The most common and most likely answer to this crossword clue is the 6 letter word SAILOR , but the solution may also be Sp. which is one of the most recent solution (2023 in New York Times).
Hand crossword clue answers
Here's a list of possible crossword answers ranked by the most likely to least likely.
Answer | Likelyness | Letters |
SAILOR | 8 % | 6 |
GIVETO | 8 % | 6 |
CREWMAN | 4 % | 7 |
WORKMAN | 4 % | 7 |
APPLAUSE | 4 % | 8 |
LINEARMEASURE | 4 % | 13 |
HIREDLABORER | 4 % | 12 |
STRAIGHT | 4 % | 8 |
MAN | 4 % | 3 |
BANANACLUSTER | 4 % | 13 |
POKERHOLDING | 4 % | 12 |
OVATION | 4 % | 7 |
Sp. | 4 % | 3 |
FULLHOUSE | 4 % | 9 |
EMPLOYEE | 4 % | 8 |
TWOPAIRS | 4 % | 8 |
Why may SP be the right solution?
"Sp." is an abbreviation for "Spanish," so "Hand" in Spanish is "Sp."
Words with a meaning similar to the clue: Hand
These words may or may not be a possible solution to this crosswords clue.- manus
- paw
- hired hand
- mitt
- mauler
- hook
- reach
- handwriting
- script
- pass
- turn over
- pass on
Crossword Answer definitions
SAILOR noun- A person in the business of navigating ships or other vessels
- Someone knowledgeable in the practical management of ships.
- A member of the crew of a vessel; a mariner; a common seaman.
- A person who sails sailing boats as a sport or recreation.
- Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genera Neptis, Pseudoneptis and Phaedyma, having white markings on a dark base and commonly flying by gliding.
More crossword clues leading to the same solutions
Here's a few more crossword clues - all leading to the identical solution
More clues leading to the result SAILOR
- Shore-leave taker
- Tar
- "Heave ho" giver, perhaps
- Crew member
- Hand on deck
- Popeye, for one
- Junk man?
- Salt
- Popeye or Bluto
- ___ Moon (anime series)
More clues leading to the result GIVETO
More clues leading to the result ROUNDOFAPPLAUSE
- Big hand
- Audience's acclamation
- Appreciation from the crowd
- Hand from the audience
- Acknowledgement of success--four are hidden in this puzzle, each adjacent to a black square
- Audience's accolade
- Music to a speaker's ears
- Encore elicitor
- Outburst from the audience
More clues leading to the result CREWMAN
More clues leading to the result WORKMAN
More clues leading to the result APPLAUSE
- Sign flashed in TV studios
- Crowd noise
- Sign of appreciation
- Sign of audience approval
- It greets champions: Ivanhoe.
- Actors love it.
- It's metered on TV.
- Sign at a radio broadcast.
- Music to actors.
- Hand.
More clues leading to the result LINEARMEASURE
More clues leading to the result HIREDLABORER
More clues leading to the result STRAIGHT
- Five in a row, in Vegas
- Combination at poker.
- Direct.
- Poker hand.
- Poker holding
- Go ___ (be law-abiding)
- Poker hand
- Even
- Unembellished
More clues leading to the result MAN
- Checker piece
- Chess queen, strangely, enough
- To a __ (without exception)
- "I'm a ___" (Bo Diddley hit)
- "Wow!"
- Superhero suffix
- ___ overboard!
- Fit out
- Game piece
- Staff
More clues leading to the result POINTERONACLOCK
More clues leading to the result BANANACLUSTER
More clues leading to the result POKERHOLDING
More clues leading to the result OVATION
- Great reception
- It may be standing
- Uproarious applause
- Applause
- One might stand for it
- Loud clapping
- Show of approval
- Show of hands?
- Standing acclaim, at times
- Enthusiastic applause
More clues leading to the result Sp.
More clues leading to the result BITOFASSISTANCE
More clues leading to the result FULLHOUSE
- TV show about the Tanner family
- A pair and a trio, in Vegas
- Great deal?
- One may include three kings
- Bob Saget TV series
- Sellout of a kind.
- A better hand than 42 Across
- Flush beater
- 37-Across beater
More clues leading to the result PENMANSHIPSTYLE
More clues leading to the result EMPLOYEE
- Worker
- Hired hand
- Wage earner
- One on the payroll
- Hand
- Person on payroll.
- Plant worker
- Worker for a company
- {/Who might go on strike/}
- Person on the payroll
More clues leading to the result STANDANDDELIVER
- 1988 film about calculus
- 1987 Edward James Olmos tour-de-force
- 1987 drama based on the true story of teacher Jaime Escalante
- Line to the best man at speech time?
- Movie about going into labor with no bed nearby?
- 1988 movie set in a Southern California high school
- Olmos film of '87
- Movie concerning calculus
- Olmos/Phillips film of '88
- Olmos movie of '87