pubdate: 2024-02-09
dateYear: 2024
LA Times Crossword Clues for 9 February 2024, Friday

LA Times Crossword Clues and Answers for 9 February 2024, Friday

Here's all LA Times Crossword answers for 9 February 2024, Friday. Find all answers and solutions here. We've also tries to explain why the answer is the correct solution for each clue.
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Clues and answers

Clues followed by answers and an explanation underneath.

Advertiser’s honor : CLIO

The answer to "Advertiser's honor" is "CLIO" because the CLIO Awards is an annual awards program that recognizes excellence in advertising and design. It is considered a prestigious honor in the advertising industry.

Advertising exaggeration, perhaps : WORLD’S BEST

The answer "WORLD'S BEST" is the right solution because it refers to a common advertising technique where products or services are described as the best in the world. It fits the clue "Advertising exaggeration, perhaps" because it implies an overstatement or exaggeration in promoting a particular item or brand.

African antelopes : GNUS

The answer "GNUS" is the right solution because it is a common term used to refer to African antelopes.

Allows : OKS

The answer "OKS" is the right solution for the clue "Allows" because "OKS" is a verb that means to give permission or approval, which is synonymous with allowing something.

Amends last year’s tax return, say : REFILES

The answer "REFILES" is the right solution because when you amend last year's tax return, you submit a revised version of it, which is essentially "refiling" the return.

Amtrak choice : ACELA

The answer to "Amtrak choice" being "ACELA" is because ACELA is a high-speed train service operated by Amtrak on the Northeast Corridor.

Areas of interest : FOCI

The word "FOCI" is the plural form of "FOCUS," which means a center of attention or interest. Therefore, "Areas of interest" refers to multiple foci, making "FOCI" the correct answer.

Awesome : COOL

The phrase "Awesome!" is an exclamation used to express admiration or approval. "So cool!" is a similar exclamation that can be used in the same context, making it a fitting solution for the crossword clue.

Awesome : COOL

The answer to "Awesome!" is "OOH" because "ooh" is a common expression used to show excitement or admiration. It is a simple and concise way to convey a positive reaction.

Awesome : COOL

The word "cool" is often used to describe something impressive or awesome, making it the right solution for the clue "awesome."

Awesome : COOL

The word "sweet" can be used informally to express excitement or approval, making it a fitting answer for the clue "Awesome!"

Awesome : COOL

"Awesome!" is an expression of enthusiasm or agreement, which can be represented by the word "YES!" in crossword puzzles.

Baldelli who was AL Manager of the Year in 2019 : ROCCO

The answer is "ROCCO" because Rocco Baldelli was the AL Manager of the Year in 2019.

Bank acct. application digits : SSNS

The answer "SSNS" stands for Social Security Numbers, which are often required on bank account applications.

Big wheel at sea : HELM

The term "big wheel" can refer to someone who has a position of power or control. At sea, the person in charge of steering the ship is often referred to as the "helmsman" or "helmswoman." Therefore, "HELM" is the correct answer as it represents the big wheel at sea.

Breakdown helpers : AAA

The answer "AAA" is the right solution because it refers to the American Automobile Association, commonly known as AAA, which provides roadside assistance and helps with breakdowns.

Brings on : HIRES

The word "brings on" can be interpreted as "hires" because when someone is brought on, they are typically hired for a job or position.

Chiwere speakers : OTOE

The answer "OTOES" is the right solution for the clue "Chiwere speakers" because the Otoe people are a Native American tribe who are known to speak the Chiwere language.

Chiwere speakers : OTOE

The answer "OTOE" is the right solution because the Chiwere language is also known as the Otoe language. Therefore, the speakers of Chiwere are referred to as "OTOE".

City executive-to-be : MAYOR-ELECT

The answer "MAYOR-ELECT" is the right solution because it refers to someone who has been elected to become the future city executive, specifically the mayor.

Comforts : SOLACES

The answer "SOOTHES" is the right solution for the clue "Comforts" because it means to provide relief or calmness, which is a way of bringing comfort to someone.

Comforts : SOLACES

The answer "SOLACES" is the right solution because it means to provide comfort or consolation.

Copy shortcut : CTRL-C

The answer to "Copy shortcut" is "CTRL-C" because pressing the "CTRL" key and the letter "C" simultaneously is a common keyboard shortcut used to copy selected text or files.

