pubdate: 2024-04-27
dateYear: 2024
LA Times Crossword Clues for 27 April 2024, Saturday

LA Times Crossword Clues and Answers for 27 April 2024, Saturday

Here's all LA Times Crossword answers for 27 April 2024, Saturday. Find all answers and solutions here. We've also tries to explain why the answer is the correct solution for each clue.
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Clues and answers

Clues followed by answers and an explanation underneath.

Academic domain : EDU

The answer "EDU" is a common abbreviation for the academic domain, as it represents education.

Airport listings : GATES

The answer "GATES" is correct because airport listings refer to the different gates at an airport where passengers board their flights.

American __ : SAMOA


Artisan’s platform : ETSY

The answer "ETSY" is the right solution because Etsy is an online platform where artisans can sell their handmade and unique products.

Barcelona’s Fundació Joan __ : MIRO

Joan Miró was a famous Spanish artist and his foundation, Fundació Joan Miró, is located in Barcelona. So, "MIRO" is the right answer for the clue.

Barra of General Motors : MARY

Mary Barra is the CEO of General Motors, making her a well-known figure in the automotive industry. Therefore, the answer "MARY" fits the clue "Barra of General Motors."

Belgrade native : SERB

"SERB" is the right answer because a native of Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, is commonly referred to as a Serb.

Brand of slip resistant shoes : AVIA

AVIA is a well-known brand that specializes in slip-resistant shoes, making it the correct answer for the clue "Brand of slip resistant shoes."

Cantankerous : TESTY Down 1 Genre of Ariana Grande’s “7 Rings”

The word "cantankerous" means bad-tempered or irritable. The word "ornery" is a synonym for cantankerous, as it also describes someone who is grouchy or difficult to get along with. Therefore, "ornery" is the right solution for the clue "Cantankerous."

Cantankerous : TESTY Down 1 Genre of Ariana Grande’s “7 Rings”

The answer to "Genre of Ariana Grande’s '7 Rings'" is "POP" because Ariana Grande is a pop music artist, and the song "7 Rings" falls under the pop genre.

Carrot family plant : ANISE

Come down : POUR

The word "pour" can be used to describe something coming down in a steady stream, like rain or liquid from a container.

Election map figure : BLUE STATE

The answer "BLUE STATE" is the right solution because in election maps, states that typically vote for the Democratic Party are colored blue.

Facility for tech-savvy HS kids : AV LAB

"AV LAB" stands for Audio-Visual Laboratory, a facility commonly found in high schools where tech-savvy students can work with audio and visual equipment for various projects.

Fair activities for kids : PONY RIDES

"PONY RIDES" are fair activities for kids because they are a popular attraction at fairs where children can ride ponies around a designated area.

Fan attribute : TEAM SPIRIT

"Fan attribute" refers to a quality that fans possess, and "TEAM SPIRIT" is a common attribute associated with fans who support a particular sports team. They show enthusiasm, loyalty, and unity in cheering for their team, hence "TEAM SPIRIT" is the right answer.

Figures in a dominance hierarchy : ALPHA MALES

The term "alpha males" refers to individuals in a group, typically animals, who assert dominance over others. They are at the top of the social hierarchy.

Game that may be played on horses, bicycles, or elephants : POLO

The game of Polo is traditionally played on horses, but it can also be played on bicycles or elephants.

Gave out : DOLED

The word "doled" means to distribute or give out in small portions. It fits the clue "Gave (out)" because it implies giving something out in a measured or limited way.

Gave out : DOLED

The word "doled" means to distribute or give out in small portions, making it a fitting answer to the clue "Gave out."

Give an edge : HONE

The word "HONE" means to sharpen or give an edge to something, like a knife or a skill. So, "Give an edge" is a clue that suggests the answer "HONE" in a crossword puzzle.

Gose or lambic : SOUR BEER

The answer "SOUR BEER" fits because Gose and lambic are types of sour beer.

Got the lead out : SPED UP

The phrase "got the lead out" is an idiom meaning to move quickly or accelerate. "SPED UP" is a synonym for moving quickly, making it the right answer for this clue.

Great exuberance : ELAN

"Elan" is the right solution because it means energy, style, and enthusiasm, which all relate to the clue "Great exuberance."

Highs and lows : EXTREMES

The phrase "highs and lows" refers to the extreme points of a situation or experience. "Extremes" is a word that directly relates to this concept by encompassing both the highest and lowest points.

