Answer to "A follower" crossword clue

The most common and most likely answer to this crossword clue is the 3 letter word ONE , but the solution may also be NOUN which is one of the most recent solution (2014 in New York Times).

A follower crossword clue answers

Here's a list of possible crossword answers ranked by the most likely to least likely.

Answer Likelyness Letters
ONE50 %3
BFLAT17 %5
CHOO8 %4
NOUN8 %4
BCDE8 %4

Words with a meaning similar to the clue: A follower

These words may or may not be a possible solution to this crosswords clue.
  • disciple
  • adherent
  • convert
  • spirituality
  • institutionalism
  • organized religion
  • chosen people
  • orthodox
  • discipleship
  • lucy
  • creed
  • confession

Crossword Answer definitions

ONE noun
  1. The digit or figure 1.
  2. The neutral element with respect to multiplication in a ring.
  3. A one-dollar bill.
  4. One run scored by hitting the ball and running between the wickets; a single.
  5. A joke or amusing anecdote.
  6. A particularly special or compatible person or thing.
  7. (leet) Used instead of ! to amplify an exclamation, parodying unskilled typists who forget to press the shift key while typing exclamation points, thus typing "1".
ONE verb
  1. To cause to become one; to gather into a single whole; to unite.
ONE adjective
  1. Of a period of time, being particular.
  2. Being a single, unspecified thing; a; any.
  3. Sole, only.
  4. Whole, entire.
  5. In agreement.
  6. The same.
  7. Being a preeminent example.
  8. Being an unknown person with the specified name; see also "a certain".
ONE numeral
  1. The number represented by the Arabic numeral 1; the numerical value equal to that cardinal number.
  2. The first positive number in the set of natural numbers.
  3. The cardinality of the smallest nonempty set.
  4. The ordinality of an element which has no predecessor, usually called first or number one.
ONE pronoun
  1. (impersonal pronoun, indefinite) One thing (among a group of others); one member of a group.
  2. (impersonal pronoun, sometimes with "the") The first mentioned of two things or people, as opposed to the other.
  3. (indefinite personal pronoun) Any person (applying to people in general).
  4. (pronoun) Any person, entity or thing.

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