pubdate: 2024-04-05
dateYear: 2024
LA Times Crossword Clues for 5 April 2024, Friday

LA Times Crossword Clues and Answers for 5 April 2024, Friday

Here's all LA Times Crossword answers for 5 April 2024, Friday. Find all answers and solutions here. We've also tries to explain why the answer is the correct solution for each clue.
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Clues and answers

Clues followed by answers and an explanation underneath.

Acquires : GAINS

The word "acquires" means to obtain or gain something. "Gains" is a synonym of "acquires," making it the correct answer to the crossword clue.

Acquires : GAINS

The word "acquires" means to obtain or get something, which is synonymous with the answer "GETS."

Acquires : GAINS

The word "acquires" is a synonym for "gains," meaning to obtain or achieve something. In crossword puzzles, it's common for clues to use synonyms to lead to the correct answer.

African lake in four countries : CHAD

Alan of “Marriage Story” : ALDA

The answer "ALDA" is the right solution because Alan Alda is an actor who starred in the movie "Marriage Story".

Alan of “Marriage Story” : ALDA

The answer "ALDA" is correct because Alan Alda is an actor who starred in the movie "Marriage Story."

Angle symbol, in trigonometry : THETA

The answer to "Angle symbol, in trigonometry" is "THETA" because THETA is a commonly used symbol to represent an angle in trigonometry.

Angle symbol, in trigonometry : THETA

THETA is the symbol commonly used to represent an angle in trigonometry. It is a Greek letter that is often used to denote angles in mathematical equations and diagrams.

Bookworm : AVID READER

The term "bookworm" is often used to describe someone who loves reading books. "Avid reader" is a synonym for someone who is enthusiastic and dedicated to reading, making it a fitting answer to the clue.

Branded tees or mugs, maybe : SWAG

The answer "SWAG" fits because branded tees or mugs are often given as promotional items, which are also known as "swag."

Bring up, or something to bring up : REAR

The word "rear" can mean to bring up or raise, as in raising children or animals. So, "Bring up, or something to bring up" can be represented by the word "REAR."

Bunch of romantics? : ROSES

The clue "Bunch of romantics?" is a play on words. "Bunch" can refer to a group of flowers, and "romantics" suggests roses, a popular symbol of love and romance. Therefore, the answer "ROSES" fits the clue.

Campaign staffer : AIDE

The answer to "Campaign staffer" is "AIDE" because an aide is a person who assists and supports someone, typically a person in a position of authority or importance. In the context of a campaign, an aide is someone who helps and supports a candidate during their campaign activities.

Campaign staffer : AIDE

The term "AIDE" is commonly used to refer to a campaign staffer who assists a political candidate. It fits the clue well and is a common crossword answer for this type of hint.

Cannon of film : DYAN


Chewy candy bars introduced in 1921 : BABY RUTHS

The answer "BABY RUTHS" fits the clue because Baby Ruth candy bars were indeed introduced in 1921, making them the chewy candy bars introduced in that year.

Chuffed : GLAD

The word "chuffed" means pleased or delighted. The word "glad" also means pleased or delighted, making it a suitable answer for the clue.

Chuffed : GLAD

"Chuffed" is a British slang term meaning pleased or delighted. A synonym for pleased is "glad," making "GLAD" the right answer.

Church council : SYNOD

The answer to "Church council" is "SYNOD" because a synod is a specific type of church council where clergy and representatives gather to discuss and make decisions on religious matters.

Church council : SYNOD

A church council is a gathering of religious leaders to discuss and make decisions on church matters. A synod is a specific type of church council in certain Christian denominations, making it the correct answer.

Coll. entrance exams : SATS

The answer "SATS" is the right solution because it is a common abbreviation for the Scholastic Assessment Test, which is a standardized test often required for college admissions.

Completely fall apart, as a deal, or an apt title for this puzzle? : GO SIDEWAYS

The phrase "go sideways" means to completely fall apart or go wrong, which fits the clue "Completely fall apart, as a deal." It is also an apt title for the puzzle because the theme answers are all phrases that can be interpreted as going sideways when read in a different direction.

Divination : AUGURY

"AUGURY" is the right answer because it is a synonym for divination, which is the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means.

Dollop : GOB

The word "gob" means a lump or dollop of something, such as a gob of whipped cream. Therefore, "gob" is a suitable answer for the clue "dollop."