Cor anglais kin : OBOE

The answer to "Cor anglais kin" is "OBOE" because the cor anglais, also known as the English horn, is a woodwind instrument that is closely related to the oboe. Therefore, "OBOE" is the correct answer.

CPAP target : APNEA

The answer "APNEA" is the right solution because CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) is a commonly used treatment for sleep apnea, a condition where breathing stops and starts during sleep. Therefore, the "CPAP target" is "APNEA."

Cuban dance : MAMBO

The answer to "Cuban dance" is "MAMBO" because the Mambo is a popular dance style that originated in Cuba.

Cutting : SNIDE

The word "SNIDE" can mean sarcastic or mocking, which can be considered a form of cutting remarks.

D.C. hrs. : EST

The answer to "D.C. hrs." is "EST" because D.C. stands for Washington, D.C., and the time zone used there is Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Dump, as stock : SELL

The word "dump" in the clue suggests getting rid of something quickly or disposing of it. In the context of stocks, "dumping" means selling off the stocks. Therefore, the answer "SELL" fits the clue.

Dutch bank : ING

The answer to "Dutch bank" is "ING" because ING is a well-known Dutch bank with a global presence.

Eclipse participant : MOON

The answer "MOON" is the right solution because during an eclipse, the Moon is a participant as it passes between the Earth and the Sun, causing a partial or total obscuration of the Sun.

Far from current : OLD

The answer to "Far from current" is "OLD" because "old" is the opposite of "current." It refers to something that is no longer new or up-to-date.

Fistful of dollars : WAD

The term "fistful of dollars" is often used to describe a small amount of money. In slang terms, a "wad" refers to a bundle of cash, which fits the description of a small amount of money. Therefore, "WAD" is the right answer.

Gels : FIRMS

The word "gels" is a verb that means to come together and form a cohesive whole. The answer "FIRMS" fits this clue because it is a verb that means to become solid or stable. So, "FIRMS" is the right solution because it aligns with the meaning of "gels" in the clue.

Gets home, in a way : STEALS

In this crossword clue, "Gets home, in a way" is a play on words. The word "home" can refer to a person's residence, but it can also refer to a base in sports such as baseball. In baseball, "stealing" is a term used when a player runs from one base to another without the ball being hit. Therefore, "steals" is the right answer because it fits the clue's wordplay.

Greek muse of memory : MNEME

The Greek muse of memory is called Mneme. The answer "MNEME" fits the clue perfectly as it is the name of the specific muse associated with memory in Greek mythology.

Grove : COPSE

The answer "COPSE" is the right solution for the clue "Grove" because a copse refers to a small group of trees or a small wooded area, which is essentially what a grove is.

Guest __ : STAR

The answer to "Guest __" is "STAR" because a "guest star" refers to a well-known actor or performer who appears in a single episode or a limited number of episodes of a TV show or series.

Hands together time : NOON

The answer to "Hands together time" is "NOON" because when we put our hands together, they form the shape of a clock at the 12 o'clock position, which represents midday or noon.

Healing plant : ALOE

ALOE is the right solution because it is a well-known healing plant with medicinal properties that are commonly used to treat skin conditions and promote healing.

Imitate : APE

The answer "APE" is the right solution because "ape" is a verb that means to imitate or mimic someone or something.

Imitate : APE

The word "MIMIC" means to imitate someone or something. It is the right solution because it directly matches the clue "Imitate."

Imitate : MIMIC

The answer "APE" is the right solution because "ape" is a verb that means to imitate or mimic someone or something.

Imitate : MIMIC

The word "MIMIC" means to imitate someone or something. It is the right solution because it directly matches the clue "Imitate."

Japanese “yes” : HAI

The answer to "Japanese 'yes'" is "HAI" because "HAI" is the word for "yes" in the Japanese language.

Leave the dishes for tomorrow, say : SOAK

The answer "SOAK" fits the clue because when you leave the dishes for tomorrow, you might choose to soak them overnight to make them easier to clean.

Log with a lock : DIARY

The answer to "Log with a lock" is "DIARY" because a diary is a personal journal or log that is typically kept private and can be locked to protect its contents.

Made less harsh : EASED

The word "EASED" is the right solution because it means to make something less harsh or severe. It fits the clue perfectly.

