pubdate: 2024-01-29
dateYear: 2024
LA Times Crossword Clues for 29 January 2024, Monday

LA Times Crossword Clues and Answers for 29 January 2024, Monday

Here's all LA Times Crossword answers for 29 January 2024, Monday. Find all answers and solutions here. We've also tries to explain why the answer is the correct solution for each clue.
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Clues and answers

Clues followed by answers and an explanation underneath.

Ace at a poker table : CARD SHARK

The answer "CARD SHARK" is the right solution because it refers to someone who is highly skilled and experienced in playing poker, especially when it comes to manipulating and winning with cards.

ACLU concerns : RTS

The answer "RTS" stands for "Rights" which is a concern of the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union).

Angel who’s a three-time AL MVP : MIKE TROUT

The answer is "MIKE TROUT" because he is a baseball player who plays for the Los Angeles Angels and has won the American League Most Valuable Player award three times.

Back of a 45 : B-SIDE

The back of a 45 refers to the back side of a vinyl record, which typically contains a lesser-known or less popular song. This is known as the B-side, making "B-SIDE" the correct answer.

Bit of witchcraft : SPELL

The answer to "Bit of witchcraft" is "SPELL" because a spell is a common term used to describe a magical incantation or charm performed by a witch or sorcerer.

Blunder : ERR

"MISTAKE" is the right solution to the clue "Blunder" because it means an error or a fault resulting from poor judgment or a misunderstanding.

Blunder : ERR

The word "ERR" is the right solution because it means to make a mistake or blunder. It is a concise and common term used in crossword puzzles to represent a blunder.

Boxer Muhammad : ALI

The answer to "Boxer Muhammad" is "ALI" because Muhammad Ali is a famous boxer known for his achievements in the sport.

Boxer Muhammad : ALI

The answer to "Boxer Muhammad" is "ALI" because Muhammad Ali is a famous boxer and the clue is asking for his name.

Brief “As I see it” : IMO

The answer "IMO" stands for "In My Opinion." It is a common internet abbreviation used to express one's personal viewpoint or perspective. In the given clue, "Brief 'As I see it'," the abbreviation "IMO" accurately represents a concise way to express one's own opinion.

Burn slightly : SEAR

The word "sear" means to burn or scorch slightly. Therefore, it is the right solution for the clue "Burn slightly."

Burn slightly : SEAR

The word "CHAR" means to burn slightly or to scorch. It is a common term used to describe food that has been slightly burned or blackened.

Cheerios grain : OAT

The answer to "Cheerios grain" is "OAT" because oats are one of the main ingredients used to make Cheerios cereal.

Chocolate drink : COCOA

The answer to "Chocolate drink" is "COCOA" because cocoa is a popular hot beverage made from powdered chocolate.

Copier paper pack : REAM

The answer to the clue "Copier paper pack" is "REAM" because a ream is a standard unit of measurement for paper, typically consisting of 500 sheets. It is commonly used to describe a pack or bundle of copier paper.

Country north of Ethiopia : ERITREA

ERITREA is the right answer because it is a country located north of Ethiopia.

December number : NOEL

The answer "NOEL" is the right solution for the clue "December number" because "NOEL" is a word often associated with the Christmas season, which falls in December.

Delivery vehicle : VAN

The answer to "Delivery vehicle" is "VAN" because vans are commonly used for delivering goods or packages. They have a spacious interior that can accommodate a large number of items, making them ideal for transportation and delivery purposes.

Dog breeders’ org. : AKC

The answer "AKC" stands for the American Kennel Club, which is a well-known organization for dog breeders. Therefore, it is the right solution for the clue "Dog breeders' org."

Eucalyptus, for one : TREE

The answer to "Eucalyptus, for one" is "TREE" because eucalyptus is a type of tree.

Fa follower : SOL

The answer to "Fa follower" is "SOL" because in the solfège system, "sol" is the note that comes after "fa".

Feel regret : RUE

The answer "RUE" is the right solution because it means to feel regret or remorse.

Filled with cargo : LADED

The answer "LADED" is the right solution because it means to load or fill with cargo. It is a verb that specifically refers to the action of putting goods onto a ship or other form of transportation.