Dollop : GOB

"GOB" is a slang term for a small lump or portion of something, often used to refer to a dollop of a substance like cream or butter. In this context, "Dollop" is a clue hinting at a small amount or lump, making "GOB" a fitting answer.

Dollop : GOB

The word "dollop" is often used to describe a small, shapeless amount of something, which fits the definition of "blob" as a shapeless mass or drop of something thick or sticky.

Dr. of rap : DRE

The answer "DRE" fits the clue "Dr. of rap" because it refers to Dr. Dre, a well-known rapper and producer in the music industry.

Extend past : OUTLIE


Fillet’s lack : BONE

"BONE" is the right answer because a fillet is a boneless piece of meat or fish, so its lack would be a bone.

First name in soul : ARETHA

The answer "ARETHA" is the right solution because Aretha Franklin is a famous soul singer, often referred to as the "Queen of Soul."

Flightless bird : EMU

The answer "EMU" fits the clue "Flightless bird" because emus are large, flightless birds native to Australia.

Follow : TAIL

The answer "ENSUE" is the right solution because it means to come after or happen as a result of something. It perfectly fits the clue "Follow" as it implies a sequence or progression.

Follow : TAIL

"Follow" is a synonym for "ensue," which means to happen or occur afterward in a sequence.

Follow : TAIL

The word "tail" can mean to follow someone closely, like a tail follows the body.

French “Cheers!” : SALUT!

"SALUT" is the French word for "Cheers" or "Hello." In this context, it is used as a friendly toast when raising a glass, making it the correct answer to the clue "French 'Cheers!'"

Fresh start : CLEAN SLATE

"Fresh start" is a clue for the prefix "neo-", which means new or recent. Therefore, "NEO" is the right solution.

Fresh start : CLEAN SLATE

The answer "RESET" is the right solution because it means to start again or to restore something to its original state. In the context of the clue "Fresh start," "RESET" perfectly captures the idea of beginning anew.

Fresh start : CLEAN SLATE

The term "clean slate" refers to starting anew with a fresh beginning, free from any previous mistakes or problems. It signifies a clean or blank surface, like a slate board, ready to be written on with a fresh start.

Gentle carnival ride : MERRY-GO-ROUND

The answer "MERRY-GO-ROUND" fits the clue "Gentle carnival ride" because a merry-go-round is a classic amusement park attraction with colorful horses or other animals that move up and down in a gentle, circular motion.

Gwen __ : Spider-Man’s first love

The answer is "Gwen Stacy" because she is a character in the Spider-Man comics who is known as Spider-Man's first love.

Have loans : OWE

"Have loans" is a clue that suggests being in debt, which is another way of saying that you owe money. Therefore, the answer is "OWE."

Head-scratchers : TOUGHIES

"Toughies" is a colloquial term for difficult or challenging problems or questions, which can often lead to head-scratching in confusion. Therefore, "Head-scratchers" is a synonym for "Toughies."

Head-scratchers : TOUGHIES

The answer "LICE" fits the clue "Head-scratchers?" because lice are small insects that live on the scalp and cause itching, leading to head-scratching.

Head-scratchers : TOUGHIES

"Head-scratchers" is a term often used to describe puzzles or mysteries that are difficult to solve or understand. An enigma is a synonym for a mystery or puzzle, making it the correct answer to this clue.

Ingest : EAT

"EAT" is the right answer because it is a synonym for "ingest," meaning to consume food or drink.

Italian wine region : ASTI

ASTI is a region in the Piedmont area of Italy known for producing sweet sparkling wines made from the Moscato grape. Therefore, "Italian wine region" is a fitting clue for the answer ASTI.

Italian wine region : ASTI

The answer "ASTI" is the right solution because Asti is a region in Italy known for producing sparkling white wines, most notably Asti Spumante.

Little meower : KITTY

The answer "KITTY" fits the clue "Little meower" because a kitten is a young cat and is known to meow.

Lobsterfest wear : BIBS

"BIBS" is the right answer because when people attend a Lobsterfest, they typically wear bibs to protect their clothing from getting messy while eating lobster.

Lunch option on the Shinkansen, say : BENTO

"BENTO" is the right solution because a bento box is a common lunch option in Japan, including on the Shinkansen (bullet train). It is a convenient and compact meal with a variety of items neatly packed in a box.

