Answer to "Finished" crossword clue

The most common and most likely answer to this crossword clue is the 4 letter word OVER , but the solution may also be DID which is one of the most recent solution (2022 in Wall Street Journal).

Finished crossword clue answers

Here's a list of possible crossword answers ranked by the most likely to least likely.

Answer Likelyness Letters
OVER46 %4
DONE19 %4
DID2 %3
PAST1 %4
SUNK0 %4
GONE0 %4

Words with a meaning similar to the clue: Finished

These words may or may not be a possible solution to this crosswords clue.
  • done
  • complete
  • ended
  • over
  • all over
  • through
  • terminated
  • up
  • destroyed
  • fattening
  • polished
  • painted

Crossword Answer definitions

OVER noun
  1. A set of six legal balls bowled.
  2. Any surplus amount of money, goods delivered, etc.
OVER verb
  1. To go over, or jump over.
  2. To run about.
OVER adjective
  1. Discontinued; ended or concluded.
OVER adverb
  1. Thoroughly; completely; from beginning to end.
  2. To an excessive degree; overly.
  3. From an upright position to being horizontal.
  4. Horizontally; left to right or right to left.
  5. From one position or state to another.
  6. Overnight (throughout the night).
  7. (usually with do) Again; another time; once more; over again.
  8. (procedure word) a procedure word meaning that a station is finished transmitting and is expecting a response.
OVER preposition
  1. Physical positioning.
  2. By comparison.
  3. Indicating relative status, authority, or power
  4. Divided by.
  5. Separates the three of a kind from the pair in a full house.
  6. Finished with; done with; from one state to another via a hindrance that must be solved or defeated; or via a third state that represents a significant difference from the first two.
  7. While using, especially while consuming.
  8. Concerning or regarding.
  9. Above, implying superiority after a contest; in spite of; notwithstanding.
OVER interjection
  1. In radio communications: end of sentence, ready to receive reply.
OVER noun
  1. A shore, riverbank.

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