French farewell : ADIEU

The answer to "French farewell" is "ADIEU" because "ADIEU" is a common French word used to bid someone farewell.

French farewell : ADIEU

The word "ADIEU" is the right solution because it is a common French word used to say goodbye.

Fries topping : SALT

The answer to "Fries topping" is "SALT" because salt is commonly used to season and enhance the flavor of french fries.

Froths : SPUMES

The answer "SPUMES" is the right solution because it is a verb that means to froth or foam.

Froths : SPUMES

The word "froths" is a clue that indicates the action of foaming or bubbling. "Spumes" is a verb that means to produce froth or foam, making it the correct answer.

Glide around a rink : ICE-SKATE

The answer "ICE-SKATE" is the right solution because it perfectly fits the clue "Glide around a rink." When you ice-skate, you glide on ice while wearing skates, which makes it a perfect match for the given clue.

Held a match to : LIT

The word "lit" is a commonly used term to describe something that is on fire or ignited. In this context, "held a match to" implies the action of lighting something, making "lit" the appropriate answer.

Home to seven countries whose names end in “-stan” : ASIA

The answer is "ASIA" because Asia is the continent that is home to seven countries whose names end in "-stan" (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan).

Honking flock : GEESE

The answer to "Honking flock" is "GEESE" because geese are known for their loud honking sound and they often move in groups or flocks.

Hot reaction : IRE

The word "ire" is commonly used to describe a hot or intense reaction, specifically referring to anger or wrath. Therefore, "ire" is the right solution for the clue "Hot reaction."

Idris of “The Suicide Squad” : ELBA

The answer is "ELBA" because Idris Elba is the actor who starred in "The Suicide Squad."

Idris of “The Suicide Squad” : ELBA

The answer is "ELBA" because Idris Elba is the actor who appeared in "The Suicide Squad."

Includes on an email : CCS

The answer "CCS" stands for "Carbon Copies," which is a common feature in email systems. When you include someone on an email by adding their email address in the "CC" field, they receive a copy of the email along with the primary recipient.

Infield bounce : HOP

The term "infield bounce" refers to a ball bouncing in the infield area of a baseball or softball field. The word "HOP" is a commonly used term to describe this type of bounce.

Last : Abbr.

The word "last" can mean to continue or endure. "Endure" fits this definition as it means to persist or withstand over time.

Last : Abbr.

The word "last" indicates the final or ultimate position or occurrence. "FINAL" means the same thing, making it the right solution.

Last : Abbr.

The answer "Abbr." is short for abbreviation, which is a shortened form of a word. Since the clue is "Last," it is indicating that we are looking for the last letters of a word, hence the abbreviation "Abbr."

Like kale : LEAFY

The answer "LEAFY" is the right solution because kale is a leafy vegetable, meaning it has a lot of leaves.

Manicurist’s application : POLISH

The answer "POLISH" is the right solution because it is a common product that a manicurist would use to apply a shiny and protective coat to nails.

Metal for construction beams : STEEL

The answer to "Metal for construction beams" is "STEEL" because steel is a strong and durable material commonly used in construction for its load-bearing capabilities.

Molelike mammal : SHREW

The answer to "Molelike mammal" is "SHREW" because shrews are small, insect-eating mammals that resemble moles in their burrowing habits and appearance. They have long noses and sharp teeth, making them similar to moles in certain ways.

More reasonable : SANER

The word "saner" is the comparative form of the adjective "sane," meaning mentally stable or rational. In the context of the clue "More reasonable," "saner" fits perfectly as it suggests a higher level of reasonableness compared to other options.

Musical conclusions : CODAS

The term "CODAS" refers to musical conclusions or endings. In music, a coda is a passage that brings a piece to a close, often with a distinct and conclusive ending. Therefore, "CODAS" is the appropriate answer for the clue "Musical conclusions."

Not moving : AT REST

The word "still" means not moving or not in motion. It is a perfect fit for the clue "Not moving." Therefore, "still" is the right solution.

Not moving : AT REST

The answer "AT REST" is the right solution because it means being in a state of not moving or being inactive. It perfectly fits the clue "Not moving."

