Imitation
More clues leading to the result OFASORT
- More or less
- In some respects
- Broadly speaking
- To some degree
- Qualifying phrase
- In certain respects
- Not exactly
- In some respect
- Of various kinds.
- Belonging to the same class.
More clues leading to the result MOREORLESS
- Fairly close to correct
- *Roughly
- Approximately
- Somewhat
- For the most part
- Approximation choices
- Approximately.
- Somewhat.
- Option
- Imprecise measurement
More clues leading to the result INASENSE
- To a certain extent
- So to speak
- Sort of
- Kind of
- Partly
- Somewhat
- To some extent
- To some degree
- Looking at it one way
- Not entirely