Answer to "Fashion figure" crossword clue

The most common and most likely answer to this crossword clue is the 5 letter word MODEL which also is the latest solution we found used in Universal uClick in 2018.

Fashion figure crossword clue answers

Here's a list of possible crossword answers ranked by the most likely to least likely.

Answer Likelyness Letters
MODEL100 %5

Words with a meaning similar to the clue: Fashion figure

These words may or may not be a possible solution to this crosswords clue.
  • style icon
  • trendsetter
  • fashionista
  • fashion plate
  • editorial
  • lc
  • fashion show
  • situs
  • designer
  • model
  • modeling
  • runway

Crossword Answer definitions

MODEL noun
  1. A person who serves as a subject for artwork or fashion, usually in the medium of photography but also for painting or drawing.
  2. A person, usually an attractive female, hired to show items or goods to the public, such as items given away as prizes on a TV game show.
  3. A representation of a physical object, usually in miniature.
  4. A simplified representation used to explain the workings of a real world system or event.
  5. A style, type, or design.
  6. The structural design of a complex system.
  7. A successful example to be copied, with or without modifications.
  8. An interpretation function which assigns a truth value to each atomic proposition.
  9. An interpretation which makes a set of sentences true, in which case that interpretation is called a model of that set.
  10. An animal that is used to study a human disease or pathology.
  11. Any copy, or resemblance, more or less exact.
  12. In software applications using the model-view-controller design pattern, the part or parts of the application that manage the data.
MODEL verb
  1. To display for others to see, especially in regard to wearing clothing while performing the role of a fashion model
  2. To use as an object in the creation of a forecast or model
  3. To make a miniature model of
  4. To create from a substance such as clay
  5. To make a model or models
  6. To be a model of any kind
MODEL adjective
  1. Worthy of being a model; exemplary.

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