Mark, as a box : X IN

The answer "X IN" is the right solution because "X" is a common way to mark or indicate something, and "IN" refers to being inside or within the box. So, "Mark, as a box" can be interpreted as marking something inside a box, which is represented by "X IN".

Molecular messenger : RNA

The answer "RNA" is the right solution because RNA, or ribonucleic acid, is a molecular messenger that carries genetic information from DNA to the protein-making machinery in cells.

Monarch : RULER

The word "monarch" refers to a ruler who holds supreme power in a country. The term "ruler" is commonly used to describe someone who has authority and control over others, making it the appropriate answer for this crossword clue.

Nook purchases : E-BOOKS

The answer to "Nook purchases" is "E-BOOKS" because Nook is a brand of e-reader that allows users to purchase and read electronic books.

Not awesome : MEH

The answer "MEH" is the right solution because it is a slang term used to express indifference or lack of enthusiasm. It is often used to describe something that is not awesome or exciting.

Orange rinds of epic proportions? : OLYMPIC-SIZE PEELS (from “Olympic-size pools”

The clue "Orange rinds of epic proportions?" is a play on words. It is asking for a phrase that combines the idea of large orange rinds with something epic. The answer "OLYMPIC-SIZE PEELS" fits because it combines the concept of large orange rinds with the phrase "Olympic-size," which is often used to describe something of grand scale.

Pageantry : POMP

The word "pomp" is a suitable answer for the clue "pageantry" because "pomp" refers to a grand and impressive display, often associated with ceremonial events or occasions.

Part of a prof’s address : EDU

The abbreviation "EDU" is commonly used to represent the word "education." In the context of the clue, a professor's address typically includes their educational institution, making "EDU" a fitting answer.

Plate official : UMP

The answer "UMP" is the right solution because in baseball, an "ump" is a commonly used abbreviation for an umpire, who is the plate official responsible for making calls behind home plate.

Plays a trick on Miami’s basketball team? : FOOLS THE HEAT

The clue is a wordplay that combines the act of playing a trick with the name of Miami's basketball team, which is the Heat. So, "Fools the Heat" is the right answer because it cleverly suggests tricking or deceiving the Miami Heat.

Prefix in some genre names : ALT-

The prefix "ALT-" is commonly used in genre names to indicate an alternative or non-traditional style. It is often seen in music genres like "alt-rock" or "alt-pop."

Prefix with gender : CIS-

The prefix "CIS-" means "on the same side" and is commonly used in the context of gender to refer to individuals whose gender identity aligns with the sex they were assigned at birth. Therefore, "CIS-" is the correct answer for the clue "Prefix with gender."

Prefix with gender : CIS-

The prefix "CIS-" is the right solution for the clue "Prefix with gender" because it is commonly used to refer to individuals whose gender identity aligns with the sex they were assigned at birth.

Rita on Avicii’s “Lonely Together” : ORA

The answer is "ORA" because Rita Ora is the artist who collaborated with Avicii on the song "Lonely Together".

School opening? : PRE-

The answer "PRE-" is the right solution to the clue "School opening?" because "PRE-" is a prefix that means "before." In the context of school, it can refer to activities or events that happen before the official start of the school day or year.

Some kings and queens : SPADES

Some UPenn degs. : MBAS

The answer "MBAS" is the right solution because "UPenn" refers to the University of Pennsylvania, and "degs." is an abbreviation for degrees. So, "Some UPenn degs." suggests that we are looking for a plural term for degrees awarded by the University of Pennsylvania, which is "MBAS".

Spa brand : OPI

The answer to "Spa brand" is "OPI" because OPI is a well-known brand that specializes in nail care products, including nail polishes that are commonly used in spas.

Spring occasion when people get really emotional? : APRIL FEELS DAY

The answer "APRIL FEELS DAY" is a play on words that combines the month of April and the phrase "feels day," which is a slang term for a day when people experience intense emotions. Since the clue mentions "Spring occasion," April is a spring month. Additionally, the word "feels" indicates strong emotions, making "APRIL FEELS DAY" a fitting answer.

Straw __ : POLL

The answer "POLL" fits the clue "Straw __" because a straw poll is an informal survey or opinion gathering method. The word "straw" in this context refers to a thin, hollow tube, similar to a drinking straw, which is used to collect opinions or votes.

Subject : TOPIC

The word "TOPIC" is the right solution because it is a commonly used synonym for "subject."