Marine mammal that uses rocks to crack shells : OTTER

The answer is "OTTER" because otters are known to use rocks as tools to crack open shells of prey, making them unique among marine mammals.

Matzo’s lack : YEAST

The clue "Matzo's lack" suggests that the answer is something that matzo does not have. Matzo is unleavened bread traditionally eaten during Passover, meaning it lacks yeast. Therefore, the answer "YEAST" fits the clue.

Meat in Hawaiian cuisine : SPAM

SPAM is a popular meat product used in Hawaiian cuisine, particularly in dishes like Spam musubi. It has become a staple in Hawaiian food culture, making it the correct answer to the clue.

Merges : MELDS

The word "MELDS" means to merge or blend together, making it a fitting answer for the clue "Merges."

Mid-March cry : ERIN GO BRAGH!

"ERIN GO BRAGH!" is an Irish phrase meaning "Ireland forever." It is often shouted during St. Patrick's Day celebrations, which occur in mid-March. So, the answer fits the clue "Mid-March cry" perfectly.

Missing GI : AWOL

The answer "AWOL" stands for "Absent Without Leave," which is a term commonly used in the military to describe someone who is missing without official permission. In this case, "Missing GI" is a clue hinting at the military context, making "AWOL" the correct answer.

Name associated with a philosophical razor : OCCAM

The answer "OCCAM" refers to Occam's Razor, a principle attributed to the medieval philosopher William of Ockham. Occam's Razor states that among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. This principle is often used in philosophy and science to guide reasoning and problem-solving.

Online admin : MOD

"MOD" is short for moderator, which is a common term for an online admin who monitors and manages online discussions and interactions.

PD alert : APB

"PD" stands for "police department" and "APB" stands for "all points bulletin," which is a broadcast issued by law enforcement agencies to alert officers to be on the lookout for a suspect or a vehicle.

Publisher with a mountain peak logo : TOR

"TOR" is the right answer because Tor is a publisher known for science fiction and fantasy books, and their logo features a mountain peak.

Screwdriver, in a pinch : DIME

In a pinch, a dime can be used as a makeshift screwdriver to tighten or loosen small screws.

Sensitive subject : SORE SPOT

"SORE SPOT" is the right solution because it is a common phrase used to describe a topic that is touchy or easily upset someone. It fits the clue "Sensitive subject" well.

Sky’s “Breaking Bad” spouse : WALT

The answer "WALT" is the right solution because in the TV show "Breaking Bad," the main character's name is Walter White, often referred to as Walt.

Speedometer stat : MPH

"MPH" stands for "miles per hour," which is a common unit of measurement for speed typically displayed on a speedometer in a vehicle.

State capital in the Treasure Valley : BOISE

The Treasure Valley is a region in southwestern Idaho where Boise, the state capital, is located. Therefore, "State capital in the Treasure Valley" is referring to Boise.

State in northern India : ASSAM

The state of Assam is located in northern India, making it the correct answer to the clue "State in northern India."

Strong desires : YENS

The word "yens" is a synonym for strong desires or cravings, which makes it the correct answer for the clue.

Strong desires : YENS

"YENS" is a synonym for strong desires. It is a less common word compared to "yearnings" or "cravings," but it fits the clue and the crossword grid.

Superfan : STAN

The term "nut" is often used to describe someone who is a superfan or enthusiast of a particular thing, such as a sports team or musician. Therefore, "nut" is a fitting answer to the clue "superfan."

Superfan : STAN

"Stan" is a term that originated from the Eminem song about an obsessed fan. Over time, it has come to mean a superfan or overly enthusiastic supporter of a particular person or thing.

Surname in a classic Styx song : ROBOTO

The answer "ROBOTO" fits the clue because the surname in the classic Styx song "Mr. Roboto" is indeed "Roboto."

Surrenders : CEDES

"Cedes" is a synonym for surrenders, as in giving up or relinquishing control or possession of something.

Teaser ad : PROMO

The answer "PROMO" fits the clue "Teaser ad" because a promo is a short advertisement or promotion used to generate interest in a product or event.

Temporary, as a bar or restaurant : POP-UP

"POP-UP" is the right solution because a pop-up bar or restaurant is a temporary establishment that appears for a short period of time in a specific location. It "pops up" for a limited time before disappearing.

Took away (from) : DETRACTED

The word "DETRACTED" means to take away from the value or importance of something, making it the correct answer for the clue "Took away (from)."