Holy chests : ARKS

"ARKS" are often associated with holy chests because in the Bible, Noah built an ark to save animals from the great flood. This connection between arks and holiness makes "ARKS" the correct answer for the clue "Holy chests." units : APARTMENTS

The answer "APARTMENTS" fits the clue " units" because apartments are a type of housing unit that can be found on a real estate website like

Included, in a way : CC’ED

The answer "CC'ED" means the person was included in an email by being carbon copied (CC'ed). It fits the clue "Included, in a way" because being CC'ed means being included in the communication.

Into footwear? : SHOD

The word "shod" is a past participle of "shoe," which means to put shoes on. So, "Into footwear?" is a play on words suggesting going "into" the word "shoe," making "shod" the correct answer.

Life partner? : TIME

The answer to "Life partner" is "MATE" because a mate is someone who is closely associated with another person, often in a romantic or committed relationship.

Life partner? : TIME

The answer "TIME" for the clue "Life partner?" is a play on words. In life, time is something we constantly spend and share with a partner, making it a clever and fitting answer.

Like a kumquat : OVAL

The answer "OVAL" fits because kumquats are typically oval-shaped fruits.

Long-handled hammer : MAUL

A maul is a type of long-handled hammer that is used for splitting wood. It typically has a heavy head and a long handle, which allows for more leverage when striking an object.

Long-handled hammer : MAUL

The answer "MAUL" fits the clue "Long-handled hammer" because a maul is a heavy hammer with a long handle, typically used for driving wedges or splitting wood.

Lump : GOB

The word "nub" means a small lump or a protruding part. Therefore, "Lump" can be a synonym for "nub".

Lump : GOB

The word "lump" can mean a compact mass, and "glob" is a synonym for a rounded or spherical object or mass. Therefore, "glob" is a suitable answer for the clue "lump".

Lump : GOB

The word "GOB" is a slang term meaning a lump or a large amount, making it a suitable answer for the clue "Lump."

Mars counterpart : ARES

The answer "ARES" is the right solution because Ares is the Greek counterpart to the Roman god Mars. In Greek mythology, Ares is the god of war, similar to Mars in Roman mythology.

Masai Mara mammal : GNU

The answer is "GNU" because a gnu is a type of mammal found in the Masai Mara region of Kenya.

Means of settling some disputes : CIVIL SUITS

"CIVIL SUITS" is the right answer because it refers to legal actions brought by one party against another to settle a dispute in a civil court.

MRI orderers : DRS

The answer "DRS" is the abbreviation for doctors, who are the ones that typically order MRIs for patients.

Nightie nights? : PAJAMA PARTIES

The clue "Nightie nights?" is a playful way of hinting at a gathering where people wear pajamas and have fun together at night. "PAJAMA PARTIES" fits this description perfectly as it refers to social events where attendees wear pajamas and engage in activities like games, movies, and snacks.

Nurse : SIP

The answer to "Nurse" is "SUCKLE" because it refers to the act of a baby or young animal feeding on milk from its mother's breast.

Nurse : SIP

One of the oldest neighborhoods in New Orleans : TREME

Treme is one of the oldest neighborhoods in New Orleans, known for its rich cultural history, including being the birthplace of jazz.

Org. that conducts lots of searches : TSA

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) conducts searches at airports, making it the organization that conducts lots of searches.

Part of YOLO : ONCE

The answer "ONCE" is the right solution because it is a part of the acronym YOLO, which stands for "You Only Live Once."

Possible warning signs : OMENS

"Possible warning signs" is a clue that suggests looking for indicators of potential future events. "Omens" are signs or events believed to foretell the future, making it the right answer.

Protective cover? : ALIAS

Remnants : CRUMBS

"Remnants" can refer to small pieces or fragments left over from something larger, which fits the definition of "CRUMBS" as small pieces of food that have broken off a larger piece.

Resolve : SPINE

The answer to "Resolve" is "METTLE" because "mettle" refers to a person's strength of character or determination. Resolving a problem requires determination, making "mettle" an appropriate answer.

Resolve : SPINE

"Resolve" can mean to make a firm decision or determination. The word "SPINE" can be used metaphorically to refer to having the courage or determination to make a decision, hence making it the right answer.

Settle down : RELAX

"Settle down" is a phrase that often means to calm down or unwind, which is synonymous with the word "RELAX."

SLC athlete : UTE

The abbreviation "SLC" stands for Salt Lake City, and "UTE" refers to the University of Utah's sports teams, whose mascot is the Ute.