Not us : THEM

The answer "THEM" is the right solution because it refers to a group of people or individuals other than "us". It is a pronoun used to indicate people or things that are not part of our own group.

Notable time period : ERA

The answer is "ERA" because it is a commonly used term to describe a significant and distinct period of time in history.

On the ball : ALERT

The phrase "on the ball" means being attentive, aware, and ready to act. The word "alert" means exactly that, making it a suitable answer for the clue.

On the ball : ALERT

The answer "ALERT" is the right solution to the clue "On the ball" because it means being attentive, quick to notice or react to things, which is synonymous with being "on the ball."

One with a souped-up ride : HOT-RODDER

The term "hot-rodder" refers to someone who modifies or enhances the performance of their car, commonly known as a "ride." This answer fits the clue perfectly as it describes someone who has a souped-up ride.

Part of a place setting : UTENSIL

The answer "UTENSIL" is the right solution because it refers to a tool or implement commonly used for eating, such as a fork, knife, or spoon. It is a part of a place setting as it is essential for dining and serving food.

Pennsylvania’s Gem City : ERIE

The answer to "Pennsylvania's Gem City" is "ERIE" because Erie is commonly referred to as the "Gem City" due to its scenic beauty and location on the shores of Lake Erie.

Pharmaceutical watchdog gp. : FDA

The answer is "FDA" because it stands for the Food and Drug Administration, which is a regulatory agency responsible for overseeing pharmaceuticals and ensuring their safety and efficacy.

Pocketed, as a billiard ball : SANK

The answer "SANK" is the right solution because when a billiard ball is pocketed, it sinks or goes down into one of the pockets on the billiard table.

Poses questions : ASKS

The word "asks" is the right solution because it means to pose or present questions. It is a simple and concise word that fits the clue perfectly.

Protest without marchers : SIT-IN

The answer "SIT-IN" is the right solution because a sit-in is a form of protest where participants occupy a space, typically a public area, and refuse to leave. Unlike other forms of protest that involve marching or demonstrations, a sit-in is a peaceful and nonviolent way to express dissent or demand change.

Quite often : A LOT

The answer "A LOT" is the right solution because it means "quite often" or "frequently." It is a common phrase used to describe a high frequency of occurrence.

Radioactive decay emission : GAMMA RAY

The answer "GAMMA RAY" is the right solution because in the context of radioactive decay, gamma rays are a form of high-energy electromagnetic radiation that is emitted.

Regimen for injured athletes : REHAB

The answer "REHAB" is the right solution because it is a commonly used term to refer to the regimen or program designed for injured athletes to recover and regain their strength and abilities.

Rome’s __ Fountain : TREVI

The Trevi Fountain is a famous fountain in Rome, Italy. It is the largest Baroque fountain in the city and one of the most popular tourist attractions. Therefore, "Rome's __ Fountain" is commonly referring to the Trevi Fountain.

Rome’s __ Fountain : TREVI

The answer "TREVI" is the right solution because the Trevi Fountain is a famous landmark in Rome, Italy.

Send for a second opinion : REFER

The word "REFER" is the right solution because it means to send or direct someone to another person or source for a second opinion or further information.

Set of beliefs : CREED

The answer "CREED" fits the clue "Set of beliefs" because a creed is a statement of the beliefs or principles that guide someone's actions or worldview.

Set of beliefs : CREED

The answer "CREDO" is derived from the Latin word for "I believe," and it commonly refers to a set of beliefs or guiding principles.

Shakespeare’s lang. : ENG

The answer to "Shakespeare's lang." is "ENG" because it is a common abbreviation for the English language.

Swerve back and forth, as a car’s rear end, or a feature of the answer to each starred clue : FISHTAIL or FISH-TAIL

The term "swerving back and forth" describes the movement of a car's rear end when it fishtails. The answer to each starred clue is a word or phrase that can be hyphenated to include "tail," which is a synonym for the rear end. Therefore, "FISHTAIL" or "FISH-TAIL" is the correct solution.

Tachometer marking : REDLINE

The answer "REDLINE" is the right solution because the tachometer is a gauge in a vehicle that measures the engine's revolutions per minute (RPM). The redline is the highest RPM at which the engine can safely operate. Therefore, "REDLINE" is the marking on the tachometer that indicates this limit.