Toy on some holiday cards : SLED

The answer "SLED" fits the clue "Toy on some holiday cards" because sleds are commonly depicted on holiday cards as a symbol of winter and outdoor fun.

Traditional wisdom : LORE

"Traditional wisdom" is a phrase that refers to knowledge or beliefs passed down through generations. "Lore" is a synonym for this type of traditional wisdom, making it the correct answer to this crossword clue.

Traditional wisdom : LORE

"Lore" refers to traditional knowledge or beliefs passed down through generations. It is a common term used to describe traditional wisdom or stories.

Triumphant cry : I WON!

The answer "I RULE!" fits the clue "Triumphant cry" because it is a phrase often used to express dominance or victory.

Triumphant cry : I WON!

"I WON!" is a triumphant cry often exclaimed by a winner. It fits the clue perfectly as it conveys the feeling of victory.

Twin set? : DNA

The answer "DNA" refers to the genetic material that twins share, making it a fitting solution to the clue "Twin set?" as it plays on the idea of twins having identical or similar genetic makeup.

U2 singer : BONO

Bono is the lead singer of the band U2, making him the correct answer to the clue "U2 singer."

United with : WED TO

The phrase "WED TO" means to be united in marriage, making it a fitting answer for the clue "United with."

Use a Keurig, say : BREW

The answer "BREW" fits the clue "Use a Keurig, say" because using a Keurig typically involves brewing a beverage, such as coffee or tea.

Wander about : ROVE

The word "rove" means to wander about aimlessly. It fits perfectly with the clue "wander about" as it describes the action of moving around without a specific destination. Therefore, "rove" is the right solution.

Wander about : ROVE

"Rove" means to wander about aimlessly or without a fixed direction, making it a suitable answer for the clue "Wander about."

Wander about : ROVE

"GAD" is a synonym for "wander about" or "roam aimlessly," making it the correct answer for the clue.

With diffidence : SHYLY

"SHYLY" is the right answer because the word "diffidence" means shyness or modesty, so the phrase "with diffidence" can be synonymous with "SHYLY".

Without a care in the world : HAPPY-GO-LUCKY

The phrase "happy-go-lucky" means carefree or without worries, which fits the clue "Without a care in the world."

Word with tater or tiny : … TOT

The word "TOT" can be combined with "tater" to form "tater tot" and with "tiny" to form "tiny tot," making it the right solution for the clue.

__ boost : EGO

The phrase "ego boost" refers to a confidence or self-esteem boost, making "EGO" the correct answer for "__ boost" in this context.

__ gobi : South Asian potato dish

The word "gobi" is often associated with the vegetable cauliflower, and a popular Indian dish made with it is a vegetarian curry called "gobi masala" or "aloo gobi." Therefore, "vegetarian curry dish" is a fitting answer for the crossword clue.

__ gobi : South Asian potato dish

The answer to "__ gobi" being "South Asian potato dish" is correct because "gobi" refers to cauliflower in South Asian cuisine, and a popular dish made with cauliflower and potatoes is called "aloo gobi."

“Curses!” : BAH!

The answer "DRAT!" fits the clue "Curses!" because it is a common exclamation used to express frustration or annoyance.

“Curses!” : BAH!

The word "Bah!" is an expression of frustration or annoyance, making it a suitable answer for the clue "Curses!" in a crossword puzzle.

“I’m not seeing it” : WHERE?

The answer "WHERE?" is a common response when someone says they are not seeing something, as in asking where the thing is located.

“Last four digits” IDs : SSNS Down 1 Say too much

The answer to "“Last four digits” IDs" is "SSNS" because the last four digits of an ID are often the Social Security Number (SSN), which is commonly abbreviated as SSN. The answer to "Say too much" is "SSNS" because when someone says too much, they may be sharing personal information like their Social Security Number (SSN).

“The 1619 Project” publisher, for short : NYT

The 1619 Project is a collection of essays and works published by The New York Times (NYT) in 2019 to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first enslaved Africans in colonial Virginia. Therefore, "NYT" is the correct answer for the given clue.

“The 1619 Project” publisher, for short : NYT

The answer is "NYT" because it stands for The New York Times, which is the publisher of "The 1619 Project."

“Who knew?” : GOSH

The answer "GOSH" is commonly used as an expression of surprise or disbelief, making it a fitting response to the question "Who knew?"

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