Answer to "Fixes, as a vote" crossword clue

The most common and most likely answer to this crossword clue is the 4 letter word RIGS which also is the latest solution we found used in American Values Club in 2014.

Fixes, as a vote crossword clue answers

Here's a list of possible crossword answers ranked by the most likely to least likely.

Answer Likelyness Letters
RIGS100 %4

Words with a meaning similar to the clue: Fixes, as a vote

These words may or may not be a possible solution to this crosswords clue.
  • dilemma
  • parabola
  • electrolysis
  • static
  • center
  • ground
  • grounded
  • leak
  • middle
  • open
  • pole
  • poles

Crossword Answer definitions

RIGS noun
  1. The rigging of a sailing ship or other such craft.
  2. Special equipment or gear used for a particular purpose.
  3. A large truck such as a semi-tractor.
  4. The special apparatus used for drilling wells.
  5. A costume or an outfit.
  6. A computer case, often modified for looks.
  7. An imperfectly castrated horse, sheep etc.
  8. Radio equipment, especially a citizen's band transceiver.
  9. A model outfitted with parameterized controls for animation.
RIGS verb
  1. To fit out with a harness or other equipment.
  2. To equip and fit (a ship) with sails, shrouds, and yards.
  3. To dress or clothe in some costume.
  4. To make or construct something in haste or in a makeshift manner.
  5. To manipulate something dishonestly for personal gain or discriminatory purposes.
  6. To make free with; hence, to steal; to pilfer.
  7. To outfit a model with controls for animation.
RIGS noun
  1. A ridge.
RIGS noun
  1. A wanton; one given to unbecoming conduct.
  2. A promiscuous woman.
  3. A sportive or unbecoming trick; a frolic.
  4. A blast of wind.
RIGS verb
  1. To play the wanton; to act in an unbecoming manner; to play tricks.
RIGS noun
  1. An algebraic structure similar to a ring, but without the requirement that every element have an additive inverse.

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