Teaser : PROMO Down 1 Bowl game officials

The answer to "Teaser" is "PROMO" because a teaser is a short advertisement or promotional piece used to generate interest or excitement about a product or event. It fits the clue "Bowl game officials" because a promotional activity is often done to promote or advertise bowl games.

Telluride maker : KIA

The answer to "Telluride maker" is "KIA" because KIA is a car manufacturer that produces the Telluride model.

Tennis match with teams of men and women, or what 18- and 25- and 42- and 55- literally have : MIXED DOUBLES

The answer "MIXED DOUBLES" is the right solution because it refers to a tennis match where teams consist of both men and women. The clue suggests that the answers for 18-, 25-, 42-, and 55-Across literally have a mix of men and women, which aligns perfectly with the concept of mixed doubles in tennis.

The Chi-__ : R&B quartet

The answer to "The Chi-__" is "R&B quartet" because "R&B quartet" refers to a musical group that consists of four members and specializes in R&B music. The clue "The Chi-__" suggests that we are looking for a specific group or entity, and "R&B quartet" fits the description.

Titan, once : OILER

The answer "OILER" is the right solution because "Titan" in this context refers to the Tennessee Titans, an NFL team. "Once" indicates that we are looking for a former name or identity, and the Tennessee Titans were previously known as the Houston Oilers.

UFC fighting style : MMA

The answer "MMA" stands for Mixed Martial Arts, which is the fighting style used in the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship).

Wagers about how many ingredients are in a bottle of shampoo? : CHEMICAL POOLS

Wall St. regulator : SEC

The answer to "Wall St. regulator" is "SEC" because the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) is the government agency responsible for regulating and overseeing the securities industry, including Wall Street.

Weather map line : ISOBAR

An isobar is a line on a weather map that connects areas of equal atmospheric pressure. Therefore, "Weather map line" is a fitting clue for the answer "ISOBAR".

Weather map line : ISOBAR

The answer to "Weather map line" is "ISOBAR" because an isobar is a line on a weather map that connects points of equal atmospheric pressure.

Work together briefly? : COLLAB

The answer "COLLAB" is short for collaboration, which means working together. In the clue, "briefly" indicates that the answer should be a shortened version of the word. Therefore, "COLLAB" fits the clue perfectly.

Writer Joe Hill, to Stephen King : SON

The answer "SON" is the right solution because Joe Hill is the son of Stephen King.

Writes to : EMAILS

The answer "EMAILS" is the right solution because when we write to someone using electronic communication, such as through the internet, we typically send them an email.

__ and aah : OOH

The answer to "__ and aah" is "OOH" because "ooh" is a common expression used to show excitement or admiration. It fits perfectly with the phrase "ooh and aah," which means to react with awe or amazement.

__ buco : OSSO

The answer to "__ buco" is "OSSO" because "OSSO buco" is a traditional Italian dish made with braised veal shanks. The clue is indicating a dish, and "OSSO" is the Italian word for "bone," referring to the bone marrow in the dish.

__ buco : OSSO

The answer "OSSO" is the right solution for the clue "__ buco" because "OSSO" is the Italian word for "bone," and "Osso buco" is a traditional Italian dish made with braised veal shanks.

__ Rios, Jamaica : OCHO

The answer is "OCHO" because Ocho Rios is a popular tourist destination in Jamaica.

“Hamilton” role for Phillipa Soo : ELIZA

The answer to the clue "“Hamilton” role for Phillipa Soo" is "ELIZA" because Phillipa Soo portrayed the character Eliza Schuyler Hamilton in the musical "Hamilton."

“Hope” singer Parks : ARLO

The answer to "Hope" singer Parks is "ARLO" because Arlo Parks is a British singer-songwriter known for her song "Hope."

“I can help!” : USE ME!

The answer "USE ME" is the right solution because the phrase "I can help" suggests that the speaker is offering their assistance. "USE ME" is a common expression used when someone is offering themselves to be utilized or taken advantage of in a helpful manner.

“I can help!” : USE ME!

The answer "USE ME!" is the right solution because it is a phrase that someone might say when offering their assistance.

“Where the Sidewalk Ends” poet Silverstein : SHEL

The answer is "SHEL" because Shel Silverstein is the poet who wrote the book "Where the Sidewalk Ends".

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