Answer to "Epic in scope" crossword clue

The most common and most likely answer to this crossword clue is the 3 letter word BIG which also is the latest solution we found used in Unknown in 2000.

Epic in scope crossword clue answers

Here's a list of possible crossword answers ranked by the most likely to least likely.

Answer Likelyness Letters
BIG50 %3
BROAD50 %5

Words with a meaning similar to the clue: Epic in scope

These words may or may not be a possible solution to this crosswords clue.
  • big
  • broad
  • epical
  • grand
  • heroic
  • titanic
  • huge
  • major
  • space
  • beowulf
  • cosmic
  • epos

Crossword Answer definitions

BIG noun
  1. Someone or something that is large in stature
  2. An important or powerful person; a celebrity; a big name.
  3. (as plural) The big leagues, big time.
  4. (BDSM) The participant in ageplay who acts out the older role.
BIG verb
  1. To praise, recommend, or promote.
BIG adjective
  1. Of great size, large.
  2. (of an industry or other field, often capitalized) Thought to have undue influence.
  3. Popular.
  4. Adult.
  5. Fat.
  6. Important or significant.
  7. (with on) Enthusiastic (about).
  8. Mature, conscientious, principled; generous.
  9. Well-endowed, possessing large breasts in the case of a woman or a large penis in the case of a man.
  10. (sometimes figurative) Large with young; pregnant; swelling; ready to give birth or produce.
  11. Used as an intensifier, especially of negative-valence nouns
  12. (of a city) populous
  13. (of somebody's age) old, mature. Used to imply that somebody is too old for something, or acting immaturely.
BIG adverb
  1. In a loud manner.
  2. In a boasting manner.
  3. In a large amount or to a large extent.
  4. On a large scale, expansively.
  5. Hard.
BIG verb
  1. To inhabit; occupy
  2. To locate oneself
  3. To build; erect; fashion
  4. To dwell; have a dwelling
BIG noun
  1. One or more kinds of barley, especially six-rowed barley.

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