SLC athlete : UTE

The answer "UTE" fits the clue "SLC athlete" because the University of Utah's sports teams are known as the Utes.

Spotted : SEEN

The word "spotted" implies a pattern of marks or discolorations, which can be described as "blotched." Therefore, "blotched" is the right solution.

Spotted : SEEN

The word "spotted" is a synonym for "seen" in this context, as in noticing or observing something visually.

State on the Arabian Sea known for beautiful beaches : GOA

Goa is a state in India located on the Arabian Sea coast and is famous for its beautiful beaches, making it the correct answer to the clue.

Struggles with sigmatism : LISPS

The answer "LISPS" fits the clue "Struggles with sigmatism" because a lisp is a speech impediment characterized by the inability to pronounce the "s" sound correctly, which is related to the letter "s" in "sigmatism."

Subject worth avoiding : SORE SPOT

"SORE SPOT" is the right solution because a subject worth avoiding can be a sensitive or delicate topic that may cause discomfort or distress, much like a sore spot on the body.

Surpass : OUTSTRIP

"Surpass" is a synonym for "top" in the sense of exceeding or outdoing something.

Surpass : OUTSTRIP

OUTSTRIP is the right answer because it means to exceed or surpass someone or something in a competition or performance.

Swear words : OATH

"OATH" can be a synonym for swear words as it refers to a solemn promise or declaration, often invoking a higher power. It is a common term used to describe strong or profane language.

Take marks off : ERASE

The answer "ERASE" means to remove marks, making it the correct solution for the clue "Take marks off."

Took a spill : TUMBLED

"TUMBLED" is the right solution because it means to fall suddenly and clumsily. It fits the clue "Took a spill" as it describes the action of falling or stumbling.

Touchy one? : MIDAS

The answer "MIDAS" is the right solution because King Midas from Greek mythology famously turned everything he touched into gold, making him touchy in a literal sense.

Used car, perhaps : REPO

The answer "REPO" is short for "repossessed," which is a common way that a used car may come into the market.

Uses Siri, maybe : ASKS

The answer "ASKS" fits the clue "Uses Siri, maybe" because when using Siri, you typically ask it questions or give it commands.

Vandyke kin : GOATEE

The answer "GOATEE" is a type of facial hair similar to a Vandyke beard, making it a fitting answer for the clue "Vandyke kin."

Waze suggestion : Abbr.

The answer "Abbr." is short for abbreviation, which is commonly used in crosswords to indicate that the answer will be an abbreviated word or term. In this case, "Waze suggestion" is often a route or direction, which can be abbreviated as "Abbr."

Web-footed divers : AUKS

The answer "AUKS" fits the clue "Web-footed divers" because auks are a type of seabirds that have webbed feet and are known for diving underwater to catch fish.

Willa Cather’s “The Song of the __” : LARK

The Song of the Lark is a novel by Willa Cather, making "LARK" the correct answer for this clue.

Windshield treatment : TINT

TINT is a type of treatment applied to a windshield to reduce glare and heat from the sun while driving.

World Chess Champion from 2013 to 2023 : MAGNUS CARLSEN

Magnus Carlsen is a Norwegian chess grandmaster who has been the World Chess Champion since 2013, making him the correct answer to the clue "World Chess Champion from 2013 to 2023."

Young egg cells : OVULES

The answer "OVULES" fits the clue "Young egg cells" because ovules are the structures in plants that contain the female reproductive cells, which are equivalent to egg cells in animals.

__ sock : KNEE

The answer to "__ sock" is "KNEE" because "knee socks" are a type of sock that typically reach up to the knee.

“Captain America” star : EVANS

Chris Evans is the actor who portrayed Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, making "EVANS" the correct answer for the clue "“Captain America” star."

“Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman” star : SEYMOUR

The answer "SEYMOUR" fits the clue "“Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman” star" because Jane Seymour is the actress who starred in the TV show "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman."

“Help me out here” : C’MON, BE A PAL

“It’s not you, it’s me,” maybe : LIE

The answer "LIE" fits the clue because saying "It's not you, it's me" can often be seen as a lie to avoid hurting someone's feelings.

“Short straw again” : JUST MY LUCK

The phrase "Short straw again" is often used to express bad luck or misfortune. The answer "JUST MY LUCK" is a common expression used to convey a similar sentiment, making it the right solution for the clue.

“__ wrong?” : AM I

The phrase "Am I wrong?" is a common question in English, and the answer to this question is "AM I." It fits the context of the clue and completes the question.

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