Answer to "Homer's barkeep" crossword clue

The most common and most likely answer to this crossword clue is the 3 letter word MOE which also is the latest solution we found used in CrossSynergy in 2015.

Homer's barkeep crossword clue answers

Here's a list of possible crossword answers ranked by the most likely to least likely.

Answer Likelyness Letters
MOE100 %3

Words with a meaning similar to the clue: Homer's barkeep

These words may or may not be a possible solution to this crosswords clue.
  • bart
  • batter
  • battered
  • belabor
  • black
  • blue
  • bounce
  • hitter
  • iliad
  • layabout
  • lip
  • maris

Crossword Answer definitions

MOE noun
  1. Strong interest in, and especially fetishistic attraction towards, fictional characters in anime, manga, video games, and/or similar media.
MOE noun
  1. A gull, seagull.
MOE noun
  1. A prison, or other place of confinement.
  2. A hiding place; a secret store or den.
  3. A breeding-cage for birds.
  4. A cage for hawks, especially while moulting.
  5. (in the plural) A building or set of buildings where moulting birds are kept.
MOE noun
  1. The crying sound of a cat; a meow, especially of a kitten.
  2. The crying sound of a gull.
  3. An exclamation of disapproval; a boo.
MOE adverb
  1. To a greater degree
  2. Further, longer
MOE noun
  1. Any of several species of large, extinct, flightless birds of the family Dinornithidae that were native to New Zealand; until its extinction, one species was the largest bird in the world.
MOE verb
  1. Of a cow or bull, to make its characteristic lowing sound.
MOE adverb
  1. To a greater degree or extent.
  2. Used to form the comparative form of adjectives and adverbs.
  3. In negative constructions: any further, any longer; any more.
  4. Used in addition to an inflected comparative form.
MOE noun
  1. The act of mowing (a garden, grass etc.)
  2. A shot played with a sweeping or scythe-like motion.
MOE verb
  1. To cut down grass or crops.
  2. To cut down or slaughter in great numbers.
MOE noun
  1. A scornful grimace; a wry face.
MOE verb
  1. To make grimaces, mock.
MOE noun
  1. A stack of hay, corn, beans or a barn for the storage of hay, corn, beans.
  2. The place in a barn where hay or grain in the sheaf is stowed.
MOE verb
  1. To put into mows.

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