Thermometer type : ORAL

The answer "ORAL" is the right solution because it refers to a type of thermometer that is used orally, meaning it is placed under the tongue to measure body temperature.

Threatening forecast : STORM

The answer "STORM" fits the clue "Threatening forecast" because storms are often associated with dark skies, strong winds, and heavy rain, which can be perceived as threatening.

Toll road : TURNPIKE

The answer to "Toll road" is "TURNPIKE" because a turnpike is a type of road where drivers must pay a fee or toll to use it.

Towel off : DRY

The answer to "Towel off" is "DRY" because when you towel off, you are removing moisture from your body, leaving you dry.

Under siege : BESET

The word "beset" means to surround and harass, which is similar to the meaning of "under siege."

Under siege : BESET

The word "BESET" means to be surrounded or attacked from all sides, which aligns with the clue "Under siege."

Univ. aides : TAS

The abbreviation "TAS" stands for "teaching assistants," which are commonly referred to as university aides.

Volume of maps : ATLAS

The answer to "Volume of maps" is "ATLAS" because an atlas is a book or volume that contains maps of various places.

Walked proudly : STRODE

The word "STRODE" is the right solution because it means to walk with long, confident steps. It fits the clue "walked proudly" perfectly.

Waterway that translates to “big river” : RIO GRANDE

The answer to the clue "Waterway that translates to 'big river'" is "RIO GRANDE" because "Rio Grande" is a Spanish term that translates to "big river."

__ de cologne : EAU

The answer "EAU" is the right solution because "de cologne" refers to cologne or a type of perfume, and "EAU" is the French word for "water," which is commonly used in the names of perfumes.

“Coming up next … ” : AND NOW …

The answer "AND NOW..." fits the clue "Coming up next..." because it is a commonly used phrase that indicates a transition or introduction to what will follow. It is a concise and appropriate response to the clue.

“If nothing changes … ” : AS IT IS …

The phrase "as it is" means that things will remain the same without any changes. Therefore, it is the right solution for the clue "If nothing changes..."

“I’m all ears!” : TELL ME!

LAYITONME is a phrase that means "tell me everything" or "I'm listening attentively". This fits the clue "I'm all ears", which means the same thing.

“I’m all ears!” : TELL ME!

The phrase "I'm all ears!" is a colloquial expression that means someone is fully attentive and ready to listen. The answer "TELL ME!" is a direct and concise way of conveying the same meaning.

“Let’s __ a Deal” : MAKE

The phrase "Let's make a deal" is a common expression used when negotiating or coming to an agreement. Therefore, the answer "MAKE" fits perfectly as it completes the phrase and makes logical sense in the context of the clue.

“Nancy Drew” actress Lewis : LEAH

The answer "LEAH" is the right solution because the actress who played Nancy Drew in the 2007 film adaptation is named Emma Roberts, and her character's name is Nancy Drew, not Leah. Therefore, "unknown" is the correct response in this case.

“Now You See Me” actress Fisher : ISLA

The answer is "ISLA" because Isla Fisher is an actress who starred in the movie "Now You See Me."

“Of course!” : YES! Down 1 Chocolate morsels

The answer to "Of course!" is "YES!" because it is a common expression used to indicate agreement or affirmation. The exclamation mark emphasizes the enthusiasm or certainty of the response. For the clue "Chocolate morsels" with five letters, the answer could be "CHIPS" as it is a common term used for small pieces of chocolate often used in baking or as a topping.

“Of course!” : YES! Down 1 Chocolate morsels

The answer "AHA!" is a common expression used to convey understanding or realization, similar to saying "Of course!" in response to something that is obvious or expected.

“The World Is Not Enough” actress Richards : DENISE

The answer to "The World Is Not Enough" actress Richards is "DENISE" because Denise Richards is the actress who starred in the movie "The World Is Not Enough".

“There __ enough hours in the day!” : AREN’T

The clue "There __ enough hours in the day!" is an expression indicating that there is a lack of time. The correct answer "AREN'T" is the contraction of "are not," which completes the sentence and conveys the meaning that there is a shortage of hours in